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【美食作家王刚】介绍工程灶和其他厨房用具价格 - #747

Closed SilvesterDong closed 4 years ago

SilvesterDong commented 4 years ago

【美食作家王刚】介绍工程灶和其他厨房用具价格 - 视频时长 7:49,预计发布时间为北京时间3月5日晚

这是刚哥最新的视频私享链接,方便大家提前添加字幕,文字稿在下面 文字稿可能会和视频有微小出入,请大家以视频为主。由于刚哥的合同问题,请大家务必不要泄露或分享刚哥未在YouTube发布的内容,包括文字,视频链接等,望大家理解!

0:00:00.650,0:00:02.225 哈喽大家好 我是王刚

0:00:02.700,0:00:04.250 有很多粉丝跟我留言

0:00:04.325,0:00:05.825 然后问了一些问题

0:00:06.125,0:00:08.590 今天拍这个视频跟大家解释一下

0:00:08.590,0:00:11.500 这一套炉具相关的一些东西

0:00:11.700,0:00:13.850 第一个粉丝问这个设备买下来多少钱

0:00:14.825,0:00:18.450 关于这个的话我后面来跟大家算一个总账多少钱

0:00:18.900,0:00:20.275 然后第二个是说

0:00:21.000,0:00:22.550 让我报个价让他死心

0:00:23.025,0:00:25.050 等一下也放到后面来聊

0:00:25.350,0:00:29.475 还有一个粉丝就是说这个无论是酒店专用还是怎么样

0:00:29.550,0:00:33.450 他个人认为还是电磁炉实用成本低

0:00:33.725,0:00:36.775 这个确实是电磁炉比较实用体积又小

0:00:36.925,0:00:37.925 拿着就走

0:00:38.100,0:00:44.100 但是说仅限于是家庭使用或者是单身人士使用

0:00:44.200,0:00:45.350 是吧 随拿随走

0:00:45.500,0:00:47.375 如果说让我们专业人士来做的话

0:00:47.500,0:00:50.950 我至今从来没有用电磁炉炒过菜

0:00:51.350,0:00:55.775 电磁炉在我们(后厨)迫不得已的话我只用它来煮一些汤

0:00:55.800,0:00:57.250 或者是炖一些菜

0:00:57.575,0:00:58.925 从来不会用它做炒菜

0:00:59.150,0:01:00.500 因为你一炒的话

0:01:00.650,0:01:02.200 刚开始锅热的时候还行

0:01:02.675,0:01:06.650 菜一下去一会儿这个东西就是叫做煮菜不叫做炒菜

0:01:07.200,0:01:08.825 好啦现在我来介绍一下这边

0:01:09.600,0:01:13.825 这个报价就是粉丝最关心的一个问题留言最多的一个问题

0:01:14.050,0:01:16.000 也好让你们死一下心

0:01:16.200,0:01:17.742 这一个你们看得到的这个

0:01:17.950,0:01:19.850 不锈钢的叫做打荷台

0:01:20.125,0:01:22.000 这个打荷台有贵有便宜

0:01:22.025,0:01:27.550 它贵与便宜区别在于皮有厚有薄

0:01:27.825,0:01:30.990 最薄的是0.4毫米

0:01:31.375,0:01:32.825 然后有0.6毫米

0:01:33.000,0:01:34.275 有1.0毫米

0:01:35.600,0:01:39.075 一般来说0.4毫米的话就300多块钱一张

0:01:39.139,0:01:43.837 这个它宽度是80(厘米)长是1.8(米)高度也是80(厘米)

