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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟看一下兄弟养的七彩山鸡很漂亮哦抓几只来吃 - #1140

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 June 8, 2020 at 03:56PM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

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vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

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Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:看一下兄弟养的七彩山鸡,很漂亮哦,抓几只来吃 # Huanong Brothers: We have a look at our buddy's pheasants. They're so pretty. We catch some and grill them. 0:00:00.000,0:00:02.860 # 大家好 今天來兄弟家的這個山彩山雞場啊 Hi everyone! Today we come to our buddy's pheasant farm, 0:00:03.280,0:00:04.100 # 來看一下 and have a look around. 0:00:05.000,0:00:06.720 # 兄弟都走了 不知道他跑哪裡去了 My buddy has already left. God knows where he is. 0:00:06.720,0:00:09.000 # 剛剛還打電話還說在在在在 現在就跑了 He just said, "yea, yea, yea, yea, I'm here" on the phone. But now he has run away. 0:00:09.760,0:00:10.800 # 我進去看一下 Let me have a look inside. 0:00:11.560,0:00:13.380 # 防疫區域 閑人免進 Epidemic control area. No unauthorised entry. 0:00:14.880,0:00:17.320 # 跟他說了 他說叫我們可以進 I've talked with him. He said that we can get in. 0:00:18.480,0:00:20.880 # 這消一下毒 這有消毒嗎 We need to be sanitised. Here's the sanitiser. 0:00:27.900,0:00:30.760 # 叫兄弟抓一隻山雞來 兄弟不在 I asked my buddy to catch me a pheasant. But he's not around. 0:00:31.240,0:00:33.020 # 叫他們的工人來抓 So I asked his workers to catch me one. 0:00:34.960,0:00:36.000 # 好多啊 這裡 Really a lot, here. 0:00:51.400,0:00:53.140 # 這些山雞全部都戴了眼鏡 These pheasant are all wearing eye shields, 0:00:53.580,0:00:54.700 # 這它們不要打架 to prevent them from fighting. 0:00:56.140,0:00:57.440 # 它現在就看不到前面 Now they can't see the front. 0:00:58.100,0:01:00.040 # 看不 看不到前面就不會那個 When they can't, can't see the front, they won't, you know, 0:01:00.520,0:01:01.780 # 不會你啄我我啄你 they won't perk each other all the time. 0:01:04.600,0:01:06.560 # 那裡有一條門 這邊也有一條門 There's a door. And here's another door. 0:01:10.140,0:01:11.200 # 你看 這個 Look! These, 0:01:12.180,0:01:15.220 # 這個雞都戴了那個眼鏡的哦 都是後面戴上去的 these pheasants are all wearing that kind of eye shields. They were put on from the back. 0:01:15.460,0:01:16.280 # 這個快掉了 This one is falling off. 0:01:18.320,0:01:19.100 # 還想啄我 You wanna perk me? 0:01:22.560,0:01:24.740 # 它應該看不到 它應該看不到前面 They shouldn't be able, shouldn't be able to see the front. 0:01:29.980,0:01:30.740 # 那麼乖 Good pheasants! 0:01:32.980,0:01:35.920 # 這個會飛的哦這個 一跑出去就抓不到了都 They can fly, you know. It's impossible to catch them once they're outside. 