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Reobfuscation option? #5

Closed bspkrs closed 11 years ago

bspkrs commented 11 years ago

I'm not going to pretend to know how easy or hard it may be, but it would be really cool if deobfuscated jars/zips could be reobfuscated using a different MCP folder. Would make updates for small mods really easy assuming the mappings haven't changed names.

Cloudhunter commented 11 years ago

You can probably use MCP to do that - just put the deobsfucated classes in the MCP bin folder, and run reobsfucate.

Xfel commented 11 years ago

Technically, BON has a reobfuscation mode. It's just not accessible from the gui. I tested it, and as far as I see it works quite well

bspkrs commented 11 years ago

@Xfel Can you elaborate on the reobfuscation mode? Is it CLI only?

Xfel commented 11 years ago

I only tested it with the minecraftforge joined mode, but as far as I see, the others should work, too.