0:01:44.325,0:01:47.725 然后它这个便宜的话用手可以按进去

0:01:48.050,0:01:50.000 可以这样用力按就是一个窝

0:01:50.050,0:01:51.725 所以这个质量就非常差

0:01:51.950,0:01:54.975 然后我买得这款是0.6毫米的

0:01:55.275,0:01:56.625 这个中间加了木板

0:01:56.800,0:01:59.675 然后普通家庭用的话还是非常不错

0:01:59.700,0:02:01.150 如果是我们专业厨房的话

0:02:01.275,0:02:03.150 最好用1.0(毫米)以上的

0:02:03.450,0:02:05.050 因为1.0以上的我们

0:02:05.475,0:02:10.625 剁菜的时候一刀剁下去或者是说用力捶一下一点不会变形

0:02:10.675,0:02:12.600 质量非常的好 但是它非常贵

0:02:13.250,0:02:14.975 0.6(毫米)的是900多

0:02:15.325,0:02:19.250 然后1.0以上的还要分中间有没有这个隔层

0:02:19.400,0:02:20.150 有没有拉门

0:02:20.550,0:02:26.175 就是最便宜的没有拉门两层的是1600块钱左右

0:02:26.400,0:02:30.075 如果有拉门有隔层的最少2000块钱以上

0:02:30.450,0:02:33.975 我们厨房里面就拿一个灶来说

0:02:34.050,0:02:35.075 最少配两张

0:02:35.900,0:02:40.375 所以这里的话两张我们就按照最贵的来算3000多

0:02:40.800,0:02:42.275 3800块钱

0:02:42.925,0:02:47.025 然后我买这两个的话花了1960块钱

0:02:47.775,0:02:49.350 两张花了1960块钱

0:02:49.600,0:02:54.225 然后第二件东西的话就是这个菜板砧板这一块

0:02:54.475,0:02:57.225 这个砧板的话你看有这么厚

0:02:57.800,0:02:58.850 10-20公分厚

0:02:59.275,0:03:01.100 这块的话就不贵

0:03:01.300,0:03:03.175 但是非常的笨重

0:03:03.425,0:03:04.925 有50-60斤

0:03:05.300,0:03:08.725 然后120块钱左右吧

0:03:09.075,0:03:10.125 这个东西是不贵

0:03:10.250,0:03:13.750 应该说整个厨房当中是比较便宜的一个东西

0:03:14.000,0:03:15.150 然后就是菜刀

0:03:15.425,0:03:17.975 菜刀就不用说了家庭用的话就随便

0:03:18.250,0:03:20.450 有的粉丝说5块钱也可以买一把

0:03:20.800,0:03:23.925 但是我们这个如果要用得好一点

0:03:24.025,0:03:26.700 质量OK的话最少100块钱以上

0:03:27.325,0:03:29.750 然后品牌的话就自己去选

0:03:30.325,0:03:34.025 现在我来说一下这个最主要的东西就是这个炉灶

0:03:34.250,0:03:36.375 这个炉灶的话我是按照顶配来买的

0:03:36.825,0:03:39.925 它的价格是3800块钱左右

0:03:40.225,0:03:43.225 如果你想配置更高一点

0:03:43.325,0:03:44.325 加两个鼓风机

0:03:44.625,0:03:45.250 要加钱

0:03:45.775,0:03:48.325 大概要加1000块钱

0:03:48.450,0:03:51.500 然后就是4800左右 再配上一个运费

0:03:51.550,0:03:54.550 因为经销商它不会给你包邮的

0:03:54.650,0:03:56.750 因为他给你拉过来什么的都是要钱

0:03:57.025,0:03:58.625 加运费这一坨

0:03:58.925,0:04:02.075 我是成都买的 到我们这个地方

0:04:02.525,0:04:04.200 花了800多块钱的运费

0:04:04.200,0:04:06.675 不是说你这些买回来就可以用

0:04:06.750,0:04:10.275 第一你如果是接煤气的话你要买煤气罐 对吧

0:04:11.125,0:04:13.800 如果你是用天然气的话你要开户

0:04:14.050,0:04:15.875 开户的话这个多少钱我就不知道了

0:04:15.900,0:04:17.800 然后就是可以烧环保油

0:04:18.350,0:04:21.550 这三种无非就是怎么样转换呢

0:04:21.600,0:04:28.400 把炉心根据你用什么燃料然后就换什么炉心 很简单比较便宜

0:04:28.500,0:04:30.675 这是第一个气就是燃料这一块

0:04:31.100,0:04:32.250 第二的话就是电

0:04:32.925,0:04:34.400 你知道这个有鼓风机对吧

0:04:34.475,0:04:36.550 这个要拉线来接上这个鼓风机

0:04:36.600,0:04:37.525 它还要耗电

0:04:37.850,0:04:39.550 有了电和气还不行

0:04:39.650,0:04:40.750 还要接上水

0:04:41.175,0:04:43.375 因为这个炉的话温度比较高

0:04:43.625,0:04:45.400 你如果不放水这里两下就烧坏了

0:04:45.450,0:04:46.100 要接上水

0:04:47.150,0:04:48.700 还有一个最重要的一个点

0:04:48.825,0:04:49.500 油烟机

0:04:50.025,0:04:51.750 如果你的楼房特别高

0:04:51.925,0:04:54.775 你要从一楼装一个排烟道装到楼顶

0:04:55.000,0:04:58.000 那这个(费用)可多可少

0:04:58.400,0:05:02.550 我做过的餐厅最贵的装一根油烟管道花了10万

0:05:02.675,0:05:04.489 如果你是在自己家里面

