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[华农兄弟] 蜜汁鸡 - #1324

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 July 28, 2020 at 11:46AM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

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vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:搞了点蜜蜂来养,刚好大漠叔来了,做只蜜汁鸡招待一下 # Huanong Brothers: We keep some bees here. Uncle Damo come to visit us. We serve him with a grilled chicken. 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.440 # 大家好 等一下 我就去把那個兄弟家的那個蜂蜜 (註︰他雖然確是說蜂蜜,但這個是他經常說錯的,我想寫清楚一點,下一句的「養」很清楚是蜜蜂,但英文的Keep則不太清楚,會誤以為只是蜂蜜) Hi everyone! I'm gonna, I'll go and take my, my buddy's, his honey, honey bees. 0:00:03.440,0:00:05.620 # 全部拉到我們這邊場裡面來養 I'll gonna keep them all here at my site. 0:00:06.060,0:00:09.060 # 你看 這裡環境 還有外面好多那個花花草草哦 Look! The environment here, there are also a lot of flowers and whatever plants outside. 0:00:09.480,0:00:10.020 # 都有 There's everything. 0:00:11.380,0:00:12.140 # 蜂蜜到了 (註︰他又双叒叕把「蜂蜜」和「蜜蜂」搞錯了) The honey is here now. 0:00:12.780,0:00:13.700 # 蜜蜂哦 I mean the honey bees. 0:00:15.760,0:00:17.780 # 有沒有塞住 Are they sealed? 0:00:17.780,0:00:18.660 # 塞住了 Yes, they are. 0:00:29.780,0:00:33.940 # 你看 這個是堵住了的 它出不來 全部蜂蜜在這裡面 (註︰這個蜂蜜其實又是想說蜜蜂,所以用Pluaral) Look! It's sealed here. They can't come here. All the honey are inside, 0:00:34.600,0:00:35.780 # 出不來 蜜蜂 they can't come out. I mean the honey bees. 0:00:44.300,0:00:46.000 # 放邊上 一路可以放過去 Put them on the side, and all the way up there. 0:00:51.560,0:00:55.420 # 你看 全部都放好啦 這裡一路過 放過來 Look! So they're all here, from there, all the way up, up to here. 0:00:56.120,0:00:58.520 # 十幾箱 明天再來搞 上面的 I now have a dozen of boxes. Let's go on tomorrow, and put them up there. 0:00:59.680,0:01:00.860 # 現在天色有點晚 Now it's a little bit late. 0:01:11.700,0:01:14.140 # 你看 今天又搬了一箱 搬了一些下來 Look! Today I've taken another box, another couple of boxes here, 0:01:14.780,0:01:17.200 # 那裡一車 好多蜂蜜在這裡 in the car there. There are a lot of honey. 0:01:32.080,0:01:35.160 # 你看 把這些蜂箱 放在這附近 Look! I put these beehives, all around here. 0:01:35.640,0:01:38.500 # 把這個蜂箱一打開 蜂蜜就可以出來啦 蜜蜂 Once the beehives are unsealed. The honey can come out, I mean the honey bees, 0:01:38.980,0:01:39.900 # 就可以出來啦 they can come out then. 0:01:50.280,0:01:52.840 # 這些蜂箱就放在這裡 等一下 晚一點 I'll simply leave the beehives here, for a while, till later. 