Have a CODEOWNERS file with content (see below) in you repo where you have a catalog-info.yaml entity
Have a EntityPage.tsx page using
Browse to the entity in backstage
You get following error message:
*@my.full.name is not a valid owner name in rule @my.full.name**
CODEOWNERS file content
* @my.full.name
The regex parsing the usern/group names in the CODEOWNERS file are very strict. I don't think this is necessary at all.
I doesn't matter what characters is used other than @ and [SPACE} (at least in the comtext of this plugin)
CODEOWNERS file content
Reason The regex parsing the usern/group names in the CODEOWNERS file are very strict. I don't think this is necessary at all. I doesn't matter what characters is used other than @ and [SPACE} (at least in the comtext of this plugin)
PR Proposal Parse with a much simpler regex And include . as allowed E.g. ^@([a-zA-Z0-9-\/<.]+)(\s@([a-zA-Z0-9-\/.]+))*$