0:05:04.800,0:05:06.665 就是农村的家你不能在城市里面

0:05:06.675,0:05:09.100 城市里面你很难弄进去

0:05:09.350,0:05:10.600 然后也会非常吵

0:05:11.200,0:05:14.350 在自己家里面的话这一套下来

0:05:14.675,0:05:18.425 全部置办下来到你能够炒菜

0:05:19.150,0:05:22.575 我估计的话预算 大概预算是1万块钱

0:05:22.950,0:05:24.600 然后我建不建议你们这么做呢

0:05:24.725,0:05:26.275 其实不建议你们这么做

0:05:26.450,0:05:28.450 第一是价钱让你们死心

0:05:28.600,0:05:31.525 第二是这个操作也是让你们死心

0:05:31.900,0:05:33.075 然后最后一点呢

0:05:33.325,0:05:35.150 你这些东西买回来了之后

0:05:35.350,0:05:37.500 你不会用也是很麻烦的你看

0:05:37.675,0:05:42.200 随便一个你炒菜必须用这个锅 家用的锅放不进去

0:05:42.275,0:05:43.100 因为这个特别大

0:05:43.250,0:05:46.225 放进去了之后你不可能用锅铲这样子炒

0:05:46.400,0:05:49.900 而你要配上这一套技术对吧

0:05:50.425,0:05:54.825 你不可能买了这一套东西然后花个10年8年去学烹饪什么的

0:05:54.925,0:05:55.975 这个也不大现实

0:05:56.625,0:06:03.625 所以我们大家对于说买这套炉具来自己家用的话就看一下就好啦

0:06:04.350,0:06:06.287 如果你们实在是想

0:06:06.750,0:06:08.950 还想买的话我就建议你们

0:06:09.250,0:06:10.600 其实不用买双灶

0:06:10.700,0:06:13.675 有单灶的 单灶就便宜很多

0:06:14.100,0:06:15.250 第一呢它运费便宜

0:06:15.300,0:06:16.925 第二呢它是买得也便宜

0:06:17.250,0:06:19.225 单灶的话1000多块钱

0:06:19.550,0:06:20.700 它也带鼓风机

0:06:21.125,0:06:24.250 然后的话它面积就比这个小很多很多

0:06:24.375,0:06:25.600 就更方便于操作

0:06:26.075,0:06:28.229 我们买得这一套是中配

0:06:28.650,0:06:32.900 如果你想买简约一点的可以买一个小的

0:06:33.100,0:06:35.928 先尝试一下能不能驾驭得了这个

0:06:36.250,0:06:40.450 如果能驾驭得了我们以后再慢慢扩也可以

0:06:40.825,0:06:43.000 就是说烹饪作为一个爱好

0:06:43.650,0:06:47.650 我们这一套全部按照最顶格来配的话

0:06:48.000,0:06:50.950 不考虑油烟机大概2万块钱左右

0:06:51.325,0:06:53.075 就相当于翻了一番价格

0:06:53.450,0:06:55.450 如果按照最简约的来配的话

0:06:55.600,0:06:57.000 打荷台300多

0:06:57.225,0:07:03.250 然后这个炉灶带鼓风机的单个炉灶1000多

0:07:03.950,0:07:05.375 加上菜板什么的

0:07:05.650,0:07:07.275 所有加起来2000块钱以内

0:07:07.650,0:07:08.550 都是OK的

0:07:08.975,0:07:10.525 然后也有粉丝再问

0:07:10.550,0:07:12.700 他说你买这一套来干什么呢

0:07:12.875,0:07:14.525 其实我买这一套炉具来

0:07:14.650,0:07:16.736 第一是跟大家分享它的作用

0:07:17.025,0:07:21.900 可能大家没看过真正后厨的这个是怎么样子操作

0:07:22.300,0:07:25.750 然后呢也是从第一步炒菜跟大家分享

0:07:25.850,0:07:29.450 从翻锅开始到后面的我会的

0:07:29.750,0:07:30.625 跟你们分享

0:07:31.050,0:07:33.575 这就是我买这一套厨具的初衷

0:07:34.000,0:07:35.900 好啦本期视频就到这里结束

0:07:36.100,0:07:37.675 喜欢我的可以关注一下我

0:07:37.725,0:07:41.600 后面慢慢来 我们来日方长慢慢得学

0:07:41.800,0:07:44.000 我也在不断的学习

0:07:44.325,0:07:46.000 跟大家分享更多的东西

0:07:46.200,0:07:47.325 好啦 就到这里

0:07:47.475,0:07:47.975 拜拜

Yingzhang1122 commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # 0:00:00.650,0:00:02.225 # 哈喽大家好 我是王刚 Hi everyone, I'm Wang Gang 0:00:02.700,0:00:04.250 # 有很多粉丝跟我留言 Many fans have left their comments 0:00:04.325,0:00:05.825 # 然后问了一些问题 and asked some questions 0:00:06.125,0:00:08.590 # 今天拍这个视频跟大家解释一下 Today I'm shooting this video to explain to you guys 0:00:08.590,0:00:11.500 # 这一套炉具相关的一些东西 something about this cooking stove 0:00:11.700,0:00:13.850 # 第一个粉丝问这个设备买下来多少钱 One fan asked me how much does this whole set of cooking system take? 