immich-app / immich

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
47.33k stars 2.4k forks source link

VAAPI hardware transcoding gets stuck indefinitely (with no errors) #10738

Open TheNickOfTime opened 3 months ago

TheNickOfTime commented 3 months ago

The bug

Hardware transcoding is hanging/getting stuck indefinitely with no errors running with VAAPI on my system with a Ryzen 5600g. image

I log the power draw of my NAS that immich runs on to home-assistant, and I checked the power consumption history for the month of June. To my surprise power consumption was almost double of what it normally is starting mid-month. I checked running processes and found that ffmpeg was causing the primary load on my CPU. I went to the admin dashboard for immich and saw that it was still running transcode jobs that I had started on the date of the spike, and moreover the number of jobs had not meaningfully changed since then (~700), meaning it had been stuck on the same video this whole time. image

I cleared the transcode queue, restarted immich, and started transcoding for missing videos again (repeated these steps a few times as well) and it would get stuck on the first video it attempts to transcode.

Additionally I tried setting the "Preferred Hardware Device" property from "auto" which was selecting /dev/dri/card0 to /dev/dri/rednerD128 to no avail.

The OS that Immich Server is running on

Debian 12

Version of Immich Server


Version of Immich Mobile App

v1.106.3 build.160

Platform with the issue

Your docker-compose.yml content

    container_name: immich-server
      - /dev/dri/:/dev/dri/
      - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /storage/cache/immich/encoded-video:/usr/src/app/upload/encoded-video
      - /storage/homes/nick/Photos:/usr/src/app/upload/library/nick
      - .env
      - 2283:3001
      - redis
      - database
    restart: always
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false"

    container_name: immich-machine-learning
      - ./data/model-cache:/cache
      - .env
    restart: always
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false"

    container_name: immich-redis
    image: redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:70a7a5b641117670beae0d80658430853896b5ef269ccf00d1827427e3263fa3
    restart: always
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false"

    container_name: immich_postgres
    image: tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0
      - .env
      - ./data/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: always
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false"

Your .env content

# You can find documentation for all the supported env variables at

# The location where your uploaded files are stored

# The Immich version to use. You can pin this to a specific version like "v1.71.0"

# Connection secret for postgres. You should change it to a random password

# The values below this line do not need to be changed


Reproduction steps

1. Start up immich
2. Go to 'Administration'
3. Go to 'Jobs'
4. Click 'Missing' under 'Transcode Videos'
5. Wait a reasonable amount of time for any amount of videos to finish trancoding