0:01:53.360,0:01:54.660 # 要讓它先適應一下 I gotta let them get used to, 0:01:55.240,0:01:56.800 # 這裡的 環境 the environment, here. 0:01:57.440,0:02:00.740 # 然後再把這個拉開 額 蜜蜂就出來 And then once I pull this thing out, eh, then the honey bees are come out. 0:02:01.060,0:02:02.640 # 然後就會自己采蜜啦 Then they can collect the nectar on their own. 0:02:04.000,0:02:06.320 # 像現在肯定還不敢開 一開的話它全部跑啦 I dare not open them now, no way. They all are gonna run away. 0:02:11.220,0:02:14.140 # 下次我們拉皂就放到裡面去 裡面還可以放 Next time we can take them inside. There are still more rooms inside. 0:02:17.220,0:02:20.040 # 剛好今天大漠過來啦 你看 他在上面 It just so happens that Uncle Daimo came to us today. Look! Here is up there. 0:02:28.800,0:02:30.040 # 我們要包頭哦 We need to push them to a dead end. 0:02:30.340,0:02:30.840 # 嗯 Um 0:02:31.240,0:02:32.120 # 不然抓不到啊 Otherwise you can't catch them. 0:02:40.100,0:02:42.300 # 先找啊 看哪一隻最好吃找出來 Let' see first, see which one is the most tasty. 0:02:44.740,0:02:46.060 # 全部吃的下嗎 Are you sure that you can finish all? 0:02:46.320,0:02:47.500 # 抓到的都賺了 Got it! It's worth more than the cost of my trip here. 0:02:48.840,0:02:49.700 # 賺了賺了 It's worth much more. 0:02:50.180,0:02:53.420 # 夠了夠了 一人一隻夠了 夠了夠了夠了 Enough, enough. We can have one each. Enough, enough, enough. 0:02:54.120,0:02:55.880 # 走走走走走 架火架火 Go, go, go, go, go,! Let's set the fire, set the fire! 0:03:00.580,0:03:01.560 # 這肉可以哦 Their meat is not bad, right? 0:03:01.840,0:03:02.420 # 可以可以 Not bad, not bad. 0:03:02.420,0:03:03.380 # 很香額 可以 It smells good, right? It's not bad. 0:03:03.720,0:03:04.280 # 很香 It smells so good! 0:03:04.280,0:03:05.580 # 很香哈哈哈哈 Yes, it is. Ha ha ha ha! 0:03:06.020,0:03:07.460 # 我已經聞到香味了 I can already sense the smell now. 0:03:09.820,0:03:12.460 # 你看 這個蜂蜜 取點蜂蜜來刷那個雞 Look! This is honey. We take some honey and brush it onto the chicken. 0:03:12.840,0:03:14.100 # 做秘[SIC]汁烤雞 We're gonna make a honey grill chicken. 0:03:14.700,0:03:16.740 # 我們 搞一小碗就行啦 We're, gonna take just a small bowl of honey. 0:03:16.740,0:03:17.680 # 不用搞太多 We don't need too much. 0:03:29.980,0:03:31.680 # 這才是原裝蜂蜜啊 This is exactly what original honey should be. 0:03:31.980,0:03:33.660 # 這邊的山都是甚麼花 What kind of flowers are there on the hill here? 0:03:34.280,0:03:35.680 # 嗯 都是 野花 百花 百花咯 Um, it's like... Wild flowers? 0:03:35.680,0:03:36.780 # (註︰上句太多重疊,所以拆成兩句) All different kinds of flowers. It's multifloral. 0:03:36.780,0:03:38.160 # 就百花 這就旦花蜜啊 So it's multifloral. And this is multifloral honey. 0:03:38.160,0:03:38.660 # 對 Yup! 0:03:39.120,0:03:41.460 # 我拿刀來把它切 切成一塊一塊 I'm gonna take a knife. I need to cut it, cut it into pieces. 