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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟听说兄弟家的羊又生了看望一下顺便抓2只回来 - #1279

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 July 13, 2020 at 11:31AM

IFTTT 自动发布

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

完成翻译后,请将完整稿件复制并回复到本 issue。 参考: 翻译及投稿步骤 翻译守则 往期翻译

vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:听说兄弟家的羊又生了,看望一下,顺便抓2只回来 # Huanong Brothers: My buddy's goats gave birth again. We go and have a look, and then take two back. 0:00:00.000,0:00:02.295 # 大家好 今天去看一下兄弟家的羊 Hi everyone! Today we'er gonna have a look at our buddy's goats. 0:00:02.480,0:00:03.880 # 聽說生了很多小羊哦 I've heard that a lot of baby goats were born. 0:00:04.260,0:00:06.260 # 你看 他家的羊就在那裡 你看 Look! His goats are just over there, look! 0:00:06.740,0:00:07.960 # 很山的 這裡喲 It's very hilly, this place. 0:00:10.540,0:00:11.320 # 看一下 Let's take a look. 0:00:25.700,0:00:26.960 # 你看 這個 Look! These are, 0:00:28.020,0:00:31.100 # 香藤子 那麼多今年 一樹都是哦 你看 "xiang tengzi" (untranslatable local wild fruits). There are so many this year, all over the tree. Look! 0:00:31.180,0:00:32.620 # 這裡都十幾二十串啦 Here are already ten to twenty bunches. 0:00:32.880,0:00:34.200 # 裡面還有很多的 And there are a lot more inside. 0:00:35.140,0:00:36.160 # 太多啦 真的 Really, too many 0:00:36.800,0:00:38.340 # 到秋天的時候我們就過來摘 We can come and pick them in autumn. 0:01:02.260,0:01:03.540 # 帶了兩條鏈子 I have two chains with me. 0:01:06.640,0:01:08.180 # 你來抓我來拴 You catch it and I put the chain on. 0:01:51.440,0:01:52.500 # 嘿 走 Hey! Let's go! 0:02:12.100,0:02:13.220 # 走 帶你回家 Let's go! I'll take you home. 0:02:13.580,0:02:14.960 # 帶你回家 走啦 We're going home! C'mon! 0:02:15.420,0:02:16.920 # 我們回去吃好吃的 We have very good food at home. 0:02:31.400,0:02:34.400 # 走啦 走啦 聽話 聽話 聽話 帶你回家 走走走 C'mon, c'mon! Good goat, be a good goat. We're going home. Go, go, go! 0:02:45.180,0:02:46.400 # 剛剛羊都跑了一隻 One of the goats has just run away. 0:02:46.840,0:02:48.020 # 唉 鬱悶死啦 Ay! Damn it! 0:02:48.880,0:02:51.320 # 追了 追了一大片山都沒抓到它 I've run, run after it all over the hill, without any success. 0:02:52.160,0:02:52.860 # 這是甚麼 What is it? 0:02:54.280,0:02:55.200 # 我不知道是甚麼 I have no ideas what it is. 0:02:56.880,0:02:58.820 # 好多 這藤子上長出來的哦 A lot! They're growing from the branches, you know. 0:02:59.460,0:03:00.500 # 像不像巴豆 Does it look like croton? 0:03:01.300,0:03:02.660 # 專治拉稀的這個 (註︰巴豆不是瀉藥嗎?管他) I means, the one which cures diarrhea. 0:03:04.180,0:03:05.880 # 從來沒見過那麼大的豆子 I've never seen any beans of this size. 0:03:06.100,0:03:07.080 # 那麼大的 They're so big! 0:03:09.240,0:03:12.440 # 你看 它跟手掌一半那麼大 Look! It's as big as half of my palm. 0:03:13.940,0:03:15.600 # 好多 好多毛毛哇 It's rather, rather furry. 