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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟上山一趟发现不少野果有些已经十几年没吃过了 - #1553

Closed immoonancient closed 3 years ago

immoonancient commented 3 years ago

视频发布于 October 10, 2020 at 12:00AM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

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vincenthychow commented 3 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:上山一趟,发现不少野果,有些已经十几年没吃过了 # Huanong Brothers: A trip to the hill. Lot of wild fruits. Haven't seen some for dozen of years. # Huanong Brothers: We take a trip to the hill and see a lot of wild fruits. Some have already been out of our sight for more than a decade. 0:00:07.040,0:00:10.597 # 大家好 剛才看到兄弟 匆匆忙忙的跑進山上去啦 Hi everyone! I just saw my buddy, rushing to the hill. 0:00:10.597,0:00:12.444 # 我以為他摘果呢 嚇我一大跳 I thought that he was gonna pick the fruits. It scared me. 0:00:12.444,0:00:14.481 # 搞得我開車直接衝進來啦 So I also rushed here right away, driving my car. 0:00:14.481,0:00:16.100 # 我看一下啊我那個果還在不在 Let me see whether my, my fruits are still there. 0:00:16.788,0:00:17.498 # 就在前面 They’re right in the front. 0:00:19.904,0:00:20.905 # 還好 還在 Still there, fortunately 0:00:21.485,0:00:23.049 # 那麼多 還沒熟 There are so many, but are still green. 0:00:24.001,0:00:25.716 # 概[SIC]不到 概不到他不摘 No wonder he didn’t pick them. 0:00:26.264,0:00:27.372 # 不知道他進山幹嘛 So why was he going into the hill? 0:00:27.975,0:00:30.449 # 我去看一下前面 前面還有那個鐵老虎哦 Let’s have a look in the front. There are also "iron tigers" (big kadsura fruits) in the front, 0:00:30.732,0:00:33.586 # 還有酒飯團 還有 那麼甚麼 and "jiu fantuan" (kadsura fruits) too. And also, well, you know, 0:00:34.553,0:00:37.379 # 額 酸棗 都還很多 我去摘一點來 eh, hog plums, at a lot more. Let me go and pick some. 0:00:37.690,0:00:38.590 # 帶了一個小籃子 I go with a small basket. 0:00:56.481,0:00:58.785 # 今天沒下雨 你看 一下就上來啦 There’s no rain today. Look! I can go up right away. 0:00:59.374,0:01:00.957 # 小意思上這樣的坡 This slope is a piece of cake. 0:01:01.072,0:01:02.123 # 這個車很猛的 This car is not to be sniffed at. 0:01:11.122,0:01:12.686 # 你看 這裡好多拿藤果啊 Look! Here are a lot of wild chocolate vine fruits. 0:01:13.484,0:01:14.441 # 好多哇 Really a lot! 0:01:15.149,0:01:15.992 # 一樹都是 All over the tree 0:01:16.808,0:01:17.594 # 哎呀 Aya! 0:01:18.580,0:01:20.239 # 哎呀 這裡勾住啦 Aya! I am hooked here. 0:01:20.481,0:01:22.424 # 你看 那麼多拿藤果 Look! So many chocolate vine fruits 0:01:22.944,0:01:24.337 # 一樹都是 這裡有幾個 All over the three. Some here, 0:01:24.337,0:01:26.356 # 那裡有 那裡有 那裡也有 some there, and there, and there as well 0:01:27.106,0:01:28.233 # 好多哇 今年 Really a lot, this year 0:01:28.961,0:01:30.980 # 我去前面看一下 前面有沒有香藤子 Let me go in the front, and see if there are any “xiang tengzi” (valarien) in the front. 0:01:31.524,0:01:33.714 # 去年我都摘了幾個香藤子 今年應該有 I picked some valariens last year. This year should be no exception. 