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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟把香猪放出来散养一摸它肚子就躺下很乖哦 - #1414

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 August 21, 2020 at 02:57PM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

完成翻译后,请将完整稿件复制并回复到本 issue。 参考: 翻译及投稿步骤 翻译守则 往期翻译

vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:把香猪放出来散养,一摸它肚子就躺下,很乖哦 # Huanong Brothers: Get the pig out. It lies down when I touch its belly. Good boy! # 這豬是閹過的公豬,所以那些「很乖」之類的都用"good boy" # 我把動物部位和肉品部位的字交替使用,突然牠既是動物,也是食物的感覺 0:00:01.100,0:00:02.520 # 搞點象草給豬吃 I get some elephant grass for the pig. 0:00:09.000,0:00:12.020 # 你看 這象草都很嫩的 葉子又多 Look! The elephant grass here is all very young, with a lot of leaves too. 0:00:16.120,0:00:16.620 # 夠多 Plenty enough 0:00:24.460,0:00:25.980 # 這羊喜歡吃嫩草 These goats like young grass. 0:00:39.060,0:00:40.220 # 吃它都不吃 It's not eating at all. 0:00:42.440,0:00:43.780 # 聞一下 香不香 It's smelling. Is it good? 0:00:46.260,0:00:47.480 # 聞到了它這個味道 It now recognises the smell, 0:00:48.480,0:00:49.460 # 好吃的味道 a tasty smell. 0:00:52.360,0:00:54.860 # 要把鐵鏈把它拴起來 牽出去哦 I gotta tether it with the chain, and take it out. 0:00:55.220,0:00:57.580 # 不牽出來它一直待在這裡 沒有活動 Otherwise it's always staying here, without anything to do. 0:00:58.160,0:00:59.860 # 這豬 豬肉都不好吃 Then the pig, the pork won't taste good. 0:01:02.740,0:01:04.060 # 剛好帶個鏈子過來 It just so happens that I have a chain with me. 0:01:17.100,0:01:18.240 # 給你帶條金鏈子 I'm putting on a gold necklace for you. 0:01:42.420,0:01:45.360 # 它聞到甚麼好吃的了 走它都不走 It smells some good food, so it's not going. 0:01:55.020,0:01:57.500 # 走 到下面去 下面有好吃的 Let's go, go down there! There's very good food! 0:01:58.100,0:01:59.480 # 走 這裡沒甚麼好吃的 Go! You can't find anything good to eat here. 0:02:02.680,0:02:06.600 # 走 下面去 你看多乖 很聽話 Go! Go down there! Look! It behaves so well. It's a good boy. 0:02:18.060,0:02:22.440 # 把鏈子掙脫 掙脫鏈子我就那個 我就放出你來' Break free the chain, break free the chain and then I'll, you know, I'll let you go out. 0:02:22.880,0:02:25.080 # 哎呦 你看 好聰明哦 Ayo! Look! It's so clever! 0:02:25.780,0:02:26.960 # 太聽明了它 It's far too clever. 0:02:28.200,0:02:30.020 # 現在你自由啦 放在這裡啊 You're free now. I'll leave you here, alright? 0:02:37.620,0:02:38.820 # 要不就明天把它宰了 Should I just kill it tomorrow? 