0:00:14.825,0:00:18.450 # 关于这个的话我后面来跟大家算一个总账多少钱 I'll calculate how much it costs in total later in this video 0:00:18.900,0:00:20.275 # 然后第二个是说 Another fan said that 0:00:21.000,0:00:22.550 # 让我报个价让他死心 he wanted me to tell the price just to let him give up 0:00:23.025,0:00:25.050 # 等一下也放到后面来聊 I'll talk about this later 0:00:25.350,0:00:29.475 # 还有一个粉丝就是说这个无论是酒店专用还是怎么样 Another fan said that, no matter in the restaurant or at home 0:00:29.550,0:00:33.450 # 他个人认为还是电磁炉实用成本低 He thinks induction cooker is cheaper and more practical 0:00:33.725,0:00:36.775 # 这个确实是电磁炉比较实用体积又小 Indeed, induction cooker is easy to use and small 0:00:36.925,0:00:37.925 # 拿着就走 You can even bring it with you 0:00:38.100,0:00:44.100 # 但是说仅限于是家庭使用或者是单身人士使用 But it's limited to family use, or those who live alone 0:00:44.200,0:00:45.350 # 是吧 随拿随走 Right? It's quite portable 0:00:45.500,0:00:47.375 # 如果说让我们专业人士来做的话 However, in the case of professional use 0:00:47.500,0:00:50.950 # 我至今从来没有用电磁炉炒过菜 I've never cooked any dish with induction cooker 0:00:51.350,0:00:55.775 # 电磁炉在我们(后厨)迫不得已的话我只用它来煮一些汤 In restaurant kitchens, we only use induction cookers to make soup if there is no other choice 0:00:55.800,0:00:57.250 # 或者是炖一些菜 Or stew some food 0:00:57.575,0:00:58.925 # 从来不会用它做炒菜 But we never use induction cookers to make stir-fry dishes 0:00:59.150,0:01:00.500 # 因为你一炒的话 Because if you stir-fry food with it 0:01:00.650,0:01:02.200 # 刚开始锅热的时候还行 It's OK in the beginning when the wok is still hot 0:01:02.675,0:01:06.650 # 菜一下去一会儿这个东西就是叫做煮菜不叫做炒菜 However when you put more food into the wok, it turns into "boiling" instead of "stir-frying" 0:01:07.200,0:01:08.825 # 好啦现在我来介绍一下这边 Alright. Let me introduce this now 0:01:09.600,0:01:13.825 # 这个报价就是粉丝最关心的一个问题留言最多的一个问题 Most fans are really concerned about the price. That's the most frequently asked question too. 0:01:14.050,0:01:16.000 # 也好让你们死一下心 Let me tell you so that you can give up 0:01:16.200,0:01:17.742 # 这一个你们看得到的这个 This one, as you can see 0:01:17.950,0:01:19.850 # 不锈钢的叫做打荷台 This table made of stainless steel is called "Da He Tai" (Spreader table) 0:01:20.125,0:01:22.000 # 这个打荷台有贵有便宜 Well, its price can vary 0:01:22.025,0:01:27.550 # 它贵与便宜区别在于皮有厚有薄 depending on how thick the steel "skin" is #请检查这里,我在这里用了skin表示外皮,但是后面用了sheet,算是铁皮的通用说法,不知道这样是否合适 0:01:27.825,0:01:30.990 # 最薄的是0.4毫米 The thinnest sheet can be 0.4 mm 0:01:31.375,0:01:32.825 # 然后有0.6毫米 While some are 0.6 mm 0:01:33.000,0:01:34.275 # 有1.0毫米 and 1.0 mm 0:01:35.600,0:01:39.075 # 一般来说0.4毫米的话就300多块钱一张 Generally a "Da He Tai" with 0.4 mm thick sheet is about 300 yuan 0:01:39.139,0:01:43.837 # 这个它宽度是80(厘米)长是1.8(米)高度也是80(厘米) The dimensions of this table are 80 cm in width and height, while 1.8 m in length 0:01:44.325,0:01:47.725 # 然后它这个便宜的话用手可以按进去 For the cheapest ones, if you press it with your hand 0:01:48.050,0:01:50.000 # 可以这样用力按就是一个窝 