0:03:42.180,0:03:43.720 # 直接吃 放到碗裡面來吃 嗯 We eat right away, from the bowl. Um! 0:03:46.440,0:03:48.740 # 你割的時候蜜蜂還跑出來啦 The bees are coming when when you're cutting it. 0:03:52.560,0:03:55.780 # 嗯 我眼鏡去哪啦 哎呀 不管啦 Um? Where are my eye glasses? Aya! Forget it. 0:03:57.260,0:03:59.300 # 哦 好哦 正好 正好拿了這塊來 Oh! Nice! Take this piece right, right here. 0:03:59.500,0:04:00.140 # 來 我來 Alright, let me do it. 0:04:01.660,0:04:03.940 # 用小力就可以啦 不用那麼那魯 Be gentle. Don't be too rude. 0:04:05.260,0:04:05.800 # 再來 Go on. 0:04:22.680,0:04:24.680 # 嗯~捧哦 Um! It's nice! 0:04:25.400,0:04:26.360 # 這個很靚 It's really beautiful! 0:04:26.740,0:04:28.680 # 你看 這種蜜是很好的蜜哦這種 Look! This kind of honey is really good honey, you know. 0:04:35.220,0:04:37.040 # 哦 掉了誒 不要浪費了 Oh! It drops! Ey! Don't waste it! 0:04:37.760,0:04:39.640 # 三秒鐘肉就不髒啊 It doesn't get contaminated in less than three seconds. 0:04:42.040,0:04:43.420 # 嗯 不要浪費 不要浪費 Um! Don't waste it, don't waste it. 0:04:45.960,0:04:47.480 # 它這花粉是茶花 The pollen here is from tea flowers. 0:04:47.820,0:04:48.320 # 嗯 Um 0:04:49.640,0:04:50.740 # 有茶花的味道 There's a scent of tea flowers. 0:04:50.960,0:04:51.460 # 嗯 Um 0:04:51.460,0:04:54.720 # 等下我們用來烤那個 蜜汁 蜜汁烤雞 We're gonna use it and make a, a honey, honey grill chicken. 0:04:54.740,0:04:56.420 # 淡香 有點小淡香 Subtle fragrance. There's a subtle fragrance. 0:04:56.680,0:04:59.680 # 那個蠟 蠟特別濃 我這 這一 這一塊很濃 The beeswax, is exceptionally rich. The piece, this, this piece that I have here, is really rich. 0:04:59.680,0:05:01.860 # 這個你嚼一下這個蠟 越嚼越香 You can chew the beeswax, and then the fragrance would become more significant. 0:05:03.200,0:05:04.040 # 我們拿下去吃 Let's enjoy it down there. 0:05:04.920,0:05:06.680 # 你看 剛好今天人比較多哦 Look! It just so happens that there are quite a lot of people here today. 0:05:06.860,0:05:09.600 # 順便搞了兄弟家兩隻雞 我也湊了一個鴨 So I've taken two chicks from my buddy. I've also contributed a duck. 0:05:11.200,0:05:14.080 # 把它宰好啦 準備把它清理一下 I've already got them ready. I'm gonna wash and clean them. 0:05:15.840,0:05:16.620 # 清理一下 Wash them. 0:05:17.540,0:05:18.680 # 把這雞腌一下 Let me marinate the chicken. 0:05:19.080,0:05:19.720 # 放這裡 Put it here. 0:05:20.780,0:05:21.900 # 搞點鹽 Put some salt. 0:05:22.800,0:05:23.620 # 腌一下 Marinate it. 0:05:24.560,0:05:25.860 # 再搞點醬油 Then put some say sauce. 0:05:29.580,0:05:30.200 # 再加點 And also some, 0:05:31.240,0:05:32.080 # 料酒 cooking wine. 0:05:33.540,0:05:35.040 # 加完之後再加點 After that, let's put some, 0:05:36.380,0:05:37.700 # 加點這個油 put some, some oil. 0:05:40.820,0:05:41.920 # 再搞點生薑 And also some ginger 0:05:44.620,0:05:46.820 # 先把這個邊上割一點花出來 Let me slice it a few times on this side. 0:05:48.200,0:05:49.420 # 更入味 這樣就 It will then be, much more flavourful. 0:05:54.460,0:05:56.540 # 特別是這個 雞胸肉 Especially the, chicken breast, 0:05:58.860,0:06:00.440 # 雞胸肉最厚的 chicken breast is always the thickest. 