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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟搞了10斤小龙虾刚好煮满一锅很美味哦 - #1056

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 May 16, 2020 at 12:31PM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

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vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:搞了10斤小龙虾,刚好煮满一锅,很美味哦 # Huanong Brothers: We've got kilograms of crayfish. They fill up the wok entirely. Tasty! 0:00:00.000,0:00:01.980 # 你看 今天搞了一點小龍蝦哦 Look! Today I have some crayfish here, 0:00:03.080,0:00:05.060 # 才十來斤 也不是很多 not a lot, not even ten kilograms. 0:00:05.760,0:00:06.260 # 我們用來 We can make a, 0:00:07.320,0:00:09.060 # 用來燜 燜小龍蝦 stew, stewed crayfish. 0:00:09.800,0:00:11.180 # 前兩天吃沒吃過癮 We had some a couple of days ago. But it was not even close to meet my crave. 0:00:11.900,0:00:13.600 # 今天再搞了十斤回來吃 So we have another couple of kilograms today. 0:00:14.700,0:00:15.600 # 我去拔點薄荷 I'm gonna pick some mint. 0:00:19.080,0:00:21.540 # 你看 這個菜園 這是我家的哦 Look! This veggie garden, belongs to me, you know. 0:00:22.780,0:00:25.640 # 你看 村里面幫我圍了個籬笆 這個很靚 Look! The villagers help me fence it up. The fence is really beautiful. 0:00:26.840,0:00:27.820 # 一大圈都圍起來了 The whole garden is fenced up. 0:00:29.920,0:00:30.700 # 比較美觀 It looks better. 0:00:30.860,0:00:32.180 # 一種上去全部活了 Everything inside grows really well, 0:00:33.020,0:00:33.660 # 好快呀 and fast. 0:00:34.260,0:00:37.220 # 長得好荿盛啊 才一個月不到就長成這樣子 They grow really well. It's not even half a month, and they're already growing so well. 0:00:40.900,0:00:42.380 # 我摘點 摘點薄荷葉 Let me pick some, pick some mint. 0:00:51.680,0:00:52.640 # 你看這些秧苗 Have a look at these seedlings! 0:00:53.300,0:00:54.300 # 長得好快呦 They grow really fast! 0:00:55.000,0:00:56.180 # 才種下去不到 They were planted, not even, 0:00:56.720,0:00:58.700 # 不到半個月 就成長這樣子啦 not even half a month ago. And they're growing so well now. 0:00:59.540,0:01:00.200 # 可以哦 Not bad! 0:01:01.340,0:01:04.160 # 我家種了五六畝地哦 到時候就不用去買糧食了 We've planted thousands of square meters. We don't need to buy the grains anymore. 0:01:05.500,0:01:07.340 # 自己收割 自己儲存 We can harvest and store our own grains. 0:01:09.060,0:01:10.360 # 一年到晚都有得吃 We'll have grains all year round. 0:01:27.280,0:01:28.000 # 好多草 So much grass 0:01:35.360,0:01:36.920 # 你看 就這個薄荷 Look! This is, mint. 0:01:37.320,0:01:38.440 # 都長那麼高啦 It's so tall now. 0:01:42.200,0:01:43.540 # 很嫩的哦 這個薄荷 It's really young and tender, the mint. 0:01:45.240,0:01:46.320 # 都是野生的 They all grow in the wild, 0:01:46.760,0:01:47.560 # 沒人的 and belong to nobody. 0:01:48.960,0:01:50.400 # 沒人就可以經常來摘 So I can come as often as I wish. 0:01:56.740,0:01:58.260 # 你看 這種就是真正的薄荷 Look! This is authentic mint. 0:01:58.640,0:01:59.520 # 像這個就不是 But this one isn't. 0:02:00.480,0:02:01.820 # 看上去都不一樣的 這種 It looks very different, this one. 0:02:02.700,0:02:03.540 # 這個有毛的 This one is hairy. 0:02:03.980,0:02:05.960 # 而且它葉子小 你看 這個是薄荷 Its leaves are small too. Look! This is mint. 0:02:08.260,0:02:09.440 # 長得那麼近 They grow so close to each other. 