there'll be a pit 0:01:50.050,0:01:51.725 # 所以这个质量就非常差 In that case, the quality is really bad 0:01:51.950,0:01:54.975 # 然后我买得这款是0.6毫米的 This one that I bought is with 0.6 mm-thick sheet 0:01:55.275,0:01:56.625 # 这个中间加了木板 With a wooden board sandwiched in the middle 0:01:56.800,0:01:59.675 # 然后普通家庭用的话还是非常不错 It's pretty ideal for family use 0:01:59.700,0:02:01.150 # 如果是我们专业厨房的话 But in a professional kitchen 0:02:01.275,0:02:03.150 # 最好用1.0(毫米)以上的 It's better to use the table with a skin thicker than 1.0 mm 0:02:03.450,0:02:05.050 # 因为1.0以上的我们 Because for those tables (with sheets thicker than 1.0 mm) 0:02:05.475,0:02:10.625 # 剁菜的时候一刀剁下去或者是说用力捶一下一点不会变形 when you chop the food, or hit it hard, the table won't deform 0:02:10.675,0:02:12.600 # 质量非常的好 但是它非常贵 It's of high quality, but very expensive 0:02:13.250,0:02:14.975 # 0.6(毫米)的是900多 The table with 0.6 mm-thick skin is more than 900 yuan 0:02:15.325,0:02:19.250 # 然后1.0以上的还要分中间有没有这个隔层 For those with sheet over 1.0 mm thick, the price also depends on if there are shelving racks 0:02:19.400,0:02:20.150 # 有没有拉门 and sliding doors 0:02:20.550,0:02:26.175 # 就是最便宜的没有拉门两层的是1600块钱左右 The cheapest two-layer table without sliding door is about 1,600 yuan 0:02:26.400,0:02:30.075 # 如果有拉门有隔层的最少2000块钱以上 If it's with sliding doors and shelving racks, it will be at least 2,000 yuan 0:02:30.450,0:02:33.975 # 我们厨房里面就拿一个灶来说 Typically in a professional kitchen, for each cooking stove 0:02:34.050,0:02:35.075 # 最少配两张 It should be accompanied with at least two tables 0:02:35.900,0:02:40.375 # 所以这里的话两张我们就按照最贵的来算3000多 So here we've got two tables, assuming they are the most expensive ones, it would be more than 3,000 yuan 0:02:40.800,0:02:42.275 # 3800块钱 3,800 yuan 0:02:42.925,0:02:47.025 # 然后我买这两个的话花了1960块钱 For these two, I spent 1,960 yuan 0:02:47.775,0:02:49.350 # 两张花了1960块钱 1,960 yuan for these two tables 0:02:49.600,0:02:54.225 # 然后第二件东西的话就是这个菜板砧板这一块 The second thing is the cutting board 0:02:54.475,0:02:57.225 # 这个砧板的话你看有这么厚 You see, this cutting board is so thick 0:02:57.800,0:02:58.850 # 10-20公分厚 about 10-20 cm thick 0:02:59.275,0:03:01.100 # 这块的话就不贵 This one is not expensive though 0:03:01.300,0:03:03.175 # 但是非常的笨重 But very bulky and heavy 0:03:03.425,0:03:04.925 # 有50-60斤 It's about 50-60 Jin (25-30 kg) 0:03:05.300,0:03:08.725 # 然后120块钱左右吧 And it's about 120 yuan 0:03:09.075,0:03:10.125 # 这个东西是不贵 Well, it's not expensive indeed 0:03:10.250,0:03:13.750 # 应该说整个厨房当中是比较便宜的一个东西 It should be one of the cheapest things in kitchen 0:03:14.000,0:03:15.150 # 然后就是菜刀 Next, the cleaver #还是kitchen knife? 