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[华农兄弟] 华农兄弟快过年了给村里的老人做个美味的竹鼠年夜饭 - #589

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago

视频发布于 January 17, 2020 at 09:08AM

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vincenthychow commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # 0:00:00.000,0:00:02.460 # 今年準備做一個竹鼠年夜飯 This year, we're gonna make a bamboo rats New Year Eve dinner, 0:00:02.740,0:00:04.960 # 給村裡的老人吃 孝敬一下老人 for the elderly in our village, to show them our respect. 0:00:05.400,0:00:08.820 # 你看 你看這個竹鼠 不胖也不瘦 Look! Have a look at this bamboo rat. It's neither too fat nor too skinny. 0:00:09.120,0:00:10.980 # 你看 身材剛剛好哦 嘖 Look! It's perfect, isn't it? 0:00:11.460,0:00:13.580 # 這個用來做紅燒 很好吃的哦 Let's braise it. It must be very tasty. 0:00:19.660,0:00:21.180 # 這個竹鼠太瘦啦 This bamboo rat is far too skinny, 0:00:22.240,0:00:23.300 # 又兇又瘦 fierce and skinny. 0:00:24.100,0:00:25.720 # 這個用來 做白切竹鼠 This bamboo rat, can be steamed. 0:00:26.080,0:00:27.640 # 特別好 你看 它那打架了 It would be really nice. Look! It had a fight. 0:00:27.880,0:00:29.040 # 旁邊還有一點小傷 Here's still a small wound. 0:00:29.580,0:00:30.080 # 沒事 Never mind. 0:00:33.820,0:00:34.860 # 你看 這個竹鼠 Look! This bamboo rat, 0:00:36.840,0:00:38.600 # 它這個竹鼠好胖啊 這個竹鼠 it's really fat, this bamboo rat. 0:00:39.880,0:00:42.740 # 用來 用來烤 特別合適 Let's, let's roast it. It would be perfect. 0:00:44.500,0:00:45.700 # 好 放回去 Alright! Put it back. 0:00:48.460,0:00:49.060 # 進去 Into the cage! 0:00:53.300,0:00:54.280 # 你看這個竹鼠 Have a look at this bamboo rat! 0:00:56.240,0:00:57.400 # 這個也不是很胖哦 This one is not really that fat. 0:00:58.260,0:01:01.160 # 這樣的竹鼠用來做那個 炒 炒 炒那個竹笋啊 This kind of bamboo rats can be, you know, fried, fried, fried with the bamboo shoots. 0:01:01.560,0:01:02.740 # 這個特別好吃的哦 It would taste really nice. 0:01:03.520,0:01:04.240 # 它的肉質 It's texture, 0:01:04.600,0:01:05.220 # 特別好 is exceptional. 0:01:10.700,0:01:11.480 # 不肯進 It's not getting in. 0:01:13.480,0:01:14.700 # 這個好兇啊 這個 This one is really fierce, you know. 0:01:15.380,0:01:16.880 # 每次給它發老婆它都不要 It rejects every single wife assigned to it. 0:01:18.520,0:01:19.220 # 把你烤啦 I'll have you roasted. 0:01:29.020,0:01:30.840 # 現在五個啦 再抓一個 I have five now. Let me catch one more. 0:01:31.560,0:01:32.560 # 再抓一個長得 Let me catch a, 0:01:34.600,0:01:36.420 # 又大又肥的 這個是 big and fat one. This one, 0:01:36.960,0:01:38.140 # 這個 這個 你看 這個 this one, this one. Look! This one, 0:01:38.460,0:01:39.780 # 這個四斤多 這個 this one weighs more than two kilograms. 0:01:40.380,0:01:42.420 # 現在都長不大了 一直都是這樣子 It's not growing anymore. It has been in this size for a while already. 