immich-app / immich

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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chore(web): icon consistency and improvements #9403

Closed NicholasFlamy closed 4 weeks ago

NicholasFlamy commented 4 weeks ago

Add change from outline to regular icon in sidebar when page selected to more of the icons (previously only applied to Photos, Sharing, and Favorites). Also change Favorites to single heart consistent with mobile app. (I can change anything if y'all would like.)

alextran1502 commented 4 weeks ago

Can you post before and after screenshot?

NicholasFlamy commented 4 weeks ago

Yes. Before:


jrasm91 commented 4 weeks ago

I think favorites (plural) should be a double icon, similar to photos. In fact, it was specifically changed to this originally. The mobile app probably just needs to be updated to match it.

NicholasFlamy commented 4 weeks ago

I think favorites (plural) should be a double icon, similar to photos. In fact, it was specifically changed to this originally. The mobile app probably just needs to be updated to match it.

I was really curious about this. I had a feeling it might have been on purpose. If y'all agree on it I'll make the change on the web and the mobile app. I do think that with the style of the button for Favorites on the mobile app a single heart looks better but for the web it doesn't matter to me as much, though on small screens with the sidebar closed I think it looks better.