0:06:09.720,0:06:11.820 # 好啦 再給它莫兩下就好啦 Alright! Rub it a few more times and that's it. 0:06:14.480,0:06:16.080 # 嗯 先腌半個小時先 Um! Marinate it for half an hour first. 0:06:16.240,0:06:17.860 # 把這個雞放下去過一下水 I put the chicken here and blanch it for a while first. 0:06:19.040,0:06:20.700 # 這小雞 小雞仔 It's a chicken, a small chicken. 0:06:21.660,0:06:23.540 # 剛好香菇也放下去一下過水 I'm also putting the shiitake mushrooms and blanch them together. 0:06:23.820,0:06:25.800 # 過了水就直接撈起來 就直接 After blanching, I can take them out, and then, 0:06:26.780,0:06:29.080 # 香菇 嘖 燜小雞 stew the mushrooms, with chicken right away. 0:06:30.940,0:06:32.400 # 好啦 直接把它蓋 蓋起來 Alright! Let me just cover, cover it right away. 0:06:38.960,0:06:43.160 # 這是以前的灶台哦 你看 現在還有用 大水沒把它沖走 This used to be our stove, and it's now still good. The flood didn't wash it away. 0:06:44.000,0:06:44.900 # 我們繼續用 Let's keep on using it. 0:06:55.740,0:06:57.200 # 你看 兩邊有火 Look! Fire on both sides 0:06:59.460,0:07:01.940 # 現在 火還沒升起來哦 搞點這個 Now we're waiting for the fire to glow. Here I have some... 0:07:02.400,0:07:05.120 # 嘗一下我們這邊的土特產 吃一下 This is our local specialty here. Have a try! 0:07:05.620,0:07:06.240 # 燙皮 It's "tang pi" (baked ground rice chips). 0:07:08.960,0:07:10.180 # 這個包裝可以哦 This package is not bad. 0:07:14.420,0:07:15.360 # 這一個特產哦 This is a local specialty, isn't it? 0:07:15.580,0:07:17.720 # 我吃了好多啦 上午我吃了好多啦 I've had a lot. I've already eaten a lot this morning, 0:07:18.760,0:07:20.080 # 我吃的都飽了 so much that I'm already full now. 0:07:20.380,0:07:23.200 # 河邊燒烤哦 別有一番風情 A riverside barbecue. It's really exotic. 0:07:23.200,0:07:26.240 # 但是要注意這種天氣還是比較熱 今天三十來度是吧 But you gotta pay attention to the weather. It's rather hot today. It's thirty some degrees, right? 0:07:26.660,0:07:27.560 # 三十六度 三十六 嗯 Thirty six degree. 0:07:27.560,0:07:28.500 # (上一句分成兩句) Thirty six. Um. 0:07:28.500,0:07:30.220 # 所以要多喝水防止中暑 So we need to drink more water to prevent heat stroke. 0:07:30.580,0:07:31.880 # 只在那水裡也可以 Lying in the water also works. 0:07:33.320,0:07:34.180 # 也可以哦 It also works right? 0:07:34.500,0:07:35.220 # 防止中暑 It prevents heat stroke. 0:07:45.940,0:07:48.380 # 你看 把這個雞 Look! I'm gonna tie, 0:07:49.940,0:07:52.000 # 綁起來 綁起來再烤 tie up, tie up the chicken and then grill it. 0:07:54.360,0:07:55.640 # 剛好帶了個鐵絲來 It just so happens that I have a wire with me. 0:07:57.040,0:07:58.040 # 把它腳綁起來 I can tie up its feet. 0:08:04.740,0:08:06.340 # OK 你看 搞定 OK! Look! It's done! 0:08:06.640,0:08:08.700 # 哦 這樣 這樣大家看一下哦 Oh! Then, now, everybody have a look! 0:08:09.100,0:08:12.260 # 他這樣 按照華農兄弟這樣綁那雞就跑不了啦 Tying it up in Huanong's way can prevent the chicken from running away. 