0:03:16.220,0:03:18.600 # 熟的時候我掰開來看一下 看是甚麼種子 When they become ripe, I'm gonna open it and see what kind of seeds they are. 0:03:19.160,0:03:20.940 # 拿幾個回去種 那麼大 How about planting some at my place? It's so big. 0:03:24.400,0:03:25.400 # 像豆子一樣 They're like beans. 0:03:28.700,0:03:30.960 # 啊 回家啦 回家啦 沒精神 (註︰這個沒精神應該是指沒心情加上累,沒有很好的翻譯,所以改了一下) Ah! Let's go home, go home. It's a bad day. 0:03:31.280,0:03:33.880 # 還有那隻羊回去拴起來 別那隻都跑啦 I'm gonna tether up the remaining goat. Don't let it run away. 0:03:44.320,0:03:47.040 # 你看 就剩一條羊啦 還有一條都跑啦 Look! Only one goat remains. The other one has run away. 0:03:49.400,0:03:52.480 # 哎呀 明天我再過來 看一下它有沒有回家 Aya! I'll come here again tomorrow and see, if it has gone back home. 0:03:52.600,0:03:54.960 # 明天再來摘 抓 把它抓回去 Let me come and pick, catch, catch it back tomorrow. 0:04:09.880,0:04:11.840 # 把它拉回來啦 它有點怕那個小狗 So we've taken it back. It's a bit scared of the doggy. 0:04:12.400,0:04:14.500 # 剛才小狗嚇了它 嚇了它一下 The doggy has just scared, scared it. 0:04:15.640,0:04:16.640 # 啊 現在 Ah! Now, 0:04:17.560,0:04:19.200 # 給了 搞點那像草給它 I've given, fetched it some elephant grass. 0:04:20.180,0:04:23.180 # 它很喜歡吃 但是一直看著那個小狗 It likes the elephant grass. But it keeps staring at the doggy. 0:04:25.560,0:04:27.120 # 沒事的 不會咬你的 No worries. It's not gonna bite you. 0:04:28.560,0:04:29.780 # 它咬了你 我就打它 I'll beat it if it bites you. 0:04:32.980,0:04:34.980 # 這羊可能 可能懷孕啦 The goat is, perhaps it's pregnant. 0:04:35.420,0:04:36.440 # 肚子那麼大 It has such a big belly. 0:04:39.680,0:04:40.540 # 買一送一 Buy one get one free 0:04:41.060,0:04:42.840 # 來 給它象草葉子給它吃 C'mon! I'm giving it some elephant grass leaves. 0:04:43.620,0:04:44.400 # 香不香 Smells good? 0:04:45.900,0:04:48.280 # 這個象草 很好吃的 The elephant grass, is really tasty! 0:04:49.460,0:04:51.820 # 你不吃等餓扁你去 你就會吃 You're not eating. But you'll eat when you starts starving. 0:04:53.260,0:04:54.180 # 多吃點啊 C'mon, eat more, 0:04:54.940,0:04:55.840 # 長大一點 And be a big goat! 0:04:56.680,0:04:57.680 # 那麼瘦 You're so skinny. 0:04:58.080,0:05:00.220 # 沒肉 全是骨頭 You have just bones, and hardly any flesh. 0:05:05.200,0:05:07.320 # 肯定剛來到這個陌生的環璄 (註︰英文沒有很適合的字來表達「陌生」這個概念,所以稍稍改了字眼) I'm sure that everything here seems very unfamiliar to it. 0:05:07.800,0:05:08.900 # 太陌生啦 It's a completely new environment. 0:05:10.020,0:05:11.420 # 一下子接受不了 It takes time for it to get used to this place. 0:05:12.180,0:05:12.900 # 你看 Look! 0:05:14.020,0:05:15.100 # 它怕那個小狗 It's scared of the doggy. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #1281.

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

奇怪为什么同一个视频发了两个 issue...

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Fantastic, @vincenthychow!

Please upload the subtitles to YouTube via

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