0:01:41.444,0:01:42.704 # 你看 這個茶花 Look! These are tea flowers. 0:01:43.543,0:01:46.966 # 這個不知道哪裡種的 這裡怎麼有一棵這樣的茶花 I have no ideas who planted it. Why is such a tea flower tree here? 0:01:47.359,0:01:50.421 # 這個時候 這個季節都是 那個茶果子都快熟啦 At this moment, in this season, the tea fruits are already becoming ripe. 0:01:50.518,0:01:51.683 # 他現在才剛開花 But this is still blossoming, 0:01:52.045,0:01:53.172 # 而且還開了那麼多花 and blossoming so gorgeously, 0:01:54.221,0:01:55.424 # 開的花枝招展 with so many flowers. 0:01:57.001,0:01:57.502 # 誒 Ey? 0:01:57.845,0:01:59.466 # 哎呀 好像那邊有野豬哦 Aiya! There seems to be some wild boars. 0:02:00.001,0:02:00.616 # 看一下 Let me take a look. 0:02:01.325,0:02:03.629 # 誒 我以為是甚麼呢 原來是 Ey! I was wondering what they are. But it turns out to be, 0:02:04.102,0:02:05.742 # 那個 小山羊 you know, little goats. 0:02:07.343,0:02:08.793 # 沒有要的就是野山羊 They belong to no one. So they’re wild goats. 0:02:09.798,0:02:11.912 # 放在那 放在荒效野外 They are left, left in the wild. 0:02:20.387,0:02:20.907 # hello Hello! 0:02:23.811,0:02:25.451 # 下午好 哎呀 Good afternoon! Aya! 0:02:26.321,0:02:26.917 # 那麼多 There are so many! 0:02:27.361,0:02:28.128 # 咩 Meh~ 0:02:29.179,0:02:30.686 # 咩 你看 那頭領頭羊 Meh~ Look! That one is the Alpha, 0:02:31.712,0:02:33.465 # 好黑的 肚子白的那個 the very black one, with a white belly. 0:02:33.659,0:02:35.715 # 應該有一百斤 那麼大 It should be at least fifty kilograms. It’s so big. 0:02:37.003,0:02:38.016 # 全身肌肉 It’s covered with muscles. 0:02:39.273,0:02:40.059 # 肯定好吃 So it must be very tasty, 0:02:43.012,0:02:44.500 # 咩 全跑啦 Meh! They all ran away. 0:02:48.676,0:02:49.651 # 好多小山羊 A lot of small goats. 0:02:53.601,0:02:54.823 # 你看 這野果 Look! These wild fruits… 0:02:55.337,0:02:56.123 # 好多吧 There are a lot, right? 0:02:56.902,0:03:00.230 # 剛我這一眼看上去都七八個哦1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 My first sight can already see seven or eight, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 0:03:02.006,0:03:03.816 # 還沒熟 熟的時候再來 But they’re not yet ripe. Let me come again when they’re ripe. 0:03:04.573,0:03:05.340 # 先做好標記來 I put a mark here first. 0:03:13.109,0:03:15.242 # 記得從這裡插一個這個東西就知道 I just need to remember that this thing is stuck here. 0:03:18.787,0:03:20.597 # 一個樹枝就知道這裡 A branch is enough to remind myself. 0:03:22.933,0:03:25.313 # 這次把標記做好啦 直奔主題 When the mark is properly done this time. Next time, right to the main theme! 0:03:27.001,0:03:28.754 # 看一下前面還有些甚麼東西 Let me see what else in the front. 0:03:32.832,0:03:35.079 # 你看 這個 我們這邊叫 Look! This is, here it is called, 0:03:35.715,0:03:36.539 # 火柴品 match heads. 0:03:38.001,0:03:39.697 # 就是火柴火柴頭一樣的 Well, they just look like matches, match heads. 