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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟看一下兄弟收藏的陨石顺便尝一个他种得脐橙 - #1620

Closed immoonancient closed 3 years ago

immoonancient commented 3 years ago

视频发布于 November 4, 2020 at 11:30AM

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ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

@vincenthychow 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

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vincenthychow commented 3 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 华农兄弟:看一下兄弟收藏的陨石,顺便尝一个他种得脐橙 # Huanong Brothers: We have a look at our buddy's meteorites. And also try his navel oranges. 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.157 # 大家好 聽說兄弟十幾年前就檢了好多那個隕石哦 Hi everyone! I heard that my buddy has started collecting the, the meteorites a dozen of years ago. 0:00:04.398,0:00:06.542 # 我們去看一下 這是他家的果園 Let’s take a look! This is his orchard. 0:00:07.226,0:00:08.962 # 一片一片的 都是 The whole area. They're all, 0:00:09.820,0:00:11.604 # 現在都黃啦 等下來 they’re now becoming ripe. Later! 0:00:12.103,0:00:13.372 # 不急 不急 不急 No hurry, no hurry, no hurry 0:00:15.380,0:00:17.033 # 這個就是鐵隕石呀 These are all iron meteorites. 0:00:17.287,0:00:18.000 # 鐵隕石 Iron meteorites 0:00:18.000,0:00:18.500 # 嗯 Yup 0:00:19.264,0:00:20.174 # 好重啊 這個 It’s really heavy, this one. 0:00:20.174,0:00:21.934 # 是 跟石頭一樣沒區別 Yea. It’s essentially the same as rock. 0:00:22.001,0:00:22.959 # 每個都好重 Each one is really heavy. 0:00:22.959,0:00:23.459 # 是啊 Yup! 0:00:23.459,0:00:24.225 # 在哪裡撿的 Where did you pick them? 0:00:24.369,0:00:25.612 # 在貴州那邊啊 Somewhere in Guizhou 0:00:25.801,0:00:26.301 # 貴州 Guizhou 0:00:26.490,0:00:26.990 # 是啊 Yup 0:00:28.197,0:00:29.802 # 我們這邊好像很少哦 They seem to be rather rare here. 0:00:29.802,0:00:30.676 # 沒有 沒有 No. no. 0:00:30.676,0:00:31.176 # 沒有 No 0:00:31.227,0:00:32.604 # 嗯 根本上就沒有 Um. Not at all. 0:00:32.946,0:00:34.814 # 這個不是甚麼地方都有的 It’s not something that you can find everywhere. 0:00:35.229,0:00:36.450 # 看就石頭一樣 They look like rocks. 0:00:36.732,0:00:37.232 # 是 Yup 0:00:37.233,0:00:38.646 # 真正是是鐵 But they’re actually iron. 0:00:38.881,0:00:41.684 # 你看 這裡 跟鐵一樣的哦 生鐵一樣 Look! Here! It looks like iron, you know, like pig iron. 0:00:43.741,0:00:45.406 # 這邊 你看 被敲了一下 Here. Look! It has been knocked. 0:00:45.628,0:00:47.161 # 敲了一下有反光 It’s shiny after being knocked. 0:00:51.337,0:00:55.386 # 它這給那個風吹雨打呀 它不會跟那個鐵一樣 It was exposed to the nature. You know, so it doesn’t look like iron. 0:00:55.386,0:00:56.991 # 它就那個光面很好 It’s like, the surface is really shiny. 0:00:57.489,0:01:00.244 # 它會曝光 曝的很滑很光滑 It shines. It shines, it means it’s smooth. Really shiny. 0:01:00.466,0:01:03.185 # 你現在我放在家裡有七八年啦 It has been with me for seven or eight years now. 0:01:03.503,0:01:06.473 # 是不是(所以?)這個光面沒有 沒有沒釉面就不見啦 So it’s not shining. I mean, the shiny surface is not here any more. 0:01:06.804,0:01:11.524 # 它又 又該風吹兩打 就跟那個鐵你給風吹雨打它就會瘦(?)的 And ah… it’s exposed to the nature. If it's iron, if it’s exposed to the nature, it would be roosted. 0:01:11.677,0:01:12.383 # 它會生鏽 It would be rusted. 0:01:12.462,0:01:13.923 # 嗯 它這個就不會的 Um! But not this one. 0:01:13.923,0:01:14.423 # 這個不會 Not this one. 0:01:14.423,0:01:17.223 # 嗯 越曬越那個光面越好的這個 Um! The more it’s exposed to sunshine, the shinier it is. 0:01:17.535,0:01:18.265 # 越曬越亮 Sunshine makes it shinier. 0:01:18.404,0:01:19.589 # 是啊 越曬越亮 Exactly, sunshine makes it shinier. 0:01:21.465,0:01:23.477 # 從天上掉下來 那麼大塊 It dropped from the sky. So big. 0:01:26.335,0:01:27.053 # 很少見 It’s really rare. 0:01:27.527,0:01:28.928 # 我們這邊幾乎都看不到 We hardly see any these things here. 0:01:29.941,0:01:31.546 # 沒有 根本上沒有 No. Not at all. 0:01:31.624,0:01:32.306 # 根本上沒有 Not at all 0:01:32.457,0:01:32.957 # 是啊 Nope 0:01:35.357,0:01:35.926 # 很漂亮 It’s really pretty. 0:01:35.926,0:01:39.340 # 本身我就收藏 我自己收藏很多石頭 In fact I collect, I collect a lot of these kind of rocks myself. 0:01:39.654,0:01:40.636 # 你 你收藏啊 You, you mean you collect them? 0:01:40.636,0:01:41.136 # 是啊 Yup 0:01:41.191,0:01:42.484 # 這幾個都是寶貝喲 These are your treasures. 0:01:42.539,0:01:45.413 # 嗯 是啊 家裡收藏的都是的 那玉石啊 Um! Yea! And so are my collections at home. The jades, for example 0:01:45.857,0:01:46.563 # 還有那個 And also the, you know 0:01:46.822,0:01:50.535 # 雞血玉呀 都很多 家裡都收藏的很多 the red jadeite, a lot! I have a lot of collections at home. 0:01:51.140,0:01:52.158 # 收藏愛好者 You’re a collector. 0:01:52.740,0:01:54.393 # 你就自己在上這樣檢啊 So you just pick them my yourselves? 0:01:54.394,0:01:54.894 # 嗯 Um! 0:01:56.389,0:01:56.963 # 多不多 You have a lot? 0:01:57.222,0:01:59.941 # 沒有 多的話就不值錢啦 No! They wouldn’t be worth anything if there are a lot. 0:02:02.347,0:02:03.496 # 這個不是那 It’s not like… 0:02:04.150,0:02:06.473 # 可遇不可求這個東西 You can’t find it. Fate brings it to you. 0:02:06.588,0:02:07.522 # 這個是 It’s ah… 0:02:07.828,0:02:09.828 # 這個是可遇不可求的事情 You can’t find it. Fate brings it to you. 0:02:09.829,0:02:10.760 # 是啊 嗯 Yea! Um! 0:02:11.896,0:02:13.944 # 這個是 鐵 鐵隕石 It’s, it’s iron, iron meteorite. 0:02:14.402,0:02:16.630 # 它也好重 是啊 我們看不出來 It’s really heavy. Yea. We can’t say anything about it. 0:02:17.228,0:02:18.485 # 要專家才看得出來 Only an expert can. 0:02:24.685,0:02:26.685 # 快點把它收好來 這個是寶貝來的 Alright! Keep them well. These are your treasures. 0:02:27.773,0:02:29.174 # 來看一下你家的臍橙 Let’s have a look at your navel oranges. 0:02:29.503,0:02:30.003 # 好 Alright! 0:02:30.379,0:02:32.000 # 哇 好多哇 現在 Wa! There are a lot now. 0:02:32.098,0:02:34.613 # 是 今年臍橙大豐收啦 Yea! This year is a Bumper Yield. 0:02:34.704,0:02:35.446 # 大豐收 Bumper Yield 0:02:35.537,0:02:36.087 # 嗯 是啊 (時間太短,放在一起) Um! Yea! 0:02:50.742,0:02:52.922 # 你看 這個果 搞一個來吃一下 Look! This orange… Let’s have one. 0:02:56.267,0:02:58.063 # 你看 這個果 不洗都那麼乾淨 Look! This orange, is so clean. We don’t even need to wash it. 0:02:58.478,0:02:59.603 # 很漂亮的這個果 It's really pretty, this orange. 0:02:59.946,0:03:02.413 # 像這有一點點這個小疤 這個很正常 It’s like a small scar here. It’s very normal. 0:03:09.921,0:03:11.394 # 你看 這個皮好薄哇 Look! The peel is really thin. 0:03:13.935,0:03:15.372 # 很好吃的 這種臍橙 It’s really tasty, this kind of navel oranges. 0:03:15.373,0:03:16.403 # 現在剛剛熟 They’re now newly ripe. 0:03:17.416,0:03:21.237 # 應該還有帶點酸酸的 再過半個月的話就不酸啦 So it should be still a little bit sour. The sourness will all be gone in a fortnight. 0:03:21.304,0:03:21.902 # 很甜啦 They will then be really sweet. 0:03:24.001,0:03:24.587 # 嗯 Um! 0:03:25.732,0:03:26.702 # 現在都熟透啦 They’re completely ripe now. 0:03:27.871,0:03:28.541 # 很甜哦 It’s so sweet. 0:03:29.051,0:03:30.991 # 因為我摘的這個 比較黃 It’s because I’ve picked a more ripe one. 0:03:39.724,0:03:40.406 # 大浪費啦 What a waste! 0:03:50.870,0:03:52.487 # 這個樹 多的6年啦 This tree, is six years old now. 0:03:52.488,0:03:53.422 # 嗯 6年啦 Um! Six years. 0:03:53.536,0:03:54.506 # 掛100多斤果 It has more than fifty kilograms of oranges. 0:03:55.100,0:03:56.561 # 可以呀 幾百塊錢哦 Not bad. It means several hundred bucks. 0:03:58.611,0:04:00.240 # 全都是標準果 今年 All are up to standard, this year. 0:04:00.618,0:04:02.318 # 幾乎 幾乎都沒有次果 There are hardly, hardly any substandard ones. 0:04:02.318,0:04:03.455 # 是啊 全是標準果 Yup! All are up to standard. 0:04:03.456,0:04:04.629 # 全部是標準果 All are up to standard. 0:04:05.460,0:04:08.000 # 你看 這一大片都是兄弟家的臍橙 Look! The whole area is my buddy’s navel oranges. 0:04:08.330,0:04:09.827 # 應該都有幾萬棵 There should be tens of thousands of trees. 0:04:10.577,0:04:13.655 # 大部份樹上都有好多的哦 都長了上百斤 And there are a lot of oranges on most of the trees, more than fifty kilograms. 0:04:14.597,0:04:16.465 # 這是我們村的產業 These are the product of our village. 0:04:21.528,0:04:24.247 # 這邊的稍微青有點 沒有陽光照射 The ones on this side are a bit green, cuz the sunlight can't reach them. 0:04:25.452,0:04:27.799 # 它照射的量不是很足 所以青一點 They don’t have enough sunlight. So they’re a bit green. 0:04:28.001,0:04:29.462 # 外面那裡好黃啊 The ones outside are golden yellow now. 0:04:30.001,0:04:34.852 # 哇 你看這裡 陽光照射比較足的地方就在這裡 都黃了 Wa! Look! It’s where the sunshine can reach. They’re golden yellow now. 0:04:36.387,0:04:39.729 # 你看 這裡都可以摘啦 直接可以摘 這麼黃啦 看見沒有 Look! They can be picked now, picked right away. They’re golden yellow now, see? 0:04:41.139,0:04:43.139 # 因為這裡有一點點青 有一點點青 Cuz, it’s a tiny little bit green here, a tiny little bit green. 0:04:43.140,0:04:44.637 # 這個 其實沒事的這個 It’s ah..In fact it doesn’t matter. 0:04:45.207,0:04:46.979 # 摘果的話必須要那個哦 If you wanna pick them, you need to, you know…. 0:04:47.597,0:04:51.490 # 十一月十號才可以開摘 因為我們這邊 You need to wait until November tenth. Cuz here we… 0:04:51.782,0:04:54.788 # 等於說 保 額 為保護那個農戶的利益嘛 It’s like, pro, well, we need to protect the welfare of the farmers. 0:04:54.788,0:04:58.573 # 就是統一一天開園 十一月十一月十號 So we all start picking on the same day. November, November tenth. 0:04:58.892,0:05:01.479 # 才可以摘 其它時候都不能摘 Not before, not other time. 0:05:01.480,0:05:03.145 # 因為如果摘的話 像那個 Cuz if you pick, like… 0:05:03.146,0:05:06.081 # 如果這青的摘下來的話就說口感沒有那麼好的 If you pick the green ones, I mean, it won’t taste as good. 0:05:06.579,0:05:09.597 # 其實要讓它在樹上黃了 那個口感是最好的 In fact they taste the best if they’re left to become ripe on the trees. 0:05:10.131,0:05:13.413 # 這樣能保住 保護這個 贛南臍橙的口感 Then the quality of the Southern Jiangxi Navel Oranges can be pro... can be safeguarded. 0:05:14.594,0:05:18.271 # 不然 如果現在摘的話 大家的摘的話 那價格就會亂掉 Otherwise, if somebody starts picking now, if everybody starts picking now, the price might fluctuate a lot. 0:05:19.611,0:05:22.797 # 你看這個臍橙 長了個肚臍眼出來 Have a look at this navel orange! Here’s a belly button. 0:05:24.332,0:05:25.230 # 很漂亮哦 It’s so pretty. 0:05:38.640,0:05:41.455 # 你看這些果 好大啊 Have a lot at these oranges. They're so big. 0:05:43.090,0:05:46.432 # 夠大吧這個 你看它肚臍眼 所以它叫臍橙 It’s big isn’t it? Have a look at its belly button. They’s why it’s called navel orange. 0:05:47.158,0:05:51.075 # 臍橙 就是那個肚臍眼的臍 臍橙 Navel orange. Navel means belly button. So navel orange. 0:05:52.001,0:05:54.241 # 今年好多臍橙啊 都是豐收的 There are a lot of navel oranges this year. It’s a year of Bumper Yield. 0:05:55.038,0:06:01.243 # 但受疫情影響 到現在 好多 好多果園都還沒訂出去 But because of the pandemic, now, many, many orchards have hardly received any orders. 0:06:02.561,0:06:05.244 # 價格可能也會降 降 降低一點 The price may also drop, drop, drop a bit. 0:06:06.746,0:06:09.225 # 但是不影響 不影響它的銷量哦 But the sale is not, is not affected. 0:06:10.417,0:06:13.819 # 我們贛南這邊 稀土額 那個土地的微量元素啊 Here in Southern Jiangxi, the rare-earth, the minerals in the soil, 0:06:13.820,0:06:17.354 # 就是稀土含量比較高 所以種出的臍橙特別好吃 I mean it’s rich in rare-earth. That’s why the navel oranges here are exceptionally tasty. 0:06:17.927,0:06:21.125 # 所以 贛南 贛南的臍橙都是出了名的這個 So, navel oranges from Southern Jiangxi, Southern Jiangxi is really famous for, 0:06:22.468,0:06:26.708 # 好吃 那叫 叫 叫甚麼 叫微量元素嘛 being tasty. It's called, called, how is it called? It's called minerals, right? 0:06:26.709,0:06:28.493 # 就是含稀土比較高 Anyway, I mean the content of rare-earth is rather high. 0:06:29.459,0:06:33.029 # 全世界的稀土含量 占比最高的地方 It’s the highest in the world and most of the rare-earth is here. 0:06:33.030,0:06:34.383 # 就在我們贛南這一帶 It’s here, in Southern Jiangxi. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #1622.

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 3 years ago

Fantastic, @vincenthychow!

Please upload the subtitles to YouTube via

vincenthychow commented 3 years ago