0:08:12.560,0:08:14.760 # 這樣你給它跑 它跑不了啦 你看 Then it can no longer run away even if you're not watching it.Look! 0:08:14.760,0:08:18.320 # 像這就是為甚麼要綁腳哦 綁腳的原因就在這裡 That's why he needs to tie up the feet. Here's the reason for tying up the feet. 0:08:19.780,0:08:22.580 # 誒 這樣跑不掉了嘛 跑不了了 跑不了了 Ey! Then it can no longer run away. No way, no way. 0:08:24.720,0:08:28.380 # 等一下這個火 等它滅 等它滅了再說 Let's wait until the fire, until the fire goes off. 0:08:35.860,0:08:37.380 # 哇 差不多可以烤啦 Wa! I think we can start grilling now. 0:08:51.000,0:08:52.120 # 我們刷點油 Let's brush some oil. 0:08:53.280,0:08:54.400 # 不然太乾啦 It would be too dry otherwise. 0:08:56.500,0:08:57.840 # 給它皮膚做下 I'm giving its skin, 0:08:58.660,0:08:59.720 # 做下潤滑 some moisturiser. 0:09:10.860,0:09:14.080 # 哎呀這個 炭都滅掉啦 沒甚麼火 Aya! The charcoals is not longer burning. There's hardly any fire. 0:09:14.300,0:09:16.360 # 回家裡烤算啦 現在太晚啦 Let's just grill it at home. It's too late now. 0:09:16.780,0:09:17.680 # 還沒吃晚飯 I still haven't had my dinner. 0:09:18.020,0:09:21.160 # 還沒吃 午飯 不然我帶回家裡 I still haven't had, my lunch. Well I'm taking it home. 0:09:21.860,0:09:23.700 # 肚子餓的很 還沒烤熟 I'm staving, but it still needs a longer time. 0:09:24.740,0:09:28.060 # 這個兄弟家的炭不行啊 我帶了 我拿著我家的炭來烤 This is my buddy's charcoal. It's no good. I'll take, I'm gonna grill with my own charcoal. 0:09:29.420,0:09:30.600 # 把這個火滅掉 Let's put off the fire here. 0:09:40.660,0:09:42.780 # 你看 這個家裡的燙也煲好啦 Look! The soup at home is also done, 0:09:42.780,0:09:45.660 # 雞 那個鴨也搞好啦 雞燙也煲好啦 chick, and also the duck, and also the chicken soup. 0:09:46.300,0:09:50.300 # 搞兩塊 我先吃啦 我先吃了這些再說 Let me have some. I'm gonna eat first. I eat something here first. 0:09:51.200,0:09:52.600 # 人都餓的乾趴趴啦 I'm starving and am about to pass out. 0:09:54.560,0:09:55.460 # 誒呀 好香 Eya! It smells good! 0:10:00.520,0:10:01.500 # 味道太好吃啦 It tastes simply marvellous! 0:10:05.420,0:10:07.200 # 我們吃完飯接著烤那個雞 We'll have our lunch first and then continue with the chicken. 0:10:08.160,0:10:09.840 # 先把 先把午飯吃了再說 Let's, let's have our lunch first, before everything 0:10:10.300,0:10:13.140 # 你看 午飯都做好啦 我們先吃午飯吧 Look! Our lunch is here. Let's have our lunch! 0:10:14.500,0:10:18.240 # 你看 鴨子 南瓜 青菜 碗豆 Look! Here are duck, pumpkins, veggies, green peas, 0:10:18.820,0:10:19.640 # 蘿蔔 radish, 0:10:20.520,0:10:22.320 # 還有 紫薯豬 (註︰這個發音錯誤不應該直接翻譯,找個近似的找替) and also, purple yam cock, 0:10:22.320,0:10:23.260 # 紫薯粥 purple yam congee. 0:10:25.840,0:10:26.620 # 開始開始 Let's start, let's start! 0:10:26.620,0:10:27.120 # 開始 Let's start! 0:10:27.480,0:10:29.120 # 吃完飯啦 就想吃西瓜 After lunch, now I want some watermelons. 