0:03:40.439,0:03:41.794 # 火柴頭就是這樣子的 This is how match heads look like. 0:03:43.274,0:03:45.634 # 很靚吧 這個可以吃的 這個 不過特別酸 Beautiful, aren’t they? These are also edible, these fruits. But, they’re exceptionally sour. 0:03:49.257,0:03:50.441 # 嗯 怎麼那麼好吃 Um? Why does it taste so good? 0:03:54.306,0:03:54.883 # 嗯 Um! 0:03:55.552,0:03:56.167 # 好酸 It’s really sour. 0:03:56.852,0:03:57.865 # 啊 你看 Ah! Look! 0:03:58.643,0:03:59.296 # 靚吧 Beautiful, aren’t they? 0:04:02.319,0:04:04.205 # 如果打 打了霜之後更靚 They would be even more beautiful after, after being frosted. 0:04:04.498,0:04:08.490 # 通紅的 而且有點甜甜的 酸酸甜甜的 特別好吃 It would be completely red, with a bit sweet, sweet and sour, exceptionally tasty. 0:04:08.800,0:04:09.813 # 現在還不是很熟 They’re still not really that ripe now. 0:04:11.268,0:04:12.794 # 掛在樹上給鳥吃 I hang it onto the tree for the birds. 0:04:15.120,0:04:17.329 # 到時候鳥就過來吃掉啦 不會浪費 The birds can eat it when they come in a while. Then it would not be wasted. 0:04:17.690,0:04:19.405 # 不能浪費資源 We shouldn’t waste any resources on our planet. 0:04:27.247,0:04:29.114 # 你看 這裡有 酒飯團 Look! Here are “jiu fantuan” (lit: wined rice ball, small kadsura fruits). 0:04:29.468,0:04:30.766 # 那麼小的酒飯團 The “jiu fantuan” are so small. 0:04:31.362,0:04:32.186 # 還沒熟 But they’re not yet ripe. 0:04:32.681,0:04:33.638 # 熟了在[SIC]說 Let’s wait until they’re ripe. 0:04:38.241,0:04:38.818 # 你看 Look! 0:04:39.518,0:04:41.897 # 這太壞啦 被松鼠咬下來啦 It’s too bad. It was bitten off by squirrels. 0:04:42.760,0:04:44.893 # 這個都還沒熟就被它咬下來啦 It’s still green but they bit it off. 0:04:47.277,0:04:47.835 # 哎喲 Aya! 0:04:48.739,0:04:49.715 # 裡面有肉哦 (註︰原字幕缺失了,但太清楚,不想跳過) Here’s pulp inside. 0:04:55.255,0:04:56.022 # 太浪費啦 What a waste! 0:04:57.121,0:04:58.134 # 這麼壞 They’re so bad! 0:05:02.401,0:05:05.141 # 你看 這個我們這裡叫狐狸桃 Look! These are called “fox fruits” (wild kiwifruits) here. 0:05:06.093,0:05:07.714 # 還沒熟 要冬天才熟 But they’re not yet ripe, not until winter. 0:05:08.614,0:05:09.457 # 好多哇 Really a lot! 0:05:11.338,0:05:12.181 # 很好吃的哦 They’re really tasty, you know. 0:05:12.892,0:05:15.366 # 拿到一捏一吸就進去啦 Take it, squeeze it, suck it, and it’s in your mouth. 0:05:15.585,0:05:16.409 # 皮就一丟 Then throw away the peel. 0:05:18.547,0:05:19.238 # 現在沒熟 But they're not yet ripe. 0:05:21.921,0:05:24.000 # 你看 一隻老鷹在天空中盤旋 Look! An eagle is circling around in the sky. 0:05:24.695,0:05:25.860 # 你是不是想捉我啊 Are you coming to catch me? 0:05:26.591,0:05:27.301 # 來呀 C’mon! Go head! 0:05:29.284,0:05:32.176 # 把我勾上 勾上天空上去也好啊 Hook me, hook me into the sky. It would be really nice! 0:05:36.641,0:05:39.438 # 你看 這裡一塊 很紅的哦 香藤子 Look! The whole area here, is really red, the “xiang tengzi” 0:05:42.881,0:05:43.477 # 你看 Look! 0:05:44.181,0:05:45.156 # 夠紅吧 這個 They’re really red, right? 0:05:45.708,0:05:47.385 # 這個味道很好吃的哦 這種味道 The taste is really good, you know. This taste is, 0:05:48.158,0:05:48.944 # 就是那種 is just like, 0:05:49.325,0:05:51.000 # 有點辣辣的 辣嘴巴 這個 it's a bit spicy, it burns the mouth, sort of. 0:05:54.934,0:05:55.606 # 很甜 It’s really sweet. 0:05:56.205,0:05:59.286 # 它有點辣辣的 甜中帶辣 辣中帶甜 A bit spicy, sweety spicy, spicy sweet, 0:06:00.096,0:06:01.660 # 還有一種果香味 with a fruity scent. 