immich-app / immich

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Failed to Smart Search #13198

Closed jdicioccio closed 2 weeks ago

jdicioccio commented 2 weeks ago

The bug

When doing a text search with Immich 1.117.0, I'm getting errors loading the model. I tried removing the model cache volume, but it just downloads the non-functioning model again.

The OS that Immich Server is running on

Debian bookworm

Version of Immich Server


Version of Immich Mobile App


Platform with the issue

Your docker-compose.yml content

name: immich

    container_name: immich_server
    extends: # uncomment this section for hardware acceleration - see
      file: hwaccel.transcoding.yml
      service: rkmpp # set to one of [nvenc, quicksync, rkmpp, vaapi, vaapi-wsl] for accelerated transcoding
      - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload
      - /data/photoprism/photos:/photoprism/photos:ro
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - .env
      - 2283:3001
      - redis
      - database
    restart: always
      disable: false

    container_name: immich_machine_learning
    # For hardware acceleration, add one of -[armnn, cuda, openvino] to the image tag.
    # Example tag: ${IMMICH_VERSION:-release}-cuda
    extends: # uncomment this section for hardware acceleration - see
      service: armnn # set to one of [armnn, cuda, openvino, openvino-wsl] for accelerated inference - use the `-wsl` version for WSL2 where applicable
      - model-cache:/cache
      - .env
    restart: always
      disable: false

    container_name: immich_redis
      test: redis-cli ping || exit 1
    restart: always

    container_name: immich_postgres
      POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS: '--data-checksums'
      - ${DB_DATA_LOCATION}:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      test: pg_isready --dbname='${DB_DATABASE_NAME}' --username='${DB_USERNAME}' || exit 1; Chksum="$$(psql --dbname='${DB_DATABASE_NAME}' --username='${DB_USERNAME}' --tuples-only --no-align --command='SELECT COALESCE(SUM(checksum_failures), 0) FROM pg_stat_database')"; echo "checksum failure count is $$Chksum"; [ "$$Chksum" = '0' ] || exit 1
      interval: 5m
      start_interval: 30s
      start_period: 5m
    restart: always
    command: ["postgres", "-c" ,"", "-c", 'search_path="$$user", public, vectors', "-c", "logging_collector=on", "-c", "max_wal_size=2GB", "-c", "shared_buffers=512MB", "-c", "wal_compression=on"]


Your .env content

# You can find documentation for all the supported env variables at

# The location where your uploaded files are stored
# The location where your database files are stored

# The Immich version to use. You can pin this to a specific version like "v1.71.0"

# Connection secret for postgres. You should change it to a random password

# The values below this line do not need to be changed

Reproduction steps

  1. Open mobile app or web app
  2. Perform a text search

Relevant log output

[10/05/24 01:06:28] INFO     Downloading textual model
                             'ViT-B-16-SigLIP-384__webli'. This may take a
Fetching 11 files: 100%|██████████| 11/11 [00:20<00:00,  1.83s/it]
[10/05/24 01:06:49] INFO     Loading textual model 'ViT-B-16-SigLIP-384__webli'
                             to memory
arm_release_ver: g13p0-01eac0, rk_so_ver: 10
[10/05/24 01:06:49] INFO     Loading ANN model
                             l.armnn ...
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Cast is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Signed32 and output data type Signed64 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClCastKernel.cpp:59: ITensor data type S64 not supported by this kernel), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Cast is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Gather is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/core/CL/kernels/CLGatherKernel.cpp:58: ITensor data type S64 not supported by this kernel), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Gather is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
Warning: WARNING: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on requested backend GpuAcc for input data type Float32 and output data type Float32 (reason: in validate_arguments src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClPermuteKernel.cpp:60: Permutation up to 4-D src tensor is supported), falling back to the next backend.
Warning: ERROR: Layer of type Transpose is not supported on any preferred backend [GpuAcc ]
[10/05/24 01:06:50] ERROR    Exception in ASGI application