0:02:42.920,0:02:44.760 # 來 摸一下你可以吧 Hey! May I touch you? 0:02:45.600,0:02:46.660 # 摸一下你可以吧 May I touch you? 0:02:50.160,0:02:51.800 # 哎呦 真乖 Ayo! Good boy! 0:02:52.740,0:02:55.380 # 這是那甚麼 肥肉是不是 那麼多肥肉 What is it? Is it fat? You have so much fat. 0:02:59.680,0:03:00.740 # 我喜歡吃瘦的 But I prefer lean meat. 0:03:04.400,0:03:06.380 # 摸一下 真是的 Let me touch you, c'mon! 0:03:09.140,0:03:10.360 # 你看 給你抓癢癢 Look! I'm rubbing you. 0:03:11.500,0:03:12.260 # 是不是很享受 You enjoy it, don't you? 0:03:13.880,0:03:14.400 # 是不是 Don't you? 0:03:17.520,0:03:22.080 # 不要跑啊 跑了之後我逮到你我就 直接磨刀啦 Don't try to run away! If I catch you running away, I'll be sharpening my knife right away. 0:03:23.380,0:03:25.280 # 先把你放出來自由活動一下 I let you come out and do whatever you like. 0:03:25.720,0:03:28.140 # 等一下自己回 回自己的窩裡面去啊 You go back, back to your own pigsty in a while, alright? 0:03:33.960,0:03:34.840 # 是不是很舒服 Do you feel great? 0:03:42.720,0:03:43.900 # 好乖啦現在 It's a very good boy now. 0:03:44.720,0:03:46.060 # 你看 是不是 Look! Isn't it? 0:03:46.680,0:03:48.220 # 對你多好 是不是 I treat you so well, right? 0:03:53.900,0:03:55.200 # 它肚子 誒呀 It's belly, eya! 0:03:58.780,0:03:59.720 # 現在好乖啦 It's a very good boy now. 0:04:00.220,0:04:02.360 # 看你這 臉上的肉 那麼多 Have a look at your face. It's so meaty. 0:04:02.360,0:04:03.140 # 你看 Look! 0:04:04.400,0:04:05.320 # 它在享受 It's enjoying. 0:04:08.900,0:04:13.140 # 想睡覺 呵呵 等下搞很它好像睡覺了 It wants to sleep! It might be enjoying so much that it looks like sleeping. 0:04:14.840,0:04:17.400 # 是不是 不要跑就行在這裡 Right? Stay here and don't run away. Then everything will be fine. 0:04:17.800,0:04:20.540 # 要跑了被我抓到了我就把你宰了 I'll kill you if I catch you running away. 0:04:21.820,0:04:26.860 # 可以了 不把你關到裡面去 你在這裡啊 跟鵝跟鴨在一起 (註︰只吃剩一隻鴨一隻鵝) Alright! I'm not locking you up inside. You can stay here, together with the duck and the goose. 0:04:28.700,0:04:30.420 # 只要你聽話我就不吃你 I won't eat you as long as you're a good boy. 0:04:31.560,0:04:34.220 # 天天待在這裡 你把它吃胖一點 You can simply stay here every day. Eat more and grow fatter, 0:04:34.880,0:04:35.860 # 越胖越好 the fatter the better, okay? 0:04:36.340,0:04:39.420 # 最少 最少吃到三百斤去 Grow up to at least, at, at least a hundred and fifty kilograms. 0:04:41.180,0:04:42.940 # 長成兩百斤我就不宰你啦 I'm not killing if you reach up to a hundred kilograms. 0:04:46.920,0:04:49.340 # 嗯 要聽話哦 知不知道 Um! Be a good boy! Got it? 0:04:51.320,0:04:54.320 # 好啦 聽它在這裡睡大覺吧 Alright! Let it have a good and sound sleep here. 0:04:55.580,0:04:57.960 # 等下自己找吃的啊 我沒東西餵你哦 Make sure that you get something to feed yourself later in the day, alright? I don't have anything for you. 0:04:58.840,0:05:01.060 # 去附近找一下 看下有沒有 You can walk around and see if there's anything, 0:05:01.540,0:05:03.180 # 有沒有菜啊 有沒有那個 anything like veggies, or, you know. 0:05:04.960,0:05:08.280 # 有沒有菜啊 有沒有草根啊樹根之類的吃一下哦 anything like veggies, roots of grass, or tress, or whatever, as snacks. 