Relevant log output

immich-redis             | 1:C 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.685 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
immich-redis             | 1:C 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.685 # Redis version=6.2.12, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
immich-redis             | 1:C 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.685 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
immich-redis             | 1:M 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.686 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
immich-redis             | 1:M 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.686 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
immich-redis             | 1:M 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.686 # Server initialized
immich-redis             | 1:M 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.687 # WARNING Memory overcommit must be enabled! Without it, a background save or replication may fail under low memory condition. Being disabled, it can can also cause failures without low memory condition, see To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
immich-redis             | 1:M 01 Jul 2024 23:48:08.687 * Ready to accept connections
immich_postgres          | 
immich_postgres          | PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
immich_postgres          | 
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.746 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.10 (Debian 14.10-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.746 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.746 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.748 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.750 UTC [27] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2024-07-01 23:48:01 UTC
immich_postgres          | [2024-07-01T23:48:08Z INFO  service::utils::clean] Find directory "pg_vectors/indexes/127536".
immich_postgres          | [2024-07-01T23:48:08Z INFO  service::utils::clean] Find directory "pg_vectors/indexes/160820".
immich_postgres          | [2024-07-01T23:48:08Z INFO  service::utils::clean] Find directory "pg_vectors/indexes/160820/segments/5d1a9b9c-64a0-4c9c-842f-d3007e4a2f54".
immich_postgres          | 2024-07-01 23:48:08.756 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
immich_postgres          | [2024-07-01T23:48:08Z INFO  service::utils::clean] Find directory "pg_vectors/indexes/127536/segments/d1eae3a5-f8a6-4226-b5e6-04f75b1d833e".
immich-server            | Detected CPU Cores: 12
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:09] INFO     Starting gunicorn 22.0.0                           
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:09] INFO     Listening at: http://[::]:3003 (9)                 
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:09] INFO     Using worker: app.config.CustomUvicornWorker       
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:09] INFO     Booting worker with pid: 10                        
immich-server            | Starting api worker
immich-server            | Starting microservices worker
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:12] INFO     Started server process [10]                        
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:12] INFO     Waiting for application startup.                   
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:12] INFO     Created in-memory cache with unloading after 300s  
immich-machine-learning  |                              of inactivity.                                     
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:12] INFO     Initialized request thread pool with 12 threads.   
immich-machine-learning  | [07/01/24 23:48:12] INFO     Application startup complete.                      
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:EventRepository] Initialized websocket server
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:SystemConfigService] LogLevel=log (set via system config)
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:MapRepository] Initializing metadata repository
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:MetadataService] Initialized local reverse geocoder
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryCoreModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ClsModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] EventEmitterModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmCoreModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:InstanceLoader] MicroservicesModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:NestApplication] Nest application successfully started
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Microservices:Bootstrap] Immich Microservices is running [v1.106.4] [PRODUCTION] 
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Initialized websocket server
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:SystemConfigService] LogLevel=log (set via system config)
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:ApiService] Feature Flags: {
immich-server            |   "smartSearch": true,
immich-server            |   "facialRecognition": true,
immich-server            |   "duplicateDetection": true,
immich-server            |   "map": true,
immich-server            |   "reverseGeocoding": true,
immich-server            |   "sidecar": true,
immich-server            |   "search": true,
immich-server            |   "trash": true,
immich-server            |   "oauth": false,
immich-server            |   "oauthAutoLaunch": false,
immich-server            |   "passwordLogin": true,
immich-server            |   "configFile": false,
immich-server            |   "email": false
immich-server            | }
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] OpenTelemetryCoreModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ClsModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] EventEmitterModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ScheduleModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] BullModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmCoreModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] TypeOrmModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:InstanceLoader] ApiModule dependencies initialized
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] APIKeyController {/api/api-keys}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/api-keys/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ActivityController {/api/activities}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities/statistics, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/activities/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AlbumController {/api/albums}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/count, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, PATCH} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/assets, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/assets, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/users, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/user/:userId, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/albums/:id/user/:userId, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AppController {/api}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/.well-known/immich, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/custom.css, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AssetController {/api/assets}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/memory-lane, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/random, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/device/:deviceId, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/statistics, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/jobs, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/stack/parent, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AssetMediaController {/api/assets}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/original, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/original, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/thumbnail, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/:id/video/playback, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/exist, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/assets/bulk-upload-check, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AuditController {/api/audit}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/audit/deletes, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] AuthController {/api/auth}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/login, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/admin-sign-up, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/validateToken, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/change-password, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/auth/logout, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] DownloadController {/api/download}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/download/info, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/download/archive, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] DuplicateController {/api/duplicates}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/duplicates, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] FaceController {/api/faces}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/faces, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/faces/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] JobController {/api/jobs}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/jobs, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/jobs/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] LibraryController {/api/libraries}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/validate, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/statistics, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/scan, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/libraries/:id/removeOffline, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] MapController {/api/map}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/map/markers, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/map/style.json, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] MemoryController {/api/memories}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id/assets, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/memories/:id/assets, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] NotificationController {/api/notifications}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/notifications/test-email, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] OAuthController {/api/oauth}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/mobile-redirect, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/authorize, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/callback, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/link, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/oauth/unlink, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] PartnerController {/api/partners}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/partners/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] PersonController {/api/people}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/statistics, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/thumbnail, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/assets, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/reassign, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/people/:id/merge, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ReportController {/api/reports}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports/checksum, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/reports/fix, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SearchController {/api/search}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/metadata, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/smart, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/explore, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/person, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/places, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/cities, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/search/suggestions, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] ServerInfoController {/api/server-info}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/storage, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/ping, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/version, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/features, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/theme, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/config, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/statistics, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/server-info/media-types, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SessionController {/api/sessions}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sessions/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SharedLinkController {/api/shared-links}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/me, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, PATCH} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id/assets, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/shared-links/:id/assets, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SyncController {/api/sync}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sync/full-sync, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/sync/delta-sync, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SystemConfigController {/api/system-config}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config/defaults, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-config/storage-template-options, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] SystemMetadataController {/api/system-metadata}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/admin-onboarding, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/admin-onboarding, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/system-metadata/reverse-geocoding-state, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TagController {/api/tags}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, PATCH} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/tags/:id/assets, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TimelineController {/api/timeline}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/timeline/buckets, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/timeline/bucket, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] TrashController {/api/trash}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/empty, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/restore, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/trash/restore/assets, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] UserAdminController {/api/admin/users}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/preferences, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/preferences, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/admin/users/:id/restore, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RoutesResolver] UserController {/api/users}:
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me/preferences, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/me/preferences, PUT} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/:id, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/profile-image, POST} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/profile-image, DELETE} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:RouterExplorer] Mapped {/api/users/:id/profile-image, GET} route
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:NestApplication] Nest application successfully started
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:12 PM     LOG [Api:Bootstrap] Immich Server is listening on http://[::1]:3001 [v1.106.4] [PRODUCTION] 
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:17 PM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Websocket Connect:    EXHH7cyq16k0M-8aAAAB
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:24 PM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Websocket Disconnect: EXHH7cyq16k0M-8aAAAB
immich-server            | [Nest] 17  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:24 PM     LOG [Api:EventRepository] Websocket Connect:    nNuSUXZtuNQx5UtjAAAD
immich-server            | [Nest] 7  - 07/01/2024, 11:48:31 PM     LOG [Microservices:MediaService] Started encoding video 8adccb24-c181-444e-a146-191324fcbdd7 {"inputOptions":["-init_hw_device vaapi=accel:/dev/dri/renderD128","-filter_hw_device accel"],"outputOptions":["-c:v h264_vaapi","-c:a copy","-movflags faststart","-fps_mode passthrough","-map 0:0","-map 0:1","-g 256","-v verbose","-vf format=nv12,hwupload","-compression_level 5","-qp:v 23","-global_quality:v 23","-rc_mode 1"],"twoPass":false}

Additional information

I see there are some potentially similar issues to what I am experiencing, but the discussion seems to revolve around QSV so I felt it made sense to open a new issue.

mertalev commented 3 months ago

Can you try updating your kernel, restarting the PC and trying again?

TheNickOfTime commented 3 months ago

I think my kernel is already up to date, but I ran an apt update/upgrade (no new packages) and rebooted anyways. The issue still persists. I'd rather not change the default kernel I'm running (6.1.0-22-amd64), but if you expect the conflict is here I can consider it.

mertalev commented 3 months ago

This kind of issue is very often related to the kernel version. I can't say updating will definitely fix the issue, but there's a good chance it will.

dronnikovigor commented 3 months ago

@TheNickOfTime yeah, same issue here