immesys / wave

Wide Area Verified Exchange - version 3
MIT License
33 stars 15 forks source link

IPFS storage provider #2

Closed gtfierro closed 6 years ago

gtfierro commented 6 years ago

Not implemented for now:

I will take the time soon to write down exactly what we understand the issues are with implementing these directly over IPFS/IPNS so we can actually make the call if its possible.



immesys commented 6 years ago

The idiomatic way to check hash format is a type assertion: hashInstance.(*iapi.HashSchemeInstance_X)

gtfierro commented 6 years ago

OK cool I've used the type assertion in the latest commit. I have all of my questions answered now Is there anything you'd like me to add/fix for this to be merged in?

immesys commented 6 years ago

No, it looks fine at a code level. I might have feedback after I test it out, but I'll merge it as is.