0:06:02.678,0:06:03.862 # 啊 全部把它摘下來 Ah! Let me pick them all. 0:06:04.042,0:06:04.960 # 那還有幾個 There are still a few. 0:06:14.879,0:06:15.722 # 那麼小 They’re so small. 0:06:24.521,0:06:25.155 # 這個靚 This is beautiful! 0:06:37.133,0:06:38.526 # 哎喲 差點掉啦 Aya! It almost dropped onto the ground. 0:06:41.202,0:06:42.140 # 好靚吧 Beautiful, aren’t they? 0:06:42.552,0:06:44.761 # 你看 這個就熟透了的香藤子 Look! These are completely ripe “xiang tengzi”. 0:06:44.925,0:06:47.980 # 剛才 剛才那個 在路邊上的沒熟的 The, the one, the ones on the road were not yet ripe. 0:06:49.149,0:06:51.377 # 熟透了就這種產色 血紅色 This is the colour when they're completely ripe, bloody red. 0:06:52.673,0:06:53.743 # 看一下前面還有沒有 Let’s see if there are any more in the front. 0:06:56.641,0:06:57.749 # 你看 這樹上 Look! In this tree, 0:06:58.262,0:07:00.000 # 有五六串哦 這樹太高啦 there are five or six strings of them. But this tree is too tall, 0:07:00.770,0:07:03.168 # 只能把樹砍掉才可以摘 we can only chop down the tree if we want to pick them. 0:07:04.021,0:07:04.541 # 這樣 But it’s, 0:07:05.113,0:07:06.885 # 這樣不好 不能亂砍樹 it’s no good. Trees need to be protected. 0:07:09.921,0:07:10.764 # 哇 你看 Wa! Look! 0:07:11.224,0:07:13.167 # 這有兩個哦 那麼大的 Here are two. They’re so big! 0:07:13.952,0:07:15.000 # 它現在沒熟哦 But they’re not yet ripe. 0:07:17.711,0:07:19.275 # 你看 這兩個鐵老虎 Look! These two iron tigers (big kadsura fruits), 0:07:19.658,0:07:20.633 # 那麼大了哦 they’re so big now. 0:07:21.115,0:07:21.882 # 比我拳頭還大 even bigger than my fist, 0:07:22.169,0:07:22.936 # 跟碗一樣 just like a bowl. 0:07:23.237,0:07:25.142 # 現在還沒熟哦 熟了之後我再來 But they’re not yet ripe. When they’re ripe, I’ll come again, 0:07:25.928,0:07:26.790 # 再來摘 come and pick them. 0:07:27.182,0:07:27.797 # 來早了 I come too early. 0:07:28.634,0:07:30.539 # 來遲了又怕被人家 吃 But if we come late, it might have already been, eaten, 0:07:30.881,0:07:31.381 # 摘掉 picked, by other people. 0:07:32.120,0:07:34.044 # 在樹頂上的還有兩個好大的 There are also two very big ones at the top of the tree. 0:07:42.881,0:07:44.179 # 你看 這裡的拿藤果 Look! The chocolate vine fruits here, 0:07:44.541,0:07:45.498 # 那麼大條的 are so big and long. 0:07:46.254,0:07:48.121 # 苗又少 肉又多 There are not many leaves. But the pulp is rich. 0:07:48.502,0:07:49.686 # 個 個頭又大 And the size, the size is really big. 0:07:50.832,0:07:51.940 # 說明這裡的肥料好 It means that here is will fertilised. 0:07:52.871,0:07:54.000 # 兄弟在這裡放牛 My buddy pastures his cattle here. 0:07:54.368,0:07:55.647 # 天天拉牛屎在這裡 And the cattle poop here every day. 0:07:57.001,0:07:57.844 # 怪不很它那麼大 No wonder they’re so big. 0:07:58.241,0:07:59.520 # 你看 又好多金櫻子啊 Look! Here are also a lot of rose fruits. 0:08:01.274,0:08:02.003 # 好多刺的 They're very spiky. 0:08:02.563,0:08:04.203 # 它這個也可以用來泡酒的哦 These can also be used to make infused liquour, you know. 0:08:04.577,0:08:05.401 # 也可以把那個 They can also be, you know, 0:08:06.134,0:08:08.182 # 直接吃也可以 但是要把裡面的籽挖掉 be eaten right away. But the seeds inside need to be removed. 