0:01:46.080,0:01:47.540 # 天天吃 吃的很多哦它 It eats, it eats a lot every day. 0:01:49.140,0:01:49.700 # 把它 Let me, 0:01:50.600,0:01:51.240 # 把他用來 let me make a, 0:01:52.080,0:01:53.120 # 用來燉湯 make a soup with it. 0:01:56.540,0:01:57.680 # 這個很靚哦 這個 This one is really beautiful. 0:01:58.680,0:02:00.400 # 一點肥肉都沒有 全是瘦肉 It has only lean meat, not even a bit of fat. 0:02:01.620,0:02:02.180 # 就你啦 You're chosen. 0:02:08.100,0:02:09.040 # 塞都塞不進去 I can't even squeeze it in. 0:02:09.440,0:02:11.140 # 太 太大個了 It's, it's simply too big. 0:02:13.760,0:02:14.460 # 剛剛好 Just right. 0:02:16.640,0:02:18.160 # 我們把它帶下去處理一下 Let's take them down there for further processing. 0:02:40.940,0:02:43.120 # 你看 這個竹鼠 你看 殺好啦 Look! The bamboo rats, look, are ready now. 0:02:43.740,0:02:44.640 # 全都是這樣子的 They all look the same. 0:02:48.160,0:02:49.240 # 這 這裡還有兩個 Here, here are two more, 0:02:50.100,0:02:50.840 # 這裡還有兩個 two more here. 0:02:52.160,0:02:53.480 # 這個用來做 白切(註︰他最後是蒸的) This one is to be, steamed. 0:02:54.180,0:02:55.360 # 改刀都改好啦 And this one is to be roasted. 0:02:56.580,0:02:57.080 # 先把這個 這個肉 Look! 0:02:57.380,0:02:58.300 # 改刀都改好啦 It has already been sliced. 0:03:02.860,0:03:04.700 # 先把這個 這個肉 First, the, the meat, 0:03:05.440,0:03:06.540 # 搞點這個肉出來 let me cut off some meat here. 0:03:07.920,0:03:09.060 # 這個是竹鼠肉哦 This is bamboo rat meat. 0:03:11.320,0:03:12.580 # 我把它 切碎一點 Let me, mince it. 0:03:14.580,0:03:16.420 # 老 老人家 牙齒不太好 The elderly doesn't have very good teeth. 0:03:23.300,0:03:25.080 # 生薑 生薑跟這個 Ginger, ginger together with, 0:03:25.800,0:03:26.360 # 肉沫 minced meat, 0:03:28.180,0:03:28.920 # 放在一起 are put together. 0:03:36.060,0:03:37.300 # 感覺肉太少啦 The meat doesn't seem quite enough. 0:03:37.840,0:03:38.800 # 再割點下來 Let me get more. 0:03:39.700,0:03:41.320 # 這個肉就在那個大腿上取 The meat is just taken from the thigh. 0:03:42.940,0:03:45.420 # 你看 這個 還有塊瘦肉 Look! Here, is still a piece of lean meat. 0:03:49.460,0:03:51.280 # 這全是瘦肉 你看 這塊也可以 There's only lean meat. Look! This piece is also good. 0:03:53.760,0:03:54.840 # 你看 這瘦肉 Look! This is lean meat. 0:03:55.660,0:03:56.580 # 小狗 走開 Puppy! Go 'way! 0:04:03.820,0:04:05.500 # 這個 這個肉差不多好啦 The, the meat should be quite alright now. 0:04:10.220,0:04:11.160 # 這是肉沫 This is minced meat. 0:04:13.060,0:04:15.140 # 放高一點 等下被小狗吃掉啦 Put it higher. Otherwise it would be eaten by the doggies. 0:04:17.800,0:04:19.240 # 這個竹鼠先把它砍碎 Let me first chop this bamboo rat into pieces, 0:04:20.140,0:04:21.580 # 全部把它砍成一塊一塊的 chop it all into pieces. 0:04:28.820,0:04:29.760 # 砍碎一點 I cut it into smaller pieces, 0:04:30.960,0:04:31.920 # 比較好夾一點 so that it's easier to take with chopsticks. 0:04:33.560,0:04:34.720 # 砍碎了就放在這裡 I'll put the pieces here. 0:04:41.720,0:04:45.700 # 我先弄一下那個烤竹鼠 要腌一下 提前 提前 腌一下才行 Let me first prepare the roast bamboo rat. It needs to be marinate, mar, marinated beforehand. 0:04:46.440,0:04:47.440 # 把它放到這裡先 Let me put it here first. 