0:02:10.500,0:02:12.380 # 長得那麼近 我都分的出來 I can distinguish them though they grow so close to each other. 0:02:13.740,0:02:15.420 # 你看這種 這種就是 Have a look at this one. Here it is. 0:02:16.440,0:02:17.900 # 像我們一眼就能看得出來 Everybody here can distinguish without much effort. 0:02:19.660,0:02:20.280 # 這裡好多 Here's a lot. 0:02:24.040,0:02:25.180 # 摘了那麼多 夠了 We have so much here. It's enough. 0:02:26.160,0:02:27.480 # 要回去啦 下大雨啦 We need to go back. A rainstorm is coming. 0:02:28.380,0:02:30.040 # 哎呀 好香 好濃的味道 Aya! The rich scent of mint is really nice. 0:02:32.600,0:02:34.060 # 下雨了 要走快一點 We need to be fast. It's already raining. 0:02:41.000,0:02:44.780 # 下那麼大的雨 幸好我跑得快 要不然都變落湯雞了 It's raining cats and dogs. Fortunately we ran fast. Otherwise we would all get soaked. 0:02:45.920,0:02:46.740 # 柴也濕了 The firewood gets all soaked. 0:02:47.320,0:02:48.440 # 那些全部濕掉了 Those are all soaked. 0:02:49.480,0:02:50.580 # 我用那個煤氣 I'm gonna use gas. 0:02:51.460,0:02:52.200 # 煤氣來煮 I'll cook with gas. 0:02:53.180,0:02:53.920 # 這裡有煤氣 Here's the gas. 0:03:02.680,0:03:03.760 # 放郅哪裡 放這裡來 Where should we put it? Here? 0:03:24.240,0:03:24.860 # 就這樣 That's it. 0:03:41.700,0:03:43.760 # 這龍蝦都是 嫩的 The crayfish are all, pretty young. 0:03:50.480,0:03:51.480 # 把它先洗一下 Let me wash them first. 0:04:11.140,0:04:13.460 # 現在下雨呀 我們把蝦線取掉就好了 It's raining now. We're gonna simply remove the guts. 0:04:14.160,0:04:15.380 # 這個龍蝦很乾淨的 These crayfish are very clean. 0:04:27.620,0:04:28.120 # 你看 Look! 0:04:28.660,0:04:30.360 # 就這樣子 這樣子就很好搞了 So, so then it's pretty easy. 0:04:32.060,0:04:33.320 # 這小龍蝦要把這個 The crayfish, we need to, 0:04:34.080,0:04:34.660 # 抽出來 take this part out, 0:04:35.520,0:04:38.100 # 然後把尾巴 尾巴上這個蝦綫 先抽出來 and then the tail, the guts on the tail, we need to take it out first. 0:04:40.020,0:04:40.960 # 這樣就很乾淨 Then it's very clean now. 0:04:41.980,0:04:42.740 # 全是肉哇 There's only meat. 0:04:43.180,0:04:43.680 # 不用啃 There's no need to gnaw. 0:04:46.080,0:04:46.580 # 別動 Freeze! 0:04:48.100,0:04:49.560 # 揮舞著它的兩個鉗子 It's swinging its two pincers. 0:04:54.020,0:04:54.620 # 搞定 Done! 0:04:57.960,0:04:59.560 # 誒呦 來的那麼痛的 Ayo! It hurts! It pinches so hard! 0:05:00.360,0:05:00.860 # 誒呦 Ayo! 0:05:01.160,0:05:02.040 # 夾人的這個 It pinches! 0:05:20.820,0:05:21.940 # 這個很好吃的哦 This is really tasty, you know. 0:05:32.620,0:05:35.820 # 昨啦 胡韋汝 你眼神不對呀 What happens, Hu Weiru? You're showing the wrong facial expression. 0:05:40.560,0:05:41.220 # 要笑 You should smile. 0:06:03.660,0:06:04.540 # 把這個小龍蝦 I'm gonna wash, 0:06:05.140,0:06:06.000 # 先洗一下 wash the crayfish first, 0:06:07.160,0:06:07.920 # 洗多幾遍 wash them a few more times. 0:06:24.340,0:06:25.600 # 放點鹽去洗一下 Let me wash them with some salt, 0:06:28.460,0:06:29.440 # 整包放下去 I'll put the whole pack. 0:06:31.160,0:06:31.800 # 沒啦 No more 0:06:34.220,0:06:35.480 # 更入味了 這樣 They would be, more flavourful. 0:06:44.960,0:06:46.920 # 全部都 全部都不動了 None of them, none of them is moving anymore. 0:06:58.040,0:06:59.600 # 把這個 薄荷也洗一下 Let me, wash the mint as well. 0:07:05.600,0:07:06.360 # 拿到那邊去 I take them over there. 0:07:07.500,0:07:08.420 # 搞點薑 Get some ginger 0:07:14.140,0:07:15.960 # 像天使的翅膀一樣 It's like the wings of an angel. 