0:01:40.200,0:01:40.980 # 踩著它 It's stepping on it. 0:01:45.440,0:01:46.080 # 你看 Look! 0:01:47.680,0:01:49.840 # 應該可以進去哦 我們進去看一下 I think I can get in. Let's have a look inside. 0:01:56.180,0:01:59.700 # 你看 這一棟 這幾個棚裡面應該有幾千隻 Look! I think there are thousands of pheasants in this lodge, in this couple of sheds 0:01:59.700,0:02:02.060 # 那麼多 他這裡有幾棟哦 So many. He has dozens of lodges here. 0:02:02.440,0:02:06.580 # 究竟多少棟我也不知道 最少 最少有三四十棟 這樣的 I've no ideas how many exactly. But I think there are at least, at least thirty or forty lodges, sort of. 0:02:09.660,0:02:10.900 # 加起來應該有 Together, there should be, 0:02:12.160,0:02:14.560 # 五六萬七八萬都有 七八萬隻啦 fifty, sixty or seventy, or even eighty thousand pheasants, yea, up to eighty thousand. 0:02:16.200,0:02:17.240 # 這一個規模 This scale is, 0:02:18.100,0:02:18.600 # 夠大 huge. 0:02:35.420,0:02:37.600 # 那麼乖的 那麼聽話 What a good, nice and gentle pheasant. 0:02:38.480,0:02:39.820 # 去不去 帶你去 Are you coming with me? I'll take you to, 0:02:40.680,0:02:41.440 # 帶你去那個 take you to, you know, 0:02:42.660,0:02:43.860 # 帶你去 帶你去玩 take you to, take you to have some fun. 0:02:46.300,0:02:48.140 # 有一點濕 剛才下過雨 It's a bit wet. It has just rained. 0:02:53.500,0:02:55.080 # 你看 那屋頂上都站了有 Look! Some are standing on the roof beam there. 0:02:55.320,0:02:56.580 # 它們那麼調皮 They're so naughty. 0:02:57.240,0:02:58.360 # 抓都抓不到它們 It's simply impossible to catch them. 0:03:03.240,0:03:04.580 # 好啦 回去啦回去啦 Alright! Let's go, let's go. 0:03:15.740,0:03:17.980 # 你看 這邊也有 那邊也有 Look! Here are some lodges, and there too, 0:03:18.340,0:03:21.220 # 那後面也有 這邊也有一大片哦 and at our back too, and this side too, the whole area. 0:03:23.620,0:03:25.420 # 將近上萬隻哦 這裡 Here are almost ten thousand pheasants, here. 0:03:26.380,0:03:27.280 # 那麼多 So many 0:04:00.060,0:04:04.240 # 你看 這些都是母的哦 小母雞 那個漂亮一點的就是公的 Look! There are all female, you know, little hens. Those prettier ones are male. 0:04:07.260,0:04:10.260 # 兄弟還搞了另外一個場所哦 比這裡大幾倍哦 My buddy has started another site, which is a few times larger than this one. 0:04:10.800,0:04:13.820 # 上那邊 上次我去看過 但是還沒建成 It's over there. I went there last time, but it was still under construction. 0:04:14.420,0:04:15.860 # 現在也開始在動工啦 Now the construction work has already commenced. 0:04:15.860,0:04:18.420 # 這個七彩山雞 那個肉質很好吃的哦 The pheasant, their meat, the texture of their meat, is really tasty. 0:04:18.880,0:04:20.880 # 上次兄弟送了幾個給我吃了一下 My buddy gave me a couple of them last time. 0:04:20.880,0:04:23.440 # 嘖 搞的我回味無窮 今天又來啦 It's a taste that I can never forget. That's why I'm here again today. 