0:04:56.900,0:04:58.300 # 這個用來烤的 這個 This is to be roasted, this one. 0:05:00.120,0:05:02.140 # 這個是用來白切的 白切的 And this is to be steamed, steamed, 0:05:05.860,0:05:07.760 # 白切的就這樣 這樣蒸就可以啦 steamed. Well. it can be steamed right away. 0:05:13.500,0:05:14.860 # 就直 直接這樣蒸 Just put, put it here and steam right away. 0:05:15.560,0:05:16.720 # 把它蒸出來就行啦 It will be done after steaming for a while. 0:05:20.140,0:05:21.160 # 把它劈一下 Let me cut it open. 0:05:28.700,0:05:31.380 # 你看 這個就直接這樣蒸 蒸出來 Look! Now it can be steamed, steamed right away. 0:05:32.080,0:05:33.060 # 這個小竹鼠 It's a small bamboo rat. 0:05:33.820,0:05:35.480 # 蒸的話它會收回去的哦 It will shrink after steaming. 0:05:38.700,0:05:39.280 # 這個 The, 0:05:40.180,0:05:41.040 # 這個烤的要 the one to be roasted, 0:05:41.260,0:05:42.360 # 烤的就要 在這裡 to be roasted, should be put here, 0:05:42.960,0:05:43.540 # 腌一下 and marinated for a while. 0:05:44.520,0:05:45.060 # 我拿那個 Let me, 0:05:45.640,0:05:46.540 # 到這旁邊來 put it aside. 0:05:47.540,0:05:48.420 # 加點這個生薑 Put some ginger. 0:05:49.360,0:05:50.300 # 加點這個醬油 Put some soy sauce, 0:05:51.400,0:05:52.360 # 醬油搞多一油 a bit more soy sauce. 0:05:53.360,0:05:54.800 # 再加點這個 料酒 And also some, this is, cooking wine. 0:05:58.960,0:06:00.060 # 哎呦 不出來 Ayo! It's not coming out. 0:06:04.260,0:06:05.120 # 再加點油 Then put some oil. 0:06:10.920,0:06:11.700 # 再加點鹽 And also some salt. 0:06:16.320,0:06:16.940 # 拌一下 Mix it well, 0:06:18.600,0:06:20.020 # 讓它提前入味 so that it becomes more flavourful. 0:06:24.280,0:06:26.840 # 好啦 再 腌半個小時 Alright! Then, marinate it for half an hour. 0:06:27.280,0:06:28.440 # 我們就可以直接烤啦 And we can roast it right away. 0:06:33.840,0:06:34.820 # 你看 加點水 Look! With some water, 0:06:35.360,0:06:36.960 # 烤的竹鼠就不會 沒那麼乾 the roast bamboo rat won't, won't be that dry. 0:06:38.020,0:06:38.920 # 這個蓋 蓋上 The lid, cover it. 0:06:43.680,0:06:44.660 # 把它勾起來 Put the hook here. 0:06:49.060,0:06:50.940 # 嗯 可以 把它掛起來 Um! Alright! It can be hung in the oven. 0:06:57.440,0:06:57.940 # 你看 Look! 0:06:58.300,0:06:58.940 # 這個勾住啦 So it's hung here. 0:06:59.240,0:06:59.820 # 就這樣 Then it can be, 0:07:00.280,0:07:00.780 # 直接烤 roasted right away. 0:07:04.040,0:07:04.760 # 把這個 Let me, 0:07:05.760,0:07:06.320 # 柴火 set a fire here, 0:07:07.440,0:07:08.440 # 放在這裡燒一下 with the firewood. 0:07:25.940,0:07:28.260 # 你看這個竹鼠 放點薑在它背上 Look at this bamboo rat! I've put some ginger on its back. 0:07:31.120,0:07:32.000 # 直接蒸了 Steam it right away. 0:07:35.740,0:07:37.760 # 再放點柴 直接大火燒就行 Put some more firewood. Just high heat would suffice. 0:07:38.580,0:07:39.900 # 加點這個蕉芋粉 Put some Indian shots powder. 0:07:40.760,0:07:42.900 # 我先攪拌一下 這個是竹鼠肉 Let me mix it well first. This is bamboo rat meat, 0:07:43.860,0:07:44.620 # 跟葱子 and spring onions. 