0:05:09.880,0:05:11.120 # 幾天後 A few days later 0:05:19.400,0:05:24.320 # 摸你 快點 我給你搞癢癢 又不讓我抓子是不是 I just wanna touch you! C'mon, let me rub you! You don't like it now, do you? 0:05:28.580,0:05:30.180 # 給你抓癢癢哦 快點過來 Let me rub you. Come here! 0:05:31.260,0:05:32.160 # 來給你抓癢癢 Let me rub you! 0:05:37.060,0:05:38.040 # 現在不讓我 It doesn't like it now. 0:05:47.920,0:05:49.540 # 哎喲 哇 好兇啊 Ayo! Wa! It's so fierce! 0:05:51.100,0:05:54.360 # 養你那麼大 你竟然想吃我 I raise you up! But you wanna bite me! 0:05:56.860,0:05:57.800 # 出來出來出來 Come here, come here, come here! 0:05:59.460,0:06:00.940 # 給大家看一下你瘦了沒有 Let us see if you're getting skinny. 0:06:06.120,0:06:07.620 # 現在不讓人家摸了現在 Now it doesn't like my touch anymore. 0:06:09.180,0:06:10.720 # 給你揉一揉 要不要 I just rub, alright? 0:06:13.180,0:06:16.400 # 嘿嘿嘿 揉一下肚子就行了 Hehehe! Rubbing the belly is fine. 0:06:18.360,0:06:22.560 # 沒事 揉你肚子 以為我干嘛是不是 刀我都沒帶 No worries. I just rub your belly. Are you thinking that I'm gonna do something bad? I don't even have my knife with me! 0:06:23.120,0:06:23.780 # 真是的 Stupid piggy 0:06:30.800,0:06:32.800 # 揉了它肚子它自 它自己躺下 It lies, lies down by itself once I rub its belly. 0:06:34.260,0:06:34.900 # 爽不爽 Is it cool? 0:06:37.600,0:06:39.680 # 你喜歡大家摸你肚子是不是 You like it when I rub your belly, don't you? 0:06:40.040,0:06:42.220 # 不摸它它就自己躺下來 你看 It simply lies down by itself once I rub it, look! 0:06:42.960,0:06:43.680 # 在享受 It enjoys so much. 0:06:45.680,0:06:46.940 # 因為它肥肉太多了 It's because it has too much fat. 0:06:47.480,0:06:50.280 # 現在身材胖了一點點 所以 And now it's getting a bit fatter, so, 0:06:51.040,0:06:52.920 # 它被人家摸一下會舒服一點 it feels much better when I pet it. 0:06:54.900,0:06:56.940 # 剛剛你都想咬我是不是 He wanted to bite me a moment ago, didn't you? 0:06:57.860,0:06:59.660 # 我以為你變心了 I thought that you were no longer faithful to me. 0:07:00.680,0:07:01.800 # 原來還沒有變 But it's not the case. 0:07:04.620,0:07:07.640 # 如果你咬傷了我你就知道後果是怎麼樣子了 I'll show you the consequence if you really bite me. 0:07:09.340,0:07:10.180 # 你知不知道 Do you know what it is? 0:07:16.260,0:07:17.580 # 紅燒豬蹄 Stewed trotter 0:07:20.160,0:07:23.580 # 它是不是胃不舒服 我一摸它 Is the stomach hurting it? It comes, 0:07:25.020,0:07:26.440 # 它就 它就過來了 it comes to me every time, every time I touch it. 0:07:29.420,0:07:33.460 # 誒 它沒豬牙的 它的牙都好小 Eh? It has to tusks, but only smell teeth. 0:07:35.700,0:07:38.520 # 還是個 小豬豬 It's still a, little piggy. 0:07:42.760,0:07:43.620 # 波浪形 Rickrack 0:07:46.740,0:07:49.000 # 全身都在 全身的肉都在動 Every inch, every inch of skin is shaking. 0:07:51.040,0:07:52.500 # 好乖呦 It's such a good boy. 0:07:55.020,0:07:58.620 # 給你鬆鬆骨 按按摩 誒喲不肯了 是不是 Let me ease your weariness, give you a massage. Ayo! You don't like it, right? 0:08:03.380,0:08:08.320 # 拿這個前 前腿 做紅燒絕對好吃 This front, front leg, is absolutely tasty when it's stewed. 