0:04:23.980,0:04:25.000 # 我們再搞一個來 Let's get one more. 0:04:27.920,0:04:29.380 # 兄弟也太客氣啦 My buddy is just too nice to me. 0:04:29.800,0:04:31.080 # 就給了那麼一點給我 He gave me this little bit here. 0:04:35.640,0:04:36.160 # 哎呀 Aya! 0:04:36.620,0:04:37.120 # 可以 Fine! 0:04:39.040,0:04:39.580 # 你看 Look! 0:04:40.680,0:04:41.480 # 殺好啦 It's now ready. 0:04:43.400,0:04:45.160 # 好有肉哇 雞肉 It's really meaty, pheasant meat. 0:04:47.260,0:04:49.980 # 把內臟取一下 然後再放點油鹽腌一下 Let me take out the guts. And then marinate it with some oil and salt. 0:04:50.560,0:04:51.980 # 你看 這個公的哦 Look! This is male. 0:04:52.380,0:04:55.160 # 還有蛋的看到沒有 留起來等一下一人一個 It has balls, see? Leave them here and we can have one each. 0:04:56.080,0:04:57.520 # 我要刮一下它的這個 I need to scratch it, I mean, 0:04:58.520,0:04:59.320 # 割它幾刀 slice it a few times. 0:05:00.160,0:05:00.960 # 更入味 It will be more flavourful. 0:05:04.320,0:05:05.740 # 你看 這個 這個雞 Look! This, this pheasant, 0:05:06.320,0:05:07.480 # 身上都沒有肥肉的哦 has hardly any fat on its body. 0:05:08.500,0:05:10.600 # 有一點點 你看 幾乎都沒有 Perhaps a bit. Look! But almost none. 0:05:14.180,0:05:15.140 # 這個塞回去 I stuff it back inside. 0:05:16.660,0:05:17.440 # 把它腳 Its feet... 0:05:19.680,0:05:20.540 # 拗過來 Twist them 0:05:25.980,0:05:28.220 # 先腌一下它 所以把它 Marinate it first. So I have to, 0:05:28.860,0:05:29.460 # 裹起來 wrap it up. 0:05:32.660,0:05:35.260 # 然後就 這樣把它裹起一團 And then, wrap it up into a ball, 0:05:36.560,0:05:37.280 # 再來燒 then cook it. 0:05:38.460,0:05:39.440 # 絕對美味 Good taste is guaranteed. 0:05:44.080,0:05:46.260 # 好啦 拿一個盤子來把它腌一下 Alright! I take a pot here and marinate it for a while. 0:05:48.480,0:05:49.440 # 切的慢 I chop too slowly. 0:05:51.520,0:05:52.940 # 生薑加大蒜 Ginger with garlic, 0:05:55.300,0:05:56.400 # 放到你身上 onto your body 0:05:58.940,0:06:00.480 # 嗯 再加點料酒 Um! Then put some cooking wine. 0:06:02.840,0:06:03.500 # 還有一點點 There's still a tiny little bit. 0:06:04.900,0:06:05.580 # 夠啦 夠啦 Enough, enough 0:06:06.940,0:06:09.220 # 下次去兄弟家搞幾瓶過來 I'll get a few bottles from my buddy next time. 0:06:11.780,0:06:13.900 # 現在攝影小哥越來越吃辣椒啦 Now Mr. Cameraman can have more and more chilli. 0:06:15.160,0:06:16.300 # 口味越來越重 He's becoming a fanatic of intense flavour. 0:06:17.920,0:06:18.980 # 放點辣椒下去 Put some chilli. 0:06:24.020,0:06:24.560 # 醬油 Soy sauce 0:06:29.240,0:06:31.200 # 加點油下去 如果不加油的話 Let me put some oil. Without oil, 0:06:31.740,0:06:32.980 # 到時候會燒焦的 it would get burnt. 0:06:36.560,0:06:37.140 # 鹽呢 Where's the salt? 0:06:38.200,0:06:38.700 # 加點 Put some, 0:06:40.880,0:06:41.660 # 加點鹽 put some salt. 0:06:44.560,0:06:45.380 # 差不多夠啦 It should be enough. 0:06:46.340,0:06:47.720 # 就是那麼小的雞 It's only a small pheasant. 