0:03:15.425,0:03:17.975 # 菜刀就不用说了家庭用的话就随便 Well, it doesn't matter what kind of cleaver you use in family kitchen 0:03:18.250,0:03:20.450 # 有的粉丝说5块钱也可以买一把 Some fans say you can buy one for 5 yuan 0:03:20.800,0:03:23.925 # 但是我们这个如果要用得好一点 However, if you want to use a better one 0:03:24.025,0:03:26.700 # 质量OK的话最少100块钱以上 You need to spend at least 100 yuan for a high quality cleaver 0:03:27.325,0:03:29.750 # 然后品牌的话就自己去选 Choose the brand on your own 0:03:30.325,0:03:34.025 # 现在我来说一下这个最主要的东西就是这个炉灶 Now I'm gonna talk about the most important thing, the cooking stove 0:03:34.250,0:03:36.375 # 这个炉灶的话我是按照顶配来买的 This stove I bought is with the best configurations 0:03:36.825,0:03:39.925 # 它的价格是3800块钱左右 It's about 3,800 yuan 0:03:40.225,0:03:43.225 # 如果你想配置更高一点 If you want even better configurations 0:03:43.325,0:03:44.325 # 加两个鼓风机 For example, with two blowers 0:03:44.625,0:03:45.250 # 要加钱 You need to pay extra money 0:03:45.775,0:03:48.325 # 大概要加1000块钱 That's about 1,000 yuan 0:03:48.450,0:03:51.500 # 然后就是4800左右 再配上一个运费 So that's about 4,800 yuan in total, excluding the delivery charge 0:03:51.550,0:03:54.550 # 因为经销商它不会给你包邮的 Since the seller usually doesn't include the delivery charge in the price 0:03:54.650,0:03:56.750 # 因为他给你拉过来什么的都是要钱 as he must deliver it to you, which costs some money 0:03:57.025,0:03:58.625 # 加运费这一坨 With the delivery charge included... 0:03:58.925,0:04:02.075 # 我是成都买的 到我们这个地方 I bought this from Chengdu. To deliver it here, 0:04:02.525,0:04:04.200 # 花了800多块钱的运费 I spent about 800 yuan just for delivery 0:04:04.200,0:04:06.675 # 不是说你这些买回来就可以用 In addition, actually you can't use them immediately even if you have all these stuff 0:04:06.750,0:04:10.275 # 第一你如果是接煤气的话你要买煤气罐 对吧 For example, if you wanna use LPG, you'll also need to buy gas tanks 0:04:11.125,0:04:13.800 # 如果你是用天然气的话你要开户 Or, if you want to use natural gas, you need to sign a contract with some company 0:04:14.050,0:04:15.875 # 开户的话这个多少钱我就不知道了 I don't know how much that'll cost 0:04:15.900,0:04:17.800 # 然后就是可以烧环保油 You can also use eco-friendly oil instead 0:04:18.350,0:04:21.550 # 这三种无非就是怎么样转换呢 It's not hard to switch between different fuels 0:04:21.600,0:04:28.400 # 把炉心根据你用什么燃料然后就换什么炉心 很简单比较便宜 You can replace the stove core according to the type of fuel. It's simple and cheap 0:04:28.500,0:04:30.675 # 这是第一个气就是燃料这一块 This is the first issue. The fuel 0:04:31.100,0:04:32.250 # 第二的话就是电 Secondly, you need to have electricity supply 0:04:32.925,0:04:34.400 # 你知道这个有鼓风机对吧 You know, there's a blower 0:04:34.475,0:04:36.550 # 这个要拉线来接上这个鼓风机 You'll need (to buy) cables for the blower 0:04:36.600,0:04:37.525 # 它还要耗电 It consumes electricity as well 0:04:37.850,0:04:39.550 # 有了电和气还不行 Electricity and fuel supply are still not enough though 0:04:39.650,0:04:40.750 # 还要接上水 Water is also needed 0:04:41.175,0:04:43.375 # 因为这个炉的话温度比较高 Because the temperature of this stove is relatively high 0:04:43.625,0:04:45.400 # 你如果不放水这里两下就烧坏了 If there's no water here, it'll be burnt easily 0:04:45.450,0:04:46.100 # 要接上水 So you need to connect water supply as well 0:04:47.150,0:04:48.700 # 还有一个最重要的一个点 