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Duplicate notes created #287

Open tonybranfort opened 5 years ago

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

A note was duplicated 18 times for one client on 12/5/18. Haven't seen or heard of any other situations like this. Investigate. Client _id : '569d5444024548b509c76ead'

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago
let dups = {}; 
let limit = 1000;
let nIsDupWithinSecs = 30; 
let startNotes_id =  ObjectId("5c07e1bcbf328d0005a49212")
let a = db.notes.find({_id: {$lte: startNotes_id}}).sort({_id:-1}).limit(limit).toArray()    
let isWithinSecs = (note1, note2, nSecs) => {let secsBetween = Math.abs(note1.createdTS.valueOf() - note2.createdTS.valueOf()); return secsBetween < (nSecs * 1000);}
let fn = (note) => {
    let nMatch = a.filter((n) => 
      note._id.valueOf() !== n._id.valueOf() && 
      note.note === n.note &&
      isWithinSecs(note, n, nIsDupWithinSecs)
    if(nMatch.length > 1) dups[note.note] = {n: nMatch.length}; 
tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

Only dupes from last 8 months are a few (< 5) duplicates that occurred about 5 months ago. There is one triplicate about the same time and the one that generated this issue that had 17 duplicates. No dupes in last 4 months.

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

17 dupes on that one client: "createdTS" : ISODate("2018-12-05T14:33:32.472Z")

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

Looked through logs and no errors or any other issues that would give a hint. Does show the 17 note create requests coming through but they all look "normal" other than being duplicated.

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

Manually deleted duplicates on that one client. Closing.

tonybranfort commented 5 years ago

Another duplicate found on 12/4/18 for client diazyul0812

tonybranfort commented 3 years ago

3 Notes created 1/19/21 for mimbayr0819

tonybranfort commented 3 years ago
    let dups = {}; 
    let limit = 1000;  // NOTE - is resource intensive
    let nIsDupWithinSecs = 30; 
    //let startNotes_id =  ObjectId.fromDate(ISODate("2021-01-19T12:09:42Z"))  // this doesn't work as expect
    let startNotes_id =  new ObjectId()
    let isWithinSecs = (note1, note2, nSecs) => {let secsBetween = Math.abs(note1.createdTS.valueOf() - note2.createdTS.valueOf()); return secsBetween < (nSecs * 1000);}
    let fn = (note) => {
        let nMatch = a.filter((n) => 
          note._id.valueOf() !== n._id.valueOf() && 
          note.note === n.note &&
          isWithinSecs(note, n, nIsDupWithinSecs)
        if(nMatch.length > 1) dups[note._id] = {n: nMatch.length, note: note}; 
    let a = db.notes.find({_id: {$lte: startNotes_id}}).sort({_id:-1}).limit(limit).toArray()    