0:08:08.344,0:08:09.452 # 還有外面的刺也把它 And the spikes on the surface also need to be, 0:08:09.977,0:08:10.516 # 搓掉 rubbed off. 0:08:11.416,0:08:12.297 # 直接吃就好 Then they can be eaten right away. 0:08:13.492,0:08:14.505 # 好多啊 今年 There are a lot, this year. 0:08:14.911,0:08:16.588 # 今年好像甚麼野果都很多 It seems that all wild fruits are plentiful this year. 0:08:17.086,0:08:18.270 # 你看 這個茶果哦 Look! This is a tea fruit. 0:08:18.521,0:08:20.275 # 這就是我剛剛說的那個茶樹果 This is the fruit of the tea tree that I just mentioned before. 0:08:21.241,0:08:23.507 # 這個苞啊 裡面都是籽來的 This pocket, there are only seeds inside. 0:08:26.366,0:08:27.759 # 這個可以用來榨油的哦 Oil can be extracted from it, you know. 0:08:31.041,0:08:32.908 # 這裡也可以榨個幾滴油出來喲 A few drops of oil can be extracted here. 0:08:34.418,0:08:37.158 # 你看 這裡還有杮子哦 這個杮子快黃啦 Look! Here are also persimmons. These persimmons will soon be turning yellow. 0:08:41.248,0:08:41.882 # 你看 Look! 0:08:42.320,0:08:43.713 # 這裡一個那麼大串的 Look! Here’s such a huge string of “xiang tengzi”. 0:08:45.201,0:08:47.922 # 好久都沒有 沒有爬過 竹竿啦 I haven’t climbed, haven't climbed a, a bamboo for a long time. 0:08:48.480,0:08:51.258 # 我上試一下能不能 還能不能爬的上去 Let me try if I still can, if I still can climb onto it. 0:09:06.929,0:09:07.753 # 這個可以 It’s not bad. 0:09:24.193,0:09:24.941 # 半斤 A quarter kilogram 0:09:26.260,0:09:27.786 # 這樣的是熟透了這個 This one is completely ripe, this one. 0:09:29.709,0:09:30.400 # 嘗一下 Let me have a try. 0:09:31.860,0:09:32.911 # 這種才好吃哦 This would taste the best. 0:09:35.767,0:09:36.401 # 嗯 Um! 0:09:37.235,0:09:38.192 # 就是不一樣 The difference is significant. 0:09:38.401,0:09:39.623 # 你看 這兩個最大的 Look! These two are the biggest ones. 0:09:48.511,0:09:49.221 # 太好吃啦 It’s simply delicious! 0:09:51.302,0:09:52.334 # 帶回給小孩子吃 Let’s take them back for our children. 0:09:53.259,0:09:54.823 # 他們見都沒見過這個果 They haven’t even seen this kind of fruits before. 0:09:57.705,0:09:58.205 # 還有 There’s, 0:09:58.844,0:09:59.668 # 那還有一棵 there’s another tree. 0:10:04.810,0:10:05.842 # 很累的哦 It’s really tiring, you know. 0:10:07.361,0:10:09.000 # 哎呀 就摘了快一籃子啦 Aya! This basket is nearly full. 0:10:09.581,0:10:10.822 # 我看一下前面還有沒有 Let me see if there are any more in the front. 0:10:12.202,0:10:13.234 # 好久沒上山啦 I haven’t been to the hill for a very long time. 0:10:13.762,0:10:14.775 # 現在我都胖啦 I’m becoming chubby now. 0:10:15.894,0:10:16.794 # 兩腿發軟 And my legs are trembling. 0:10:17.441,0:10:18.095 # 你看 Look! 0:10:18.497,0:10:20.383 # 這樹上還有那個山茘枝哦 There are even wild lychee in this tree. 0:10:20.383,0:10:21.523 # 我都還沒發現 I didn’t see them. 0:10:22.613,0:10:27.000 # 我都 我差不多20年 20年都沒吃過這個 這個東西啦 I haven’t, haven’t eaten these, these things for almost twenty years, twenty years. 0:10:27.724,0:10:28.699 # 好少啦 They’re really rare. 0:10:29.841,0:10:31.063 # 竟然被我碰上啦 But fate brings them to me today. 