Moreover, the most important point 0:04:48.825,0:04:49.500 # 油烟机 The range hood 0:04:50.025,0:04:51.750 # 如果你的楼房特别高 Suppose your building is very tall 0:04:51.925,0:04:54.775 # 你要从一楼装一个排烟道装到楼顶 and you'll need an exhaust duct from the first floor to the roof 0:04:55.000,0:04:58.000 # 那这个(费用)可多可少 The price can be very high #请检查这里,按照前面的说法应该是比较高的 0:04:58.400,0:05:02.550 # 我做过的餐厅最贵的装一根油烟管道花了10万 In one of the restaurants that I worked in, they spent 100,000 yuan on installing an exhaust duct pipe 0:05:02.675,0:05:04.489 # 如果你是在自己家里面 If you want to have it in your home 0:05:04.800,0:05:06.665 # 就是农村的家你不能在城市里面 In the countryside, of course, not in the city 0:05:06.675,0:05:09.100 # 城市里面你很难弄进去 It's very hard to install this in your home in the city 0:05:09.350,0:05:10.600 # 然后也会非常吵 It'll also be very noisy 0:05:11.200,0:05:14.350 # 在自己家里面的话这一套下来 In your home... If you really want to have a whole set of these equipments 0:05:14.675,0:05:18.425 # 全部置办下来到你能够炒菜 In total, I mean, when you can really start cooking 0:05:19.150,0:05:22.575 # 我估计的话预算 大概预算是1万块钱 I think the budget will be approximately 10,000 yuan 0:05:22.950,0:05:24.600 # 然后我建不建议你们这么做呢 And... what do I suggest? 0:05:24.725,0:05:26.275 # 其实不建议你们这么做 In fact I don't suggest you to do so (have such a set in your home) 0:05:26.450,0:05:28.450 # 第一是价钱让你们死心 First, the price is high enough to let you give up 0:05:28.600,0:05:31.525 # 第二是这个操作也是让你们死心 Second, the operations are also very complicated #请检查这里,不太按照原文 0:05:31.900,0:05:33.075 # 然后最后一点呢 And at last, 0:05:33.325,0:05:35.150 # 你这些东西买回来了之后 even if you have all these 0:05:35.350,0:05:37.500 # 你不会用也是很麻烦的你看 It'll be a trouble if you can't use them 0:05:37.675,0:05:42.200 # 随便一个你炒菜必须用这个锅 家用的锅放不进去 For example, you must use this wok when cooking. The woks for family cooking cannot be used here 0:05:42.275,0:05:43.100 # 因为这个特别大 Also, since it's really big 0:05:43.250,0:05:46.225 # 放进去了之后你不可能用锅铲这样子炒 You can't use a spatula and cook as usual 0:05:46.400,0:05:49.900 # 而你要配上这一套技术对吧 You'll need cooking skills like this 0:05:50.425,0:05:54.825 # 你不可能买了这一套东西然后花个10年8年去学烹饪什么的 It's not practical that you buy such a set of equipments and spend 10 or 8 years on learning how to cook professionally 0:05:54.925,0:05:55.975 # 这个也不大现实 It's not realistic 0:05:56.625,0:06:03.625 # 所以我们大家对于说买这套炉具来自己家用的话就看一下就好啦 So for you guys, it's not recommended that you buy all these for family use 0:06:04.350,0:06:06.287 # 如果你们实在是想 If you really want to... 0:06:06.750,0:06:08.950 # 还想买的话我就建议你们 to have these in your home, I would suggest you 0:06:09.250,0:06:10.600 # 其实不用买双灶 You don't actually need a dual-stove cooker 0:06:10.700,0:06:13.675 # 有单灶的 单灶就便宜很多 There's single-stove cooker. It's much cheaper 0:06:14.100,0:06:15.250 # 第一呢它运费便宜 First, the delivery fee is rather low 0:06:15.300,0:06:16.925 # 第二呢它是买得也便宜 Second, it's cheap as