0:10:29.500,0:10:32.100 # 上次我摘了兄弟家 搞了十幾個西瓜 現在還有 Last time, I've taken, taken dozens of watermelons from my buddy's place. Now I still have some. 0:10:33.020,0:10:34.900 # 今天就沒有啦 吃完這兩個 But no more today. These two are the last ones. 0:10:37.060,0:10:38.700 # 哇 鮮紅色 Wa! It's shinning red. 0:10:39.360,0:10:40.840 # 這樣的西瓜肯定很好吃 This kind of watermelons is certainly tasty. 0:10:41.540,0:10:42.620 # 先端走一半 Take away this half first. 0:10:55.560,0:10:58.060 # 你去那裡搞 搞 搞這些 這些西瓜 Where did you get, get, get these, these watermelons? 0:10:58.940,0:10:59.740 # 後面搞的 I picked them back there. 0:11:01.340,0:11:02.520 # 還是兄弟家的咯 And I bet that there are from your buddy, right? 0:11:04.020,0:11:06.580 # 兄弟家大把 他家吃不完 我幫他吃一下 My buddy has a lot! He can't finish them. So I'm helping him. 0:11:06.800,0:11:08.620 # 嘿嘿嘿 我也在幫他吃 He he he! And I'm also helping him now. 0:11:09.480,0:11:11.080 # 等一下要不要一起去 搞一點 You wanna get some, together with me, in a while? 0:11:11.720,0:11:12.400 # 一會兒嗎 In a while? 0:11:12.920,0:11:15.720 # 誒 我剛剛到村裡面 村民去哪啦 跑完啦 Ey? I was just in the village. Where are the villagers. Did they all run away? 0:11:16.500,0:11:19.380 # 不知道 在田裡面乾活吧 看西瓜熟了 No ideas. I think they're working in the fields. the watermelons are ripe now. 0:11:19.400,0:11:23.120 # 不可能 現在十二點啦 十二點了一個村民沒看到 No, it's impossible. It's now twelve at noon, at noon and not even a single villager came into my eyes. 0:11:24.380,0:11:26.000 # 這個時候西瓜剛好成熟 The watermelons are becoming ripe in this period of time. 0:11:26.200,0:11:26.820 # 哦 Oh! 0:11:27.360,0:11:29.140 # 可能他們幾乎去搞西瓜啦 So I think almost everybody is picking the watermelons. 0:11:29.240,0:11:30.440 # 哦哦哦哦哦 I see, I see, I see, I see, I see. 0:11:30.660,0:11:32.240 # 一會我們去搞一點 再搞一點 Let's pick some, some more in a while. 0:11:32.800,0:11:34.260 # 我今天早 早上打電話給他 I phoned him this morning. 0:11:34.520,0:11:36.260 # 打了一早上他沒接 不知道幹嘛 I've been phoning for the while morning. But he didn't answer. Who knows what he was doing. 0:11:36.740,0:11:37.460 # 我兄弟 哦 沒有接 對啊 My buddy 0:11:37.460,0:11:39.100 # (上一句分兩句) Oh! He didn't answer. Exactly 0:11:41.520,0:11:43.960 # 本來我說帶你去搞兄弟家西瓜的 Originally, I wanted to take you to pick some watermelons at my buddy's place. 0:11:43.960,0:11:46.420 # 反正我一路拍過來 我在村裡面一路拍 I was like, filming all along the way. We were filming all along the way in the village. 0:11:46.420,0:11:47.640 # 一個村民都沒有 But we saw not even one villager. 0:11:48.220,0:11:49.080 # 很奇怪 It's weird. 0:11:49.080,0:11:50.080 # 人比較少 Not many people are here. 0:11:50.480,0:11:51.480 # 現在人少是吧 There are not so many people now, right? 