0:10:32.001,0:10:33.565 # 我上去搖一下看搖不搖得不來 Let me go up and shake it. See if I can shake them off. 0:11:23.403,0:11:25.213 # 哎呀紅的都被掉下去啦 Aya! The red ones are all shaken off. 0:11:26.818,0:11:28.135 # 剩下不紅的就放在這裡 Those which are still here are not red. 0:11:36.001,0:11:36.559 # 你看 Look! 0:11:37.035,0:11:38.029 # 就摘了那麼一點 So I’ve just picked a tiny little bit here. 0:11:41.547,0:11:43.471 # 嘗一下 看一下怎麼樣 味道 Let me try, and see how, how it tastes. 0:11:45.129,0:11:45.972 # 一捏一下 Squeeze it. 0:11:48.686,0:11:49.263 # 好甜 Really sweet 0:11:49.440,0:11:50.599 # 有點像茘枝味一樣 It tastes a bit like lychee. 0:12:02.768,0:12:04.939 # 別浪 不要浪費啦 差點掉啦 Don’t, don’t waste it! It almost dropped. 0:12:09.001,0:12:10.071 # 好 回去啦 回去啦 Alright! Let’s go back, let’s go back. 0:12:15.681,0:12:17.890 # 你看 檢了那麼一點點 Look! We’ve picked just a tiny little bit here. 0:12:18.726,0:12:19.436 # 回去啦 Let’s go back. 0:12:20.727,0:12:22.632 # 看一下前面還有沒有甚它的 Let me see if there's anything else in the front. 0:12:23.041,0:12:23.922 # 你看 這個樹 Have a look at this tree. 0:12:24.398,0:12:25.696 # 又大又紅的哦 They’re all big and red, you know. 0:12:28.012,0:12:29.234 # 叫兄弟上去搖一下 I ask my buddy to go up and shake it. 0:12:31.515,0:12:34.558 # 先把那帽子跟衣服拿過來 褲子也可以 Give me your hat and your shirt first, or your trousers, if you prefer. 0:12:39.741,0:12:40.716 # 把衣服也拿過來 Give me your shirt as well. 0:12:41.684,0:12:42.184 # 好 Alight! 0:12:42.927,0:12:43.656 # 開始了啊 Let’s start. 0:12:44.115,0:12:45.944 # 等一下 等一下 攤好來 Wait, wait! Let me spread it here first. 0:12:46.199,0:12:47.573 # 可以 開始搖 Alright! Start shaking! 0:12:51.913,0:12:53.154 # (一個都沒有) Not even one! 0:12:57.191,0:12:59.115 # 你看 這個 超級大的 Look! This is, super huge. 0:12:59.572,0:13:00.946 # 還有這個 小的 And this one, a small one. 0:13:01.393,0:13:03.000 # 這個帽子就接了兩個 So two are caught with this hat. 0:13:06.234,0:13:07.437 # 先吃個小的來 Let me have the small one first. 0:13:10.482,0:13:11.306 # 嗯 嗯 Um, um! 0:13:12.204,0:13:13.104 # 特別香 It smells exceptionally good. 0:13:14.900,0:13:17.204 # 果肉黃的 這個留給攝影小哥吃 The pulp is brown. I leave this one for Mr. Cameraman. 0:13:17.589,0:13:18.622 # 他帽子接的 It’s caught with his hat, after all. 0:13:22.561,0:13:23.062 # 你看 Look! 0:13:23.386,0:13:25.139 # 這裡這個皮是這樣子的哦 That’s how their peels look like, you know. 0:13:26.640,0:13:29.380 # 它這個表皮上像那個 獼猴桃一樣的 The peel looks like the, I mean, just like kiwifruits. 0:13:30.524,0:13:32.258 # 但不 不影響它的口感 But it, it tastes as good. 0:13:32.849,0:13:33.862 # 你看 好多啊 Look! Here are a lot! 0:13:34.724,0:13:36.212 # 那邊 那樹上還好多 There, a lot more on that tree. 0:13:37.159,0:13:39.000 # 下次把那夾子帶過來就可以啦 I shall come again with that pincer next time. 0:13:39.269,0:13:40.207 # 好夾 這樣 It would then be much easier. 