0:07:47.520,0:07:48.820 # 現在我開始釀豆腐 Now I start stuffing it into the tofu. 0:07:52.620,0:07:53.880 # 釀豆腐這裡有一個 To stuff it in, here's a... 0:07:56.620,0:07:59.260 # 要把它挖出來一點 要不然塞不進去 I need to make a hole here. Otherwise nothing can be stuffed in. 0:07:59.660,0:08:00.600 # 要塞多一點 I wanna put more. 0:08:04.280,0:08:06.540 # 塞滿一點 這個肉好好吃的哦 Yup! Put more. The meat paste is really tasty. 0:08:10.320,0:08:11.840 # 啊 你看 釀好一個啦 Ah! Look! One is done. 0:08:16.760,0:08:17.800 # 你看 又釀好一個 Look! Another is done. 0:08:18.440,0:08:20.400 # 要這樣放才放得下 不然放一下 I think I need to put it this way. Otherwise the plate is not large enough. 0:08:25.700,0:08:27.120 # 這個釀豆腐已經做好啦 The stuffed tofu is ready now. 0:08:28.420,0:08:30.840 # 我們剩下的這個料子啊 我們做肉圓 Let's, let's make meat balls using the remaining ingredients. 0:08:31.280,0:08:33.100 # 你看 做好一個啦 Look! One is done. 0:08:37.920,0:08:38.600 # 兩個 Two 0:08:43.100,0:08:43.860 # 三個 Three 0:08:45.400,0:08:46.500 # 做的有點醜 They look a bit awful. 0:08:46.760,0:08:47.380 # 沒辦法 Anyway... 0:08:47.820,0:08:50.840 # 這個肉圓做好啦 這個釀豆腐也釀好啦 The meat balls are ready. The stuffed tofu are also ready. 0:08:51.120,0:08:53.800 # 這個豆腐我們用來nai一下 就是紅 The tofu can be "nai". That means, bray, 0:08:53.800,0:08:55.720 # 就是紅 就是意思就是紅燒一下 that means bray, I mean, that means braise it. 0:08:56.040,0:08:57.040 # 這個就蒸出來 And this is to be steamed. 0:09:02.760,0:09:04.360 # 你看 這個竹鼠 蒸好啦 Look! The steam bamboo rat, is done now. 0:09:05.760,0:09:06.960 # 一捏就爛掉的這個 It's really soft and delicate, the, 0:09:07.420,0:09:08.040 # 這皮 the skin. 0:09:08.540,0:09:09.480 # 把它拿到裡面去 Let me put it inside. 0:09:10.980,0:09:14.220 # 我現在 蒸這個 肉圓 這個鼠做的肉圓啊 I now, steam the, meat balls. These are the meat balls made from bamboo rat meat. 0:09:15.520,0:09:16.180 # 燒火 Fire 0:09:22.100,0:09:24.520 # 先把這個 油 倒下去 Let me put the, oil first. 0:09:35.060,0:09:37.900 # 這是雞蛋哦 粘一下 這樣 This is egg. Dip it in, and then... 0:09:51.220,0:09:52.480 # 把這竹笋拿來炒一下 Let me fry the bamboo shoots. 0:10:02.620,0:10:04.200 # 我給那個叔叔阿姨端過去 Let me take it to the uncles and aunties. 0:10:09.000,0:10:11.520 # 這是我們廠裡面最 最胖的竹鼠 This is the fattest, fattest bamboo rat at my site. 0:10:11.900,0:10:13.260 # 把它做成了烤竹鼠 I make a roast bamboo rat with it. 0:10:13.780,0:10:15.120 # 叫做"鼠來寶" It's called "Fortune Comes with Rat". 0:10:16.540,0:10:18.380 # 你看 可以嘗一下 大家可以嘗一下 Look! Have a try! Feel free to have a try! 0:10:20.920,0:10:23.380 # 哎呀 靚哦 哈哈哈哈 Aya! It's beautiful! Ha ha ha ha! 0:10:26.720,0:10:27.280 # 嘗一下 Have a try! 0:10:40.400,0:10:41.420 # 好香哦 It smells so good! 0:10:42.760,0:10:44.900 # 很香的哦 這個哦 烤起來很香 It smells really good. It's, it's really nice when it's roasted. 0:10:45.460,0:10:47.420 # 今天我把它切碎了 切碎了就好吃一點 I have chopped it into small pieces today. You can enjoy it better in small pieces. 