0:07:18.260,0:07:20.260 # 它這樣像翅膀一樣的 會飛的 They are just like wings and can bring you to the sky, 0:07:21.040,0:07:22.100 # 小天使啊 like a little angel. 0:07:31.500,0:07:32.580 # 現在多搞點薑 I need a bit more ginger now. 0:07:53.100,0:07:54.000 # 蒜包呢 No garlic? 0:07:54.800,0:07:55.440 # 等一下 Moment 0:07:55.500,0:07:56.000 # 哈 What? 0:07:56.280,0:07:57.060 # 先等一下 A moment 0:07:57.140,0:07:58.120 # 有蒜包吧 We have garlic. 0:08:04.420,0:08:05.560 # 搞點大蒜 Put some garlic. 0:08:07.600,0:08:10.360 # 這個蒜包就不用剝啦 直接這樣拍就好啦 The garlic doesn't need to be peeled. We can simply smash it right away. 0:08:16.680,0:08:17.900 # 先把火燒起來 Let me light the fire first. 0:08:18.580,0:08:19.300 # 過一下水 We're gonna boil the crayfish. 0:08:19.500,0:08:20.540 # 過一下水再來 Blanch them for a while, and then, 0:08:20.820,0:08:21.580 # 再來炒 we'll fry them. 0:08:21.760,0:08:22.540 # 加一點水 Put some water. 0:08:32.460,0:08:35.100 # 先把小龍蝦 小龍蝦放下去哦 要過一下水 I first put the crayfish, the crayfish into the wok. I wanna blanch them for a while. 0:08:41.200,0:08:42.140 # 翻都翻不動 It's so packed. 0:08:42.280,0:08:42.780 # 可以 Alright! 0:08:43.700,0:08:45.080 # 剛剛好一鍋 One whole wok 0:08:53.940,0:08:55.000 # 先把它蓋一下 Let me cover it first. 0:09:03.240,0:09:04.100 # 水還沒開 Not yet 0:09:05.560,0:09:06.700 # 先煮一下它們 Blanch them for a while first. 0:09:21.100,0:09:23.040 # 哇 鮮紅的 Wa! Shinning red! 0:09:23.800,0:09:24.460 # 出鍋啦 It's done! 0:09:26.120,0:09:27.440 # 我去清洗一下 I'm gonna wash them. 0:09:38.780,0:09:39.600 # 把這個 I pour them, 0:09:41.380,0:09:43.320 # 倒出來 清洗一下 pour them out. So that I can wash them. 0:09:47.160,0:09:48.960 # 哇 好香哦 Wa! It smells really great! 0:10:10.420,0:10:12.240 # 你看 這樣很乾淨啦 這樣 Look! Then, it's very clean now. 0:10:13.620,0:10:14.880 # 把油放進去 Pour the oil into the wok. 0:10:23.720,0:10:24.640 # 全部倒完 No more 0:10:28.280,0:10:29.320 # 先把這個生薑 I first put the ginger, 0:10:29.700,0:10:31.760 # 生薑放下去油炸一下這個生薑 the ginger into the oil and fry it for a while first. 0:10:47.540,0:10:48.760 # 把那小龍蝦倒下去 Then I pour all the crayfish into the wok. 0:11:18.260,0:11:19.520 # 把這個大蒜也放下去 And the garlic as well 0:11:35.800,0:11:36.580 # 放點鹽 Put some salt 0:11:38.360,0:11:39.760 # 鹽要稍微放多一點 I need a little bit more salt. 0:11:48.460,0:11:49.900 # 把下面的撈上來 多放點(鹽) Let me flip those at the bottom to the top, and put some salt. 0:12:03.140,0:12:04.120 # 這差不多啦 Almost there 0:12:13.380,0:12:16.200 # 把這辣椒哇 香葉那些清洗一下 Let me wash the chilli, the spice leaves or whatever. 0:12:17.340,0:12:18.280 # 等下要淌一點 They need to be rinsed. 0:12:26.320,0:12:28.580 # 撈不起來那些 拿個簍子來 I can't scoop them up. I need a sieve. 0:12:29.540,0:12:31.640 # 把它放在這裡 等下跟著一起放 Leave it here. Then I can put everything into the wok. 0:12:43.880,0:12:45.040 # 這樣就放進去啦 So they're put together now. 0:12:48.980,0:12:50.200 # 把這全部一起放進去 Let me put them all into the wok, 0:12:50.600,0:12:51.440 # 一起燜啦 and cook them together. 0:12:52.560,0:12:53.660 # 全部放下去 Put them all into the wok. 0:12:58.940,0:12:59.900 # 鍋都沒那麼大 The wok can hardly hold them all. 0:13:10.960,0:13:13.960 # 這種薄荷很香的哦 一放下去就有薄荷的味道 This kind of mint smells really great. I can smell it once they're in. 0:13:26.380,0:13:27.300 # 放點料酒 Put some cooking wine. 0:13:37.660,0:13:39.180 # 哇 真的好香啊 Wa! It smells really great! 