0:13:41.217,0:13:44.336 # 樹枝太小 上次 我記得我去年就在這裡上面 The branches are too small. Last time, I remember filling up half, 0:13:45.398,0:13:47.113 # 搞了 搞了半蛇皮袋 half a bag up there last year. 0:13:47.474,0:13:48.336 # 半牛皮袋 Half a bag 0:13:52.161,0:13:53.857 # 哇 你看 這一樹都是哦 Wa! Look! They’re all over the tree. 0:13:54.141,0:13:54.965 # 好多哇 A lot! 0:13:55.590,0:13:56.907 # 應該可以把籃子裝滿啦 I think I can fill up this basket now. 0:14:01.766,0:14:02.817 # 天都快黑啦 It will be dark very soon. 0:14:03.807,0:14:04.669 # 黑了我也要 I don’t care. I am going up and pick them, 0:14:05.811,0:14:06.654 # 我也上去摘 dark or not. 0:14:09.269,0:14:10.586 # 這個爽吧 這個 This is really cool, this one! 0:14:11.672,0:14:12.363 # 嘗一下 Let me try. 0:14:18.001,0:14:19.261 # 這裡還有這麼多小果子 Here are still so many tiny fruits. 0:14:19.358,0:14:19.858 # 是啊 Indeed! 0:14:24.961,0:14:26.164 # 一個小籃子都裝滿啦 This small basket is already full. 0:14:27.152,0:14:28.697 # 你看 這裡還有那麼多這個 Look! Here are so many, this is, 0:14:29.198,0:14:29.870 # 這個叫甚麼 how is it called? 0:14:30.001,0:14:31.925 # 我們這邊叫做紅扣子 Here they're called red buttons. 0:14:33.940,0:14:35.105 # 這個可以吃的哦 這個 It’s edible, you know. 0:14:37.756,0:14:38.371 # 你看 Look! 0:14:39.913,0:14:40.888 # 酸酸甜甜的 It’s sweet and sour, 0:14:48.219,0:14:49.062 # 像葡萄一樣 just like grapes. 0:14:49.447,0:14:51.219 # 不信你嘗一下 你要吃一下 Don’t you think so? You can have a try. You gotta have a try. 0:14:56.137,0:14:57.454 # 這樣一串一串 They’re in strings. 0:15:09.121,0:15:10.571 # 天色晚啦 我要回去啦 It’s getting dark now and I gotta go back. 0:15:10.846,0:15:12.998 # 一籃子 裝都裝不下啦 A whole basket. It can't take any more. 0:15:14.173,0:15:15.000 # 回去 回去 Let’s go, let’s go. 0:15:15.726,0:15:17.593 # 等下天黑啦 就出不來山啦 We would get stuck in the hill if it gets dark. 0:15:18.001,0:15:19.185 # 是甚麼東西 這個 What is it? This one 0:15:24.001,0:15:25.014 # 這個像腎一樣的 It looks like a kidney. 0:15:25.772,0:15:28.113 # (我們這邊叫XXXXXX) Here it’s called, it's called ????? (untranslatable and untransliterable). 0:15:29.601,0:15:32.398 # 聽說這個玩了 會爛手的 People say that, it burns our hands. 0:15:34.081,0:15:34.753 # 但是看上去 But it looks… 0:15:36.229,0:15:36.960 # 好香啊 It smells so good. 0:15:37.479,0:15:40.883 # 我幫我剝啊 裡面的籽不能吃的 這個是辣的啊 Let me peel it. The seed inside is not to be eaten, alright? It’s spicy, you know. 0:15:44.253,0:15:45.000 # 好不好吃 Does it taste good? 0:15:45.557,0:15:46.343 # 籽不要啊 Don’t swallow the seed! 0:15:46.720,0:15:48.132 # 吃不了就哇出來啊 Spit it out if you can’t take it. 0:15:51.463,0:15:53.084 # 全部吐掉啦 She spits everything out. 0:15:53.385,0:15:54.095 # 好不好吃 Does it taste good? 0:15:55.668,0:15:57.000 # 是有一點辣辣的 是不是 It’s a bit spicy, isn’t it? 0:15:57.001,0:15:57.692 # 那你吃葡萄 Then have some grapes, 0:15:58.547,0:15:59.219 # 小葡萄 tiny grapes! 0:15:59.524,0:16:00.462 # 皮不能吃的哈 Don’t eat the peel, alright? 0:16:08.232,0:16:12.167 # 好啦 今天的視頻就到這裡啦 你看 你看他 Alright! The video ends here. Look! Have a look at him! 0:16:13.561,0:16:15.448 # (啊 一個像葡萄一樣的) Ah! It looks just like a tiny grape. 0:16:15.699,0:16:16.493 # (全吃完啦) They've already finished everything. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago
