immich-app / immich

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
44.16k stars 2.15k forks source link

search engine not working creating errors in the log #10654

Closed canedje closed 2 months ago

canedje commented 2 months ago

The bug

The search engine is not working anymore, creating errors in Log Starting the docker also takes long time

The OS that Immich Server is running on

Unraid docker

Version of Immich Server


Version of Immich Mobile App

not used

Platform with the issue

Your docker-compose.yml content

docker run
  -e TZ="Europe/Berlin"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Tower2"
  -e 'DB_HOSTNAME'=''
  -e 'DB_USERNAME'='canedje'
  -e 'DB_PASSWORD'='JoNiDa-001'
  -e 'DB_DATABASE_NAME'='immich'
  -e 'DB_PORT'='5432'
  -e 'REDIS_PORT'='6379'
  -e 'REDIS_PASSWORD'='redis'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'UMASK'='022'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=''
  -p '8089:8080/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/remotes/NAS_NetwerkSchijf/Media/immich/photos/':'/photos':'rw,slave'
  -v '/mnt/remotes/NAS_NetwerkSchijf/Media/immich/import/':'/import':'ro,slave'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/immich':'/config':'rw' ''

The command finished successfully!

Your .env content

I do not know what this means

Reproduction steps

1. Update Immich.
Start Docker

Relevant log output

[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM   ERROR [Microservices:MetadataService] Unable to initialize reverse geocoding: QueryFailedError: relation "geodata_places" does not exist
QueryFailedError: relation "geodata_places" does not exist
    at PostgresQueryRunner.query (/app/immich/server/node_modules/typeorm/driver/postgres/PostgresQueryRunner.js:219:19)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async PostgresQueryRunner.clearTable (/app/immich/server/node_modules/typeorm/driver/postgres/PostgresQueryRunner.js:1584:9)
    at async EntityManager.clear (/app/immich/server/node_modules/typeorm/entity-manager/EntityManager.js:679:20)
    at async MapRepository.importGeodata (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/map.repository.js:143:13)
    at async MapRepository.init (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/map.repository.js:56:9)
    at async /app/immich/server/dist/repositories/database.repository.js:177:23
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found

       __  _____ _____       __
      / / |_   _/ ____|     / /
     / /    | || |  __     / /
    / /     | || | |_ |   / /
   / /     _| || |__| |  / /
  /_/     |_____\_____| /_/

  Baseimage from
2024-06-27 11:02:15.865703673 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 299, index: 5, mask: {12, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
2024-06-27 11:02:15.865716328 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 300, index: 6, mask: {13, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
╠═══════════════════════════════╣2024-06-27 11:02:15.865776001 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 302, index: 8, mask: {15, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
2024-06-27 11:02:15.878523986 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 301, index: 7, mask: {14, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.

2024-06-27 11:02:15.883381294 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 303, index: 9, mask: {16, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
2024-06-27 11:02:15.887382031 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 304, index: 10, mask: {17, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
2024-06-27 11:02:15.889445144 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 306, index: 12, mask: {19, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
2024-06-27 11:02:15.893504614 [E:onnxruntime:Default, ThreadMain] pthread_setaffinity_np failed for thread: 305, index: 11, mask: {18, }, error code: 22 error msg: Invalid argument. Specify the number of threads explicitly so the affinity is not set.
  To support this applications developer(s) visit:[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:02:16 AM   ERROR [Api:Error: Machine learning request to "" failed with SocketError: other side closed

    at /app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:19:19
    at async MachineLearningRepository.predict (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:18:21)
    at async MachineLearningRepository.encodeText (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:47:26)
    at async SearchService.searchSmart (/app/immich/server/dist/services/search.service.js:96:27)~sv2v9jjq] Failed to search smart
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:02:16 AM   ERROR [Api:Error: Machine learning request to "" failed with SocketError: other side closed
    at /app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:19:19
    at async MachineLearningRepository.predict (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:18:21)
╠═══════════════════════════════╣    at async MachineLearningRepository.encodeText (/app/immich/server/dist/repositories/machine-learning.repository.js:47:26)
    at async SearchService.searchSmart (/app/immich/server/dist/services/search.service.js:96:27)~sv2v9jjq] Error: Machine learning request to "" failed with SocketError: other side closed

  User/Group ID:
  User UID: 99
  User GID: 100
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found

       __  _____ _____       __
      / / |_   _/ ____|     / /
     / /    | || |  __     / /
    / /     | || | |_ |   / /
   / /     _| || |__| |  / /
  /_/     |_____\_____| /_/

  Baseimage from
  To support this applications developer(s) visit:
  User/Group ID:
  User UID: 99
  User GID: 100
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
Detected CPU Cores: 20
Starting api worker
Starting microservices worker
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:EventRepository] Initialized websocket server
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Microservices:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:SystemConfigService] LogLevel=log (set via system config)
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Microservices:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Microservices:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Microservices:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:MapRepository] Initializing metadata repository
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Initialized websocket server
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Api:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:SystemConfigService] LogLevel=log (set via system config)
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM   FATAL [Microservices:MapRepository] Error importing geodata
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM   FATAL [Microservices:MapRepository] QueryFailedError: relation "geodata_places" does not exist
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryCoreModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ClsModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] EventEmitterModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmCoreModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] MicroservicesModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:NestApplication] Nest application successfully started
[Nest] 174  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Microservices:Bootstrap] Immich Microservices is running [v1.106.4] [PRODUCTION] 
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Api:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM    WARN [Api:DuplicateService] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:ApiService] Feature Flags: {
  "smartSearch": true,
  "facialRecognition": true,
  "duplicateDetection": true,
  "map": true,
  "reverseGeocoding": true,
  "sidecar": true,
  "search": true,
  "trash": true,
  "oauth": false,
  "oauthAutoLaunch": false,
  "passwordLogin": true,
  "configFile": false,
  "email": false
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryCoreModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ClsModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] EventEmitterModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ScheduleModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmCoreModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ApiModule dependencies initialized
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] APIKeyController {/api/api-keys}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ActivityController {/api/activities}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities/statistics, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AlbumController {/api/albums}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/count, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, PATCH} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/assets, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/assets, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/users, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/user/:userId, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/user/:userId, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AppController {/api}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/.well-known/immich, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/custom.css, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AssetController {/api/assets}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/memory-lane, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/random, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/device/:deviceId, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/statistics, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/jobs, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/stack/parent, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AssetMediaController {/api/assets}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/original, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/original, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/thumbnail, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/video/playback, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/exist, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/bulk-upload-check, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AuditController {/api/audit}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/audit/deletes, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AuthController {/api/auth}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/login, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/admin-sign-up, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/validateToken, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/change-password, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/logout, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] DownloadController {/api/download}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/download/info, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/download/archive, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] DuplicateController {/api/duplicates}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/duplicates, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] FaceController {/api/faces}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/faces, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/faces/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] JobController {/api/jobs}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/jobs, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/jobs/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] LibraryController {/api/libraries}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/validate, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/statistics, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/scan, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/removeOffline, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] MapController {/api/map}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/map/markers, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/map/style.json, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] MemoryController {/api/memories}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id/assets, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id/assets, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] NotificationController {/api/notifications}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/notifications/test-email, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] OAuthController {/api/oauth}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/mobile-redirect, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/authorize, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/callback, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/link, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/unlink, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] PartnerController {/api/partners}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] PersonController {/api/people}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/statistics, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/thumbnail, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/assets, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/reassign, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/merge, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ReportController {/api/reports}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports/checksum, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports/fix, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SearchController {/api/search}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/metadata, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/smart, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/explore, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/person, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/places, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/cities, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/suggestions, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ServerInfoController {/api/server-info}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/storage, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/ping, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/version, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/features, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/theme, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/config, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/statistics, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/media-types, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SessionController {/api/sessions}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SharedLinkController {/api/shared-links}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/me, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, PATCH} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id/assets, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id/assets, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SyncController {/api/sync}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sync/full-sync, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sync/delta-sync, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SystemConfigController {/api/system-config}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config/defaults, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config/storage-template-options, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SystemMetadataController {/api/system-metadata}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/admin-onboarding, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/admin-onboarding, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/reverse-geocoding-state, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TagController {/api/tags}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, PATCH} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TimelineController {/api/timeline}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/timeline/buckets, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/timeline/bucket, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TrashController {/api/trash}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/empty, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/restore, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/restore/assets, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] UserAdminController {/api/admin/users}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/preferences, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/preferences, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/restore, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] UserController {/api/users}:
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me/preferences, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me/preferences, PUT} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/:id, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/profile-image, POST} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/profile-image, DELETE} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/:id/profile-image, GET} route
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:NestApplication] Nest application successfully started
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:01:54 AM     LOG [Api:Bootstrap] Immich Server is listening on http://[::1]:8080 [v1.106.4] [PRODUCTION] 
[ig-init] done.
[06/27/24 11:01:56] INFO     Starting gunicorn 22.0.0                           
[06/27/24 11:01:56] INFO     Listening at: (245)            
[06/27/24 11:01:56] INFO     Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker        
[06/27/24 11:01:56] INFO     Booting worker with pid: 270                       
[06/27/24 11:01:59] INFO     Started server process [270]                       
[06/27/24 11:01:59] INFO     Waiting for application startup.                   
[06/27/24 11:01:59] INFO     Created in-memory cache with unloading after 300s  
                             of inactivity.                                     
[06/27/24 11:01:59] INFO     Initialized request thread pool with 20 threads.   
[06/27/24 11:01:59] INFO     Application startup complete.                      
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:02:10 AM    WARN [Api:DuplicateService~8lb5wt4n] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:02:10 AM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Websocket Connect:    5DRoPF35O3dG6ML5AAAB
[Nest] 193  - 06/27/2024, 11:02:15 AM    WARN [Api:DuplicateService~sv2v9jjq] Unknown keys found: {
  "job": {
    "objectTagging": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "recognizeFaces": {
      "concurrency": 3
    "storageTemplateMigration": {
      "concurrency": 8
[06/27/24 11:02:15] INFO     Setting 'ViT-B-32__openai' execution providers to  
                             ['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'], 
                             in descending order of preference                  
[06/27/24 11:02:15] INFO     Loading textual model 'ViT-B-32__openai' to memory 
[06/27/24 11:02:16] ERROR    Worker (pid:270) was sent SIGSEGV!                 
[06/27/24 11:02:16] INFO     Booting worker with pid: 307                       
[06/27/24 11:02:18] INFO     Started server process [307]                       
[06/27/24 11:02:18] INFO     Waiting for application startup.                   
[06/27/24 11:02:18] INFO     Created in-memory cache with unloading after 300s  
                             of inactivity.                                     
[06/27/24 11:02:18] INFO     Initialized request thread pool with 20 threads.   
[06/27/24 11:02:18] INFO     Application startup complete.

Additional information

It did work before on the same version. There was an update available with the docker with the same version

canedje commented 2 months ago

This is not a discussion, but an error

mmomjian commented 2 months ago

Issues are mostly for confirmed bugs in Immich. This seems like a deployment issue. Please use the discussion thread.