0:10:48.160,0:10:50.080 # 太大塊了就不好搞了 It's hard to deal with when it's too big. 0:10:53.440,0:10:55.140 # 竹鼠肉 竹鼠肉 Bamboo rat meat, bamboo rat meat. 0:10:55.140,0:10:55.920 # 是不是竹鼠啊 (註︰我好像聽到「係唔係土輪呀」) Is it bamboo rat? 0:10:55.920,0:10:56.800 # 是竹鼠肉 這個 Yes, bamboo rat meat. It is. 0:10:59.160,0:11:01.200 # 竹鼠 普通話叫竹鼠 "Zhu shu". It's called "zhu shu" in mandarin. 0:11:06.600,0:11:08.180 # 這個叫"竹林一鍋端" This is called "Bamboo Forest in a Pot". 0:11:08.580,0:11:10.000 # 竹笋炒竹鼠 Bamboo rat fried with bamboo shoots 0:11:10.420,0:11:11.840 # 你看 很漂亮哦 Look! It's so pretty. 0:11:12.960,0:11:15.080 # 還炒 炒竹笋誒 It's fried, fried bamboo shoots. 0:11:15.080,0:11:16.680 # 誒呀 看著就好吃哦 Eya! It looks really delicious. 0:11:17.580,0:11:21.400 # 吃吃吃 竹鼠炒竹笋 特 肯定很好吃的 C'mon! Get some! Bamboo rat fried with bamboo shoots. It must be very tasty. 0:11:25.740,0:11:26.480 # 好香好香 Wonderful! Wonderful! 0:11:28.660,0:11:31.400 # 笋子啊 笋子啊 好吃哦 好香哦 Bamboo shoot, bamboo shoots It's really tasty, really nice! 0:11:42.200,0:11:43.820 # 這個是"心有所鼠" This is "Rat in Your Heart". 0:11:44.420,0:11:45.680 # 竹鼠肉釀豆腐 Stuffed tofu with bamboo rat meat 0:11:46.260,0:11:48.680 # 很好吃的哦 這是我們這邊的特色菜 It's really tasty. This is a specialty at our place. 0:11:49.520,0:11:52.220 # 把 把竹鼠肉釀在豆腐的心裡面 The, the bamboo rat meat is stuffed into the tofu. 0:11:52.600,0:11:53.720 # 來 很好吃的 C'mon! It tastes really good. 0:11:54.220,0:11:54.800 # 嘗一下 Have a try! 0:11:56.660,0:11:57.240 # 好 Good! 0:11:59.860,0:12:01.260 # 這個是 This is... 0:12:01.260,0:12:03.180 # 豆腐 豆腐 這個豆腐 Tofu, tofu, this is tofu. 0:12:03.620,0:12:04.900 # 老人家多吃點這個 Elderly may have a bit more of it. 0:12:04.900,0:12:06.400 # 還有特色這個菜哦 This dish is quite special. 0:12:06.400,0:12:06.900 # 比較嫩 It's rather tender. 0:12:12.380,0:12:13.720 # 豆腐都可以吃的動的 Chewing tofu shouldn't be a great problem. 0:12:21.100,0:12:23.680 # 這個 竹鼠肉圓 鼠年團圓 This is, bamboo rat meat balls. "Reunion in the Year of Rat". 0:12:24.460,0:12:26.020 # 可以嘗一下這個 竹鼠肉做的 Feel free to have a try. It's made from bamboo rat meat. 0:12:31.360,0:12:32.480 # 嘗一下 嘗一下 Have a try! Have a try! 0:12:32.760,0:12:33.660 # 哎呀 好硬哦 Aya! It's hard! 0:12:37.800,0:12:38.480 # 可能冷了 It might have cooled down. 0:12:43.780,0:12:44.580 # 好香好香 It's really really good! 0:12:44.580,0:12:46.020 # 吃 可以嘗一點 Yup! You can have a try! 0:12:57.720,0:13:00.320 # 這個 白切鼠條 這是白切竹鼠 This is, steamed bamboo rat strips. This is steamed. 0:13:02.300,0:13:03.140 # 要蘸醬吃 It's eaten with the sauce. 0:13:03.140,0:13:04.480 # 哇 這個是白切的是吧 Wa! You mean it is steamed? 0:13:05.960,0:13:06.580 # 太好啦 Bravo! 0:13:07.760,0:13:09.860 # 這個要蘸醬 這個要蘸醬 醬料 It's to be eaten with the sauce, with the sauce. The sauce. 0:13:11.680,0:13:15.480 # 太好啦 這個 這個 白切的 白的 竹鼠 (註︰我想他不是真的想說白色的竹鼠吧) It's simply marvelous! It's, it's steamed, plain bamboo rat. 0:13:17.040,0:13:18.140 # 來 嘗一下 C'mon! Have a try! 0:13:25.320,0:13:26.940 # 嗯 可以 Um! Not bad! 0:13:32.920,0:13:34.500 # 這個是竹鼠火鍋哦 This is bamboo rat hot pot. 0:13:34.780,0:13:36.180 # 就用竹鼠湯的湯底 The soup base is bamboo rat soup. 0:13:36.740,0:13:38.160 # 所以叫"湯姆和杰瑞" So it's called "Tom and Jerry" (Note: "Soup" in Chinese sounds like "Tom".) 0:13:38.740,0:13:41.480 # 很好喝的 老人家多喝點這個湯 對身體很好 It's really tasty. Elderly may have more. It's good for the body. 0:13:41.640,0:13:43.320 # 很補的 多吃點 Have more! It's good for the health. 0:13:44.680,0:13:46.820 # 對對對對 可以 可以嘗一下 Yea yea yea yea. You can, you can have a try. 0:13:56.060,0:13:57.640 # 不要肉 不要肉 不要肉 No meat. No meat. No meat. 0:13:57.640,0:13:58.140 # 舀一下湯 Have some soup. 0:13:58.140,0:13:59.480 # 嗯 舀湯 舀湯 Um! Soup, soup. 0:14:03.780,0:14:06.540 # 誒 老人家喝了再活九十五歳 啊 Eh! After having this soup, elderly can live another ninety five years, you know. 0:14:14.320,0:14:16.300 # 你看 這個"鼠香門弟" 這個 Look! This is "Family of Scholar Rats". This is, 0:14:16.580,0:14:17.640 # 竹鼠肉煲黃豆 bamboo rat and soy bean stew. 0:14:19.140,0:14:20.080 # 這個 很好吃的哦 This is, really tasty. 0:14:20.560,0:14:21.360 # 大家可以吃一下 Feel free to take some! 0:14:22.620,0:14:24.700 # 嗯 這個是湯 這竹鼠湯 對 Um! This is soup, bamboo rat soup, yep! 0:14:26.260,0:14:29.340 # 這個竹鼠稍微胖一點的 我把它做成了紅燒竹鼠 This bamboo rat is a bit fat. So I make a braised bamboo rat with it. 0:14:31.100,0:14:31.800 # 很靚啊 It's beautiful! 0:14:33.180,0:14:35.760 # 大家先吃 先吃一點 吃一點 都餓啦 You can eat first. Eat some, c'mon. You're hungry now. 0:14:36.660,0:14:40.900 # 今年是鼠年啊 祝大家鼠年健康 萬事如意 This year will be the year of Rat. I wish you good health in the year of Rat, and every prayer answered. 0:14:46.620,0:14:48.160 # 誒 謝謝 謝謝 謝謝 謝謝 Eh? Thank you! Thank you, thanks! 0:15:09.220,0:15:12.260 # 很多年輕人覺得給老人一些錢就是最好的 Many young people think that giving money to the elderly is the best way to show our care. 0:15:12.260,0:15:15.200 # 其實不是哦 老人們 他{她}們需要陪伴 But in fact it's not true. The elderly needs companionship. 0:15:15.820,0:15:18.660 # 給他們做一頓飯 給他們買一買新衣服那些 Cooking them a meal, or like, buying new clothes with them, 0:15:19.060,0:15:21.800 # 還有 回家 陪他們過個年 also, going back home, spending the new year with them, 0:15:22.180,0:15:25.700 # 這個是 其實 老人家是 最需要這 最需要的 this is, in fact, what the elderly needs, needs the most. 0:15:26.560,0:15:29.040 # 好啦 今天的視頻到這裡啦 快過年啦 Alright! The video ends here. The Chinese New Year is around the corner, 0:15:29.320,0:15:31.980 # 大家都回去陪陪自己的家人吧 let's go back home and spend time with our family. ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@vincenthychow, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #592.

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

Fantastic, @vincenthychow!

vincenthychow commented 4 years ago