0:06:50.540,0:06:51.640 # 給它搓一搓 Let me rub it over the body. 0:07:01.840,0:07:02.580 # 讓這個 Let it, 0:07:03.120,0:07:04.260 # 讓這個薑汁 let the ginger juice, 0:07:05.120,0:07:06.000 # 在他身上 to be sprayed evenly, 0:07:08.640,0:07:09.760 # 塗抹均勻 on its body. 0:07:12.220,0:07:13.080 # 按一下摩 Give it a massage 0:07:15.520,0:07:17.460 # 這樣肉質很好吃的哦 Then the texture would be really wonderful. 0:07:18.740,0:07:20.480 # 養了已經超過8個月啦 My buddy has been raising this pheasant for more than eight months. 0:07:22.160,0:07:24.000 # 等一下我們做個叫花雞 Let's make a Beggar's Pheasant in a while. 0:07:26.860,0:07:28.200 # 去搞點荷葉回來 Let's go and fetch some lotus leaves. 0:07:31.240,0:07:33.820 # 等下我去 叫兄弟家拿幾個香菇過來 I'm gonna, gonna ask my buddy bring me some shiitake mushrooms from his place. 0:07:34.520,0:07:35.380 # 我家的香菇 My mushrooms, 0:07:36.100,0:07:36.880 # 不在這裡 are not here. 0:07:41.980,0:07:43.840 # 裹起來 用荷葉把它裹起來 Wrap it up, wrap it up with lotus leaves, 0:07:44.420,0:07:45.500 # 然後再來烤 and then we can grill it. 0:07:46.820,0:07:48.380 # 味道一定很鮮美 It must be very flavourful and savoury. 0:07:48.660,0:07:51.480 # 好啦 把它放回 放到桌子上去 Alright! Let me put it back, onto the table. 0:07:52.260,0:07:54.500 # 等下被這個小狗給吃啦 I can't let the doggies take it. 0:07:55.080,0:07:56.000 # 那虧大啦 It would be too bad. 0:07:58.300,0:07:59.940 # 你看 這是我兄弟家哦 Look! This is my buddy's home. 0:08:00.580,0:08:02.360 # 那有狗 有條狗守在那裡 There's a dog. A dog is guarding the place. 0:08:05.160,0:08:07.040 # 他家的荷葉就是這裡 His lotus leaves are right here. 0:08:11.740,0:08:13.120 # 哎喲 好兇哦 Aya! So fierce 0:08:14.800,0:08:16.600 # 你看 這狗擋住道路啦 Look! The dog is blocking the way. 0:08:17.140,0:08:18.000 # 好兇的 So fierce 0:08:19.900,0:08:21.240 # 好狗 好狗 Good dog, good dog! 0:08:22.440,0:08:24.280 # 到那邊去拗 不著急喲 I'm picking on that side. No hurry, 0:08:25.380,0:08:26.380 # 這邊也有啊 Here are also some lotus leaves. 0:08:42.040,0:08:43.700 # 好啦 夠啦 不要摘那麼多 Alright! Enough! Not too many 0:08:44.140,0:08:46.460 # 我摯穹點那個黃泥回來 就在那裡 I'm gonna dig some mud. It's right over there, 0:08:46.900,0:08:47.680 # 很近的 not far at all. 0:08:54.200,0:08:55.520 # 挖一點黃泥 Dig some mud. 0:08:57.040,0:08:57.920 # 一鋤頭 Put down the hoe, 0:08:58.880,0:08:59.780 # 可以挖好多 and a lot of mud comes down. 0:09:03.140,0:09:04.140 # 好啦 可以啦 Alright! It's enough. 0:09:04.900,0:09:06.600 # 一下子搞一大盆 A whole pot of mud is here in seconds. 0:09:07.700,0:09:09.200 # 哎喲 哎喲 好重 Ayo, ayo! So heavy! 0:09:15.440,0:09:16.220 # 這個黃泥 The mud, 0:09:16.920,0:09:17.520 # 很新 is so fresh, 0:09:18.940,0:09:20.680 # 你看 這個黃泥很新鮮哦 Look! The mud is really fresh, isn't it? 0:09:22.580,0:09:24.260 # 這個黃泥加點水 Put some water, into the mud. 0:09:24.760,0:09:26.760 # 要把它攪拌 攪拌均勻 I need to mix it, mix it well. 0:09:27.140,0:09:28.140 # 然後要把它 And then I'll need to, 0:09:28.560,0:09:29.180 # 搞成 make it, 0:09:32.100,0:09:33.800 # 搞成那個 黏笘的那一種啊 make it into, something like, sticky. 0:09:37.860,0:09:38.620 # 等下就 I'm gonna, 0:09:39.280,0:09:40.520 # 把你給煮啦 have you cooked very soon. 0:10:04.720,0:10:06.160 # 這裡還有五六隻雞喲 Here are still half a dozen of pheasants. 0:10:07.200,0:10:07.940 # 放在這裡 I leave them here, 0:10:08.640,0:10:09.520 # 慢慢烤 and grill them all, 0:10:10.740,0:10:11.600 # 一天烤一個 gradually, one per day. 0:10:17.300,0:10:17.800 # 好啦 Alright! 0:10:18.440,0:10:20.980 # 可以啦 等下把這黃泥塗上去就好啦 Alright! Then I only need to paste the mud in a while. 0:10:21.600,0:10:22.420 # 先洗個手 Let me wash my hands first, 0:10:23.360,0:10:24.420 # 把那雞裹好來 and then wrap up the pheasant. 0:10:36.720,0:10:37.920 # 把它放到這裡來 Put it here. 0:10:39.260,0:10:40.300 # 把這個香菇 Stuff the shiitake mushrooms, 0:10:40.780,0:10:41.740 # 塞到它 into its, 0:10:42.520,0:10:43.260 # 肚子裡面 its belly. 0:10:48.680,0:10:50.160 # 然後 這個醬汁 And then, here's the sauce 0:10:50.980,0:10:51.860 # 不要浪費 Don't waste it. 0:10:53.200,0:10:53.980 # 倒進去 Pour it inside. 0:11:04.540,0:11:05.520 # 裹著它 Wrap it up. 0:11:10.360,0:11:11.340 # 這樣就 Then it's, 0:11:13.940,0:11:15.980 # 就靚哦 在[SIC]裹一層 really beautiful. One more layer 0:11:34.440,0:11:35.840 # 要把它壓緊一點 I need to press it tight. 0:11:37.420,0:11:38.980 # 要結實一點 It needs to be firm. 0:11:40.320,0:11:42.340 # 這樣它才跑不了 Only then can it never run away. 0:11:54.080,0:11:55.080 # 嗯 好啦 Um! Alright! 0:11:55.840,0:11:57.200 # 我們裹點黃泥上去 Let's wrap it with some mud. 0:11:59.260,0:12:00.300 # 去 看一下 (註︰沒有原字幕) Alright! Let's go and see what's next. 0:12:05.200,0:12:08.980 # 你看 外面下雨 沒苏法啦 只能在家裡烤 Look! It's raining outside and we have no choice but grilling it at home. 0:12:14.100,0:12:15.140 # 我要先把它那個 I'm gonna put the, 0:12:16.560,0:12:17.860 # 雞放到這上面去 pheasant here on top first. 0:12:21.440,0:12:22.960 # 這底下要鋪層泥喲 There needs to be a layer of mud at the bottom. 0:12:24.600,0:12:26.800 # 鋪層泥等下一燒的話就剛剛好 A layer of mud will make it just perfect once we start grilling. 0:12:37.000,0:12:37.620 # 好啦 Alright! 0:12:38.120,0:12:40.220 # 把這個雞放到這裡來 Let me put the pheasant here. 0:12:43.760,0:12:45.460 # 慢慢的把這個泥粘上去 Then I paste the mud onto it bit by bit. 0:12:46.100,0:12:46.920 # 這樣就不用 Then I don't need to, 0:12:47.620,0:12:48.760 # 不用動啦 I don't need to move it. 0:12:59.520,0:13:01.820 # 要不要給你玩 胡韦汝來 You wanna play with it? Come, Hu Weiru! 0:13:02.420,0:13:03.740 # 做那個 你看 I can make a, look, 0:13:05.200,0:13:06.620 # 做這個糍粑哦 你看 make this mud cake, look! 0:13:07.380,0:13:08.660 # 那麼好玩 你不玩 It's so much fun! Why don't you want it? 0:13:10.920,0:13:13.160 # 還小的時候我們玩具都沒有 就玩這個 We didn't even have a single piece of toy when we were kids. And this was our toy. 0:13:22.040,0:13:24.420 # 那個袋子掉下去啦 That bag fell onto the ground. 0:13:24.420,0:13:25.260 # 沒事 No worries 0:13:25.780,0:13:29.740 # 是它看到 看到我們把它的同 同伴 It's because, it sees that we're, turning its companion, 0:13:30.700,0:13:31.980 # 變成了一個蛋 into an egg, 0:13:33.000,0:13:34.540 # 所以它就怕 That's why it's scared. 0:13:36.660,0:13:38.780 # 好啦 明天來 明天就輪到它啦 Alright! Tomorrow, tomorrow will be its turn. 0:13:41.100,0:13:41.720 # 你看 Look! 0:13:42.120,0:13:43.340 # 把它搞成一個蛋一樣 I've turned it into something like an egg. 0:13:45.860,0:13:46.740 # 開始點火 Let's start the fire. 0:14:35.380,0:14:36.940 # 它們的炭都燒著啦 Their charcoal has been lighted. 0:14:59.220,0:15:00.420 # 這下雨天 In a rainy day, 0:15:01.000,0:15:03.120 # 太難 這個火太難點啦 it's super hard, super hard to set a fire. 0:15:03.180,0:15:05.380 # 直接抱了把稻草下來 So I've taken some straw down here right away. 0:15:26.280,0:15:27.820 # 現在多加點炭下去 Now I put a bit more charcoal. 0:15:31.920,0:15:33.220 # 現在又下雨啦 It rains again now. 0:15:33.880,0:15:36.940 # 天天下雨 搞很河邊去都去不了 It rains every day. There's no way to go to the riverside. 0:15:38.540,0:15:39.560 # 逼在家裡 We can only stay at home. 0:15:40.080,0:15:42.700 # 在河邊的話我們大火來燒它 We could grill it with a strong fire if we could go to the riverside. 0:15:44.920,0:15:45.440 # 這也 Anyway, 0:15:46.700,0:15:47.700 # 也沒辦法 we have no choice. 0:15:48.640,0:15:50.640 # 你看 這個天又出太陽啦 Look! The sun is shinning in the sky once again. 0:15:50.800,0:15:53.620 # 剛剛還下大雨 你看 等下那片烏雲又飛過來啦 It was still raining heavily a few moments ago. Look! That dark cloud will be coming here in a while. 0:15:54.100,0:15:56.600 # 又啪啦一降 降 降一個大水下來 Then "pala"! The, the rain pours again. 0:15:57.600,0:15:59.160 # 啊 看一下 這個好啦 Ah! Let's have a look. It's alright now. 0:16:00.040,0:16:01.540 # 你看 這個 差不多快好了哦 Look! This is, almost done, I suupose. 0:16:01.860,0:16:02.460 # 那麼多 So much, 0:16:02.760,0:16:05.120 # 四 四面八方都是炭 圍著它 the charcoal from every, every direction, is surrounding it. 0:16:09.920,0:16:11.180 # 在[SIC]煮一個小時 One more hour 0:16:14.500,0:16:15.320 # 全是狗 All are dogs 0:16:16.600,0:16:18.760 # 就小黑有名字 其它都沒名字 Only Blacky has a name. All others are nameless. 0:16:25.400,0:16:27.780 # 你看 現在都紅啦 Look! It's red now, wa! 0:16:28.740,0:16:29.740 # 應該熟啦 It should be done now. 0:16:32.680,0:16:33.680 # 拿這個鋤頭來 I take this hoe. 0:16:48.480,0:16:50.260 # 哇 你看 終於搞起來啦 Wa! Look! We pick it up finally. 0:16:50.900,0:16:51.780 # 上上面去 Let's go up there, 0:16:52.200,0:16:53.500 # 上面去看一下熟了沒有 go up there and see if it's done. 0:17:04.520,0:17:05.540 # 還熟啦 It's done! 0:17:06.340,0:17:07.580 # 哎呦 下大雨啦 Ayo! The rain pours again. 