                             ╭─────── Traceback (most recent call last) ───────╮
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in predict             │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   149 │   │   inputs = text                     │
                             │   150 │   else:                                 │
                             │   151 │   │   raise HTTPException(400, "Either  │
                             │ ❱ 152 │   response = await run_inference(inputs │
                             │   153 │   return ORJSONResponse(response)       │
                             │   154                                           │
                             │   155                                           │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in run_inference       │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   172 │   │   response[entry["task"]] = output  │
                             │   173 │                                         │
                             │   174 │   without_deps, with_deps = entries     │
                             │ ❱ 175 │   await asyncio.gather(*[_run_inference │
                             │   176 │   if with_deps:                         │
                             │   177 │   │   await asyncio.gather(*[_run_infer │
                             │   178 │   if isinstance(payload, Image):        │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in _run_inference      │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   166 │   │   │   except KeyError:              │
                             │   167 │   │   │   │   message = f"Task {entry[' │
                             │       output of {dep}"                          │
                             │   168 │   │   │   │   raise HTTPException(400,  │
                             │ ❱ 169 │   │   model = await load(model)         │
                             │   170 │   │   output = await run(model.predict, │
                             │   171 │   │   outputs[model.identity] = output  │
                             │   172 │   │   response[entry["task"]] = output  │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in load                │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   210 │   │   return model                      │
                             │   211 │                                         │
                             │   212 │   try:                                  │
                             │ ❱ 213 │   │   return await run(_load, model)    │
                             │   214 │   except (OSError, InvalidProtobuf, Bad │
                             │   215 │   │   log.warning(f"Failed to load {mod │
                             │       '{model.model_name}'. Clearing cache.")   │
                             │   216 │   │   model.clear_cache()               │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in run                 │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   185 │   if thread_pool is None:               │
                             │   186 │   │   return func(*args, **kwargs)      │
                             │   187 │   partial_func = partial(func, *args, * │
                             │ ❱ 188 │   return await asyncio.get_running_loop │
                             │   189                                           │
                             │   190                                           │
                             │   191 async def load(model: InferenceModel) ->  │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/local/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/th │
                             │ in run                               │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/ in _load               │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   197 │   │   │   raise HTTPException(500, f"Fa │
                             │   198 │   │   with lock:                        │
                             │   199 │   │   │   try:                          │
                             │ ❱ 200 │   │   │   │   model.load()              │
                             │   201 │   │   │   except FileNotFoundError as e │
                             │   202 │   │   │   │   if model.model_format ==  │
                             │   203 │   │   │   │   │   raise e               │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/models/ in load          │
                             │                                                 │
                             │    50 │   │                   │
                             │    51 │   │   attempt = f"Attempt #{self.load_a │
                             │       else "Loading"                            │
                             │    52 │   │"{attempt} {self.model_ │
                             │       '{self.model_name}' to memory")           │
                             │ ❱  53 │   │   self.session = self._load()       │
                             │    54 │   │   self.loaded = True                │
                             │    55 │                                         │
                             │    56 │   def predict(self, *inputs: Any, **mod │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/models/clip/ in _load │
                             │                                                 │
                             │    23 │   │   return res                        │
                             │    24 │                                         │
                             │    25 │   def _load(self) -> ModelSession:      │
                             │ ❱  26 │   │   session = super()._load()         │
                             │    27 │   │   log.debug(f"Loading tokenizer for │
                             │    28 │   │   self.tokenizer = self._load_token │
                             │    29 │   │   tokenizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any]  │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/models/ in _load         │
                             │                                                 │
                             │    75 │   │   )                                 │
                             │    76 │                                         │
                             │    77 │   def _load(self) -> ModelSession:      │
                             │ ❱  78 │   │   return self._make_session( │
                             │    79 │                                         │
                             │    80 │   def clear_cache(self) -> None:        │
                             │    81 │   │   if not self.cache_dir.exists():   │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/models/ in              │
                             │ _make_session                                   │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   105 │   │                                     │
                             │   106 │   │   match model_path.suffix:          │
                             │   107 │   │   │   case ".armnn":                │
                             │ ❱ 108 │   │   │   │   session: ModelSession = A │
                             │   109 │   │   │   case ".onnx":                 │
                             │   110 │   │   │   │   session = OrtSession(mode │
                             │   111 │   │   │   case _:                       │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/app/sessions/ in __init__     │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   23 │   │   self.ann = Ann(tuning_level=settin │
                             │      "gpu-tuning.ann").as_posix())              │
                             │   24 │   │                                      │
                             │   25 │   │"Loading ANN model %s ... │
                             │ ❱ 26 │   │   self.model = self.ann.load(        │
                             │   27 │   │   │   model_path.as_posix(),         │
                             │   28 │   │   │   cached_network_path=model_path │
                             │   29 │   │   │   fp16=settings.ann_fp16_turbo,  │
                             │                                                 │
                             │ /usr/src/ann/ in load                 │
                             │                                                 │
                             │   121 │   │   │   cached_network_path.encode()  │
                             │   122 │   │   )                                 │
                             │   123 │   │   if net_id < 0:                    │
                             │ ❱ 124 │   │   │   raise ValueError("Cannot load │
                             │   125 │   │                                     │
                             │   126 │   │   self.input_shapes[net_id] = tuple │
                             │   127 │   │   │   self.shape(net_id, input=True │
                             │       input=True))                              │
                             ValueError: Cannot load model!

Additional information

RK3588 CPU

bo0tzz commented 2 weeks ago

@mertalev I was under the impression that you were still working on RK3588 support?

mertalev commented 2 weeks ago

RK3588 is already supported for many models, but the siglip models are still WIP and apparently don't work.

jdicioccio commented 2 weeks ago

This used to work.. maybe before it was falling back to running on CPU?

mertalev commented 2 weeks ago

The ARMNN models just didn't exist before so it used CPU, but now they do exist but are broken. You can use the CPU image for machine learning for now to use CPU as before.