0:11:51.720,0:11:52.960 # 對 只有老人跟孩子 Yup! Only the elderlies and the children are here. 0:11:53.580,0:11:55.260 # 哦 老人孩子也沒看到 Oh! But I saw nobody, neither elderlies, nor children. 0:11:55.640,0:11:56.240 # 在家裡 They stay at home. 0:11:56.820,0:11:57.460 # 哦 I see. 0:11:58.540,0:12:01.460 # 今天上午沒把它烤熟 今天下午我們繼續 We were in the halfway this morning. So let's continue now in the afternoon. 0:12:04.040,0:12:05.900 # 今天上午的火候不猛 The fire this morning was not strong enough. 0:12:16.340,0:12:18.300 # 現在是拿了一個凳子給爸爸坐是不是 So you are bringing daddy a stool, aren't you? 0:12:19.100,0:12:20.340 # 謝謝謝謝謝 Thx, thx thx! 0:12:20.620,0:12:23.680 # 去 去那邊坐著玩啊 等下烤好雞就叫你來吃啊 Go! Have a seat over there. I'll call you when the chicken is done. 0:12:24.700,0:12:26.200 # 去 家裡坐好來 Get, get a seat inside. 0:12:37.100,0:12:38.580 # 擦點蜂蜜給它身上 Let me brush some honey onto its body. 0:12:41.040,0:12:42.040 # 精油Spa Essential oil spa 0:12:42.940,0:12:44.100 # 給它接一下摩 I give it a massage. 0:12:44.100,0:12:45.540 # 額 還要按一下摩啊 Eh! It even needs a massage. 0:12:47.160,0:12:48.160 # (雞)脖子都快斷啦 Its neck is about to break. 0:12:49.300,0:12:50.060 # 小心一點 I gotta be careful. 0:12:52.660,0:12:53.860 # 全身都擦的到 It's brushed all over the body. 0:12:54.920,0:12:56.620 # 油 油光油光啊 It's oily, shinning oily, right? 0:12:56.940,0:12:59.660 # 對呀 蜂蜜撚到它每一寸肌膚 Yup! The honey is brushed onto every inch of its skin. 0:12:59.840,0:13:00.440 # 嗯 Um 0:13:02.860,0:13:04.100 # 腳趾上也抺一點 And also on the toes 0:13:05.000,0:13:08.580 # 搞(好?) 開始 稍微再烤一下就可以了 Alright. Let's start. We just need to slightly grill it for another short while. 0:13:09.280,0:13:10.300 # 我先洗個手再來 I'll come back after washing my hands. 0:13:15.300,0:13:16.340 # 這雞烤好啦 The chicken is done. 0:13:17.300,0:13:18.420 # 來 大漠叔叔 Hey! Uncle Daimo! 0:13:18.640,0:13:20.180 # 來 直接開始吃了哈 Alright! We can start eating right away. 0:13:20.200,0:13:21.300 # 嗯 來來 Um! C'mon, c'mon! 0:13:23.960,0:13:25.000 # 嗯 棒哦 Um! Excellent! 0:13:25.200,0:13:25.980 # 我也要 Me too! 0:13:27.960,0:13:28.500 # 不夠粗魯 You're not rude enough. 0:13:28.500,0:13:29.140 # 有點燙 It's a bit hot. 0:13:30.380,0:13:31.360 # 幫我拿一下 Hold it for me. 0:13:31.680,0:13:32.900 # 你直接放口袋裡面 Why don't you just put it in your pocket right away? 0:13:37.680,0:13:39.040 # 這一塊 這一塊 This piece, this piece... 0:13:39.040,0:13:40.960 # 我想吃這一塊 嗯好 你吃這一塊 I want this piece. Alright! You take this piece. 0:13:43.560,0:13:44.220 # 怎麼樣 How is it? 0:13:44.940,0:13:45.840 # (拿不到) (註︰原字幕沒有這句,但刘星辰說得太清楚了,不想去掉) I can't take it. 0:13:47.620,0:13:49.120 # 哦 很甜 Oh! It's so sweet! 0:13:49.620,0:13:50.620 # 嗯 加點蜂蜜還不錯 Um! The honey really makes a difference. 