0:17:08.420,0:17:10.720 # 哎呀 別 別 別那個 Aya! Don't, don't, don't, I mean, 0:17:11.980,0:17:13.340 # 別沖走就麻煩啦 don't wash it away. It would be too bad. 0:17:19.600,0:17:21.480 # 你看 這荷葉都燒焦啦 Look! Even the lotus leaves are burnt. 0:17:24.160,0:17:25.060 # 哎呀 Aya! 0:17:26.100,0:17:27.380 # 看上去就好吃 The appearance is already confirming the taste. 0:17:28.660,0:17:30.080 # 看上去就好吃 The appearance is already confirming the taste. 0:17:32.220,0:17:33.700 # 輕輕的撕開 Tear it open lightly. 0:17:34.440,0:17:35.500 # 撕開裡面 Tear the inside open. 0:17:40.720,0:17:41.800 # 好香啊 It smells so good! 0:17:44.960,0:17:45.900 # 哎喲 Ayo! 0:17:51.560,0:17:52.260 # 有刀 Here's a knife. 0:17:56.100,0:17:57.920 # 嗯 熟啦 Um! It's done! 0:18:01.340,0:18:03.460 # 熟啦 熟啦 熟啦 全部熟啦 Done, done, done, well done. 0:18:05.140,0:18:05.840 # 嗯 Um! 0:18:07.640,0:18:08.400 # 可以喲 It's not bad! 0:18:08.680,0:18:10.080 # 嘿 等一下來 Hey! A moment! 0:18:11.360,0:18:13.200 # 等一下來 等我吃完再說 A moment! Let me finish first. 0:18:15.600,0:18:17.160 # 剛才不是還有塊骨頭嗎 Didn't you get a piece of bone just now? 0:18:18.440,0:18:20.080 # 全部狗都來啦 All dogs are coming here. 0:18:21.420,0:18:23.020 # 它們在排隊 等一下哦 They're queuing up. A moment, okay? 0:18:39.700,0:18:40.900 # 這還那麼多肉 There's still plenty of meat. 0:18:45.660,0:18:46.580 # 這還有一個雞腿 Here's still a leg. 0:18:48.240,0:18:49.640 # 等一下留給攝影小哥吃 I'll leave for Mr. Cameraman in a while. 0:18:51.360,0:18:53.160 # 攝影小哥不喜歡吃這樣的 Mr. Cameraman doesn't like this kind of stuff. 0:18:54.540,0:18:55.460 # 他喜歡吃那個 He likes the... 0:18:56.120,0:18:57.380 # 他喜歡吃這兩個蛋 He likes these two balls. 0:19:00.020,0:19:00.740 # 哪裡去啦 Where are they? 0:19:03.640,0:19:04.260 # 在這裡 Here 0:19:12.660,0:19:13.680 # 可以喲 It's not bad. 0:19:15.600,0:19:16.820 # 一點怪怪的味道 It tastes a bit funny. 0:19:18.400,0:19:19.860 # 額 小狗慢慢吃 Eh! Doggy! No rush! 0:19:20.240,0:19:20.980 # 還有一個 One more 0:19:25.520,0:19:27.300 # 雞腿不好吃 這個才好吃 It tastes much better than the leg, which doesn't taste good at all. 0:19:29.780,0:19:31.780 # 哎 算啦 留給攝影小哥補一補 Ay! Forget. I leave it for Mr. Cameraman to enhance his power. 0:19:36.700,0:19:37.900 # 沒吃過癮它們 They're still craving. 0:19:43.400,0:19:45.080 # 留一個雞眼給攝影小哥就行啦 Leaving a leg to Mr. Cameraman is everything that's needed. 0:19:56.420,0:19:57.100 # 給你吃 It's yours. 0:20:03.960,0:20:04.520 # 好啦 Alright! 0:20:06.000,0:20:06.880 # 今天的視頻 The video, 0:20:07.500,0:20:08.000 # 就到 ends, 0:20:08.520,0:20:09.100 # 這裡啦 here. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #1143.

vincenthychow commented 4 years ago