0:13:39.940,0:13:41.180 # 有點聞到香味啦 The aroma is now coming out. 0:13:46.780,0:13:48.440 # 我要加點水 加點水 I wanna put some water, some water, 0:13:48.980,0:13:50.020 # 然後就讓它燜 and then cook it for a while, 0:13:51.820,0:13:52.900 # 燜個半個小時 for half an hour. 0:13:54.600,0:13:55.100 # 放點 Put some, 0:13:56.580,0:13:58.300 # 放點水燜一下 put some water and cook it for a while. 0:14:01.800,0:14:02.860 # 多的就不要 Not too much 0:14:13.480,0:14:14.200 # 蓋起來 Cover it. 0:14:15.420,0:14:17.460 # 大火 燜半個小時 Cook it for half an hour, on high heat. 0:14:32.480,0:14:33.420 # 加點醬油 Put some soy sauce. 0:14:33.580,0:14:34.320 # 哇 Wa! 0:14:34.800,0:14:35.960 # 現在都熟透啦 It's done now. 0:14:52.820,0:14:53.460 # 可以 Alright! 0:14:57.000,0:14:58.060 # 抬到那邊去 Let me take it over there. 0:15:05.360,0:15:05.960 # 嗯 Um! 0:15:07.120,0:15:07.880 # 可以喲 Not bad! 0:15:10.160,0:15:10.880 # 很入味 It's really flavourful. 0:15:13.400,0:15:15.580 # 現在這個 把那個蝦頭剪掉啦 Now, I mean, having the heads cut away, 0:15:16.060,0:15:16.860 # 就是不一樣 really makes a difference. 0:15:22.920,0:15:23.940 # 好吃嗎 叔叔 Uncle, does it taste good? 0:15:24.080,0:15:25.100 # 嗯 好吃 Um! Yes! 0:15:27.940,0:15:29.040 # 你看 這很好吃的 Look! It's really tasty. 0:15:30.140,0:15:32.100 # 嗯 我不喜歡吃辣的 Um! But I don't like spicy food. 0:15:32.160,0:15:33.400 # 嗯 可以可以 Um! Not bad, no bad! 0:15:35.580,0:15:37.100 # 下次我們再搞多點來吃 Let's have more next time. 0:15:43.100,0:15:44.420 # 剛好全部人都回來啦 Everybody is back now. 0:15:47.000,0:15:48.080 # 這蠻好吃的哦 It's rather tasty. 0:15:51.080,0:15:51.820 # 可以喲 Not bad! 0:15:52.420,0:15:53.400 # 很入味哦 是啊 It's really flavourful. Yup! 0:15:54.000,0:15:55.620 # 大的不入味 這小的很入味 The small ones absorb the flavourings better than the big ones. 0:16:00.560,0:16:01.520 # 剛好還有一個西瓜 It just so happens that we have a watermelon here. 0:16:03.720,0:16:05.460 # 這西瓜不會自己爆呢 Why can't this watermelon crack open on its own? 0:16:05.900,0:16:07.020 # 哇 紅不紅 Wa! Is it red enough? 0:16:08.840,0:16:09.540 # 紅 是不是 It is, isn't it? 0:16:10.760,0:16:11.620 # 來 準備 C'mon! Get ready. 0:16:12.060,0:16:13.280 # 準備開始吃了啊 get ready to get started. 0:16:15.740,0:16:16.580 # 快點 邊拿 C'mon! Take one! 0:16:17.420,0:16:17.920 # 邊拿 Take one! 0:16:18.220,0:16:20.380 # 哎呀 這塊 最大塊的給你 快點 Ay! This one, the largest one is for you. C'mon! 0:16:25.340,0:16:26.160 # 快點吃 C'mon! Take one! 0:16:28.160,0:16:29.320 # 嗯 還有 Um. More coming. 0:16:33.580,0:16:34.300 # 好不好吃 Does it taste good? 0:16:43.440,0:16:44.020 # 好 Alright! 0:16:44.560,0:16:45.380 # 開吃 開吃 Let's start, let's start! 0:16:50.600,0:16:51.260 # 你幹嘛 What do you want? 0:16:52.000,0:16:53.260 # 要小狗狗是不是 You want the puppy, don't you? 0:16:53.620,0:16:55.200 # 小狗狗不要 它不吃 The puppy doesn't want it, doesn't like it. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #1058.

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

What an achievement @vincenthychow!

Please upload the subtitles to YouTube via

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