0:14:02.020,0:14:02.520 # 香不香 Is it good? 0:14:03.280,0:14:04.740 # 哇 我要吃肉 Wa! I want a piece of meat. 0:14:05.020,0:14:05.560 # 不要吃肉 You want meat, right? 0:14:05.560,0:14:06.700 # 嗯 有點燙 Um! It's a bit hot. 0:14:07.740,0:14:08.280 # 還要嗎 You want more? 0:14:08.540,0:14:10.320 # 你還要不要 你要不要皮 這個 You want more? You want a piece of skin? Here. 0:14:10.320,0:14:12.760 # 要要要 我要皮 我不要皮 Yea, yea, yea! I want skin! No, I don't want! 0:14:14.980,0:14:15.960 # 皮才有味 The skin is the most flavourful. 0:14:21.240,0:14:23.980 # 兩下就被 被小孩搶光啦 我就吃了個雞頭哦 The kids finished, finished the whole chicken in seconds. And I'm now eating the chicken head. 0:14:24.300,0:14:25.300 # 沒有啦 There's no more. 0:14:26.160,0:14:26.700 # 沒啦 Nothing more 0:14:27.600,0:14:28.240 # 要不要雞頭 You want chicken head? 0:14:36.900,0:14:38.100 # 嗯 味道很不錯 Um! It tastes really not bad. 0:14:41.760,0:14:43.600 # 好啦 下次我要烤五個來 Alright! Next time I'm gonna grill five chickens. 0:14:44.060,0:14:45.120 # 它這太少啦 這個 It's far from enough, here. 0:14:45.880,0:14:46.860 # 一下就吃完啦 Everything is gone in a second. 0:14:54.740,0:14:57.280 # 幸好我搶得快 吃了三個 Fortunately, I was fast time. So I had three pieces. 0:15:08.940,0:15:11.280 # 給你的 你最小的 寶貝 It's for you! You're the smallest, baby! 0:15:13.500,0:15:14.500 # 一起玩 一起玩 We play together, play together 0:15:25.420,0:15:28.420 # 它這 這是甚麼 這是 花灑 哈哈哈哈 It's a, what is it? It's a shower. Ha ha ha ha! 0:15:31.120,0:15:34.640 # 看一下這甚麼 這鏡子 哦 See what it is? It's a mirror, oh! 0:15:35.280,0:15:36.020 # 是不是 Isn't it? 0:15:36.260,0:15:37.980 # 這個是她化妝的 She uses it when use puts on the makeup. 0:15:38.000,0:15:39.880 # 是不是真的有用的 哎呀 真的有用 Is it a really mirror? Aya! It's real one. 0:15:41.380,0:15:43.420 # 匆匆忙忙的二天就過去啦 It's the end of a hectic day. 0:15:44.060,0:15:44.820 # 謝謝兄弟 Thank you man! 0:15:44.820,0:15:46.720 # 帶點我們本地的東西回去 Bring some, bring some of our local products back home. 0:15:47.540,0:15:50.180 # 這一次也有點美中不足 There are still some rooms to perfection. 0:15:50.180,0:15:50.740 # 美中不足 Some rooms to perfection 0:15:50.740,0:15:52.040 # 就是 還 還有嗎 I mean, are there, are there any more? 0:15:52.460,0:15:54.120 # 再 再給一點 再給一點 Give, give me more, give me more! 0:15:54.120,0:15:56.060 # 其實我還能拿的下 還能拿 能拿 In fact I can still take more. I can, I surely can. 0:15:56.080,0:15:58.780 # 地址 地址 把地址給我們 我們到時候就寄 Address, address, give us your address and then we can send you. 0:15:59.120,0:16:01.940 # 不 我們現在能拿嗎 能拿就再拿一點吧 No. Can we take now? If yes, I can still take more. 0:16:01.940,0:16:03.820 # 誒誒 能拿 我們能拿 Ey, ey! Yes, we can take more. 0:16:03.820,0:16:05.300 # 額 我們還有後備箱 Eh! We still have a spare suitcase. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