0:08:10.840,0:08:13.100 # 這個五花肉 這個應該是五花肉來的 This is pork belly. Here should be the pork belly. 0:08:19.940,0:08:20.900 # 小豬蹄 Tiny trotter 0:08:23.560,0:08:25.540 # 哎呀這 好多肉啊這裡 Aya! It's, it's so meaty here. 0:08:31.080,0:08:33.960 # 你看 它這 有點肥肉 Look! Here's, a little bit fat. 0:08:34.580,0:08:35.860 # 軟綿綿的這裡 It's as soft as a baby's bottom here. 0:08:37.960,0:08:39.680 # 它已經看破紅塵了 It has already seen through this mortal and materialistic world. 0:08:40.900,0:08:42.860 # 想吃飽就睡 睡飽就吃 So it simply sleeps after meals, and eats after waking up, 0:08:43.040,0:08:46.180 # 該吃的時候就吃 該喝的時候就喝 哦 是不是 eats when it's time to eat, and drinks when it's time to drink. Right? 0:08:47.020,0:08:49.720 # 好像它聽懂了 它說是 It seems that it understands. It says yes. 0:08:52.940,0:08:54.560 # 沒事的 是吧 No worries. Sure! 0:08:55.320,0:08:58.040 # 在這裡長 長大一點 長到五百斤去 You can grow here, grow bigger, up to two hundreds and fifty kilograms. 0:08:58.780,0:08:59.700 # 沒人說你 Nobody's gonna say anything. 0:09:02.180,0:09:03.100 # 一條豬 You are a pig. 0:09:04.400,0:09:06.500 # 保 保証把你養的肥肥胖胖 I pro, promise that I'll raise you up to a big fat pig. 0:09:08.220,0:09:12.520 # 好啦 今天的視頻就到這裡啦 這頭豬太會享受了 Alright! The video ends here. This pig enjoys its life so much. 0:09:15.480,0:09:17.680 # 你看 你的同伴有那麼享受嗎 Look! Is it a life that your companions can enjoy? 0:09:18.500,0:09:20.720 # 要是你的同伴這樣子呀 早就燒開水了 If they have anything, it's only the hot water waiting for them. 0:09:21.800,0:09:23.760 # 是不是 還不願意來我家 Am I right? But you still didn't want to come here. 0:09:26.240,0:09:31.060 # 這個豬刮毛的話 七 七八十度開水 Deharing this pig needs hot water of about seventy, seventy or eighty degrees. 0:09:31.460,0:09:33.820 # 不能 不能超過一百度 超過一百度就熟了 Never, never exceed a hundred degrees. Otherwise the pork would be cooked. 0:09:34.680,0:09:36.980 # 你看 這個豬還長了一根白毛 你看 Look! This pig has a white hair here, look! 0:09:41.040,0:09:42.120 # 它沒反應 No response. 0:09:43.700,0:09:46.560 # 你看 跟大白豬一樣的 白我 Look! It's like the big white pigs, white hair. 0:09:53.700,0:09:54.560 # 人工呼吸 Artificial respiration 0:09:58.020,0:09:59.020 # 不舒服了 It doesn't like it. 0:10:00.140,0:10:02.660 # 好啦好啦 走啦 我要幹活啦 Alright, alright! I gotta go now. I have to work. 0:10:03.440,0:10:04.480 # 自己找吃的啊 Get something to feed yourself, okay? 0:10:06.040,0:10:08.320 # 去找點樹根吃一下 樹皮吃一下 Feed yourself with some roots, or bark, or whatever. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #1416.

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the hard work @vincenthychow!

Please upload the subtitles to YouTube via

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