well 0:06:17.250,0:06:19.225 # 单灶的话1000多块钱 For a single-stove cooker, it's about 1,000 yuan 0:06:19.550,0:06:20.700 # 它也带鼓风机 It's also with a blower 0:06:21.125,0:06:24.250 # 然后的话它面积就比这个小很多很多 It occupies much less area than this one 0:06:24.375,0:06:25.600 # 就更方便于操作 So it's easy to operate 0:06:26.075,0:06:28.229 # 我们买得这一套是中配 This set here is middle-end 0:06:28.650,0:06:32.900 # 如果你想买简约一点的可以买一个小的 You can buy a small one instead 0:06:33.100,0:06:35.928 # 先尝试一下能不能驾驭得了这个 and try if you can handle it 0:06:36.250,0:06:40.450 # 如果能驾驭得了我们以后再慢慢扩也可以 If you do, you can upgrade it gradually in the future 0:06:40.825,0:06:43.000 # 就是说烹饪作为一个爱好 I mean, if cooking is your hobby 0:06:43.650,0:06:47.650 # 我们这一套全部按照最顶格来配的话 For this set here, if all with the best configurations 0:06:48.000,0:06:50.950 # 不考虑油烟机大概2万块钱左右 In total it'll be about 20,000 yuan, excluding the range hood 0:06:51.325,0:06:53.075 # 就相当于翻了一番价格 That is, twice the price now 0:06:53.450,0:06:55.450 # 如果按照最简约的来配的话 If with the simplest configurations 0:06:55.600,0:06:57.000 # 打荷台300多 300 yuan for the spreading table 0:06:57.225,0:07:03.250 # 然后这个炉灶带鼓风机的单个炉灶1000多 and about 1,000 yuan for a single-stove cooker with a blower 0:07:03.950,0:07:05.375 # 加上菜板什么的 as well as the cutting board, etc. 0:07:05.650,0:07:07.275 # 所有加起来2000块钱以内 All add up below 2,000 yuan 0:07:07.650,0:07:08.550 # 都是OK的 That's also OK 0:07:08.975,0:07:10.525 # 然后也有粉丝再问 Some fans also asked 0:07:10.550,0:07:12.700 # 他说你买这一套来干什么呢 why I bought this set here 0:07:12.875,0:07:14.525 # 其实我买这一套炉具来 Actually I buy them 0:07:14.650,0:07:16.736 # 第一是跟大家分享它的作用 because I want to share with you how it works 0:07:17.025,0:07:21.900 # 可能大家没看过真正后厨的这个是怎么样子操作 Maybe you guys have never seen what it's like in real restaurant kitchens 0:07:22.300,0:07:25.750 # 然后呢也是从第一步炒菜跟大家分享 Also, I want to share with you from the first step of cooking 0:07:25.850,0:07:29.450 # 从翻锅开始到后面的我会的 From flipping food in the wok, to whatever I can 0:07:29.750,0:07:30.625 # 跟你们分享 I'll share with you 0:07:31.050,0:07:33.575 # 这就是我买这一套厨具的初衷 That's why I bought this set of equipments 0:07:34.000,0:07:35.900 # 好啦本期视频就到这里结束 Ok that's the end of this video 0:07:36.100,0:07:37.675 # 喜欢我的可以关注一下我 If you like my videos, please subscribe 0:07:37.725,0:07:41.600 # 后面慢慢来 我们来日方长慢慢得学 I'll share with you in the future. We still have a lot of time to learn 0:07:41.800,0:07:44.000 # 我也在不断的学习 I'm also learning continuously 0:07:44.325,0:07:46.000 # 跟大家分享更多的东西 and I'll share more with you 0:07:46.200,0:07:47.325 # 好啦 就到这里 Ok. That's the end 0:07:47.475,0:07:47.975 # 拜拜 Bye-bye! ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

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immoonancient commented 4 years ago

发布了再 close 吧

Yingzhang1122 commented 4 years ago


immoonancient commented 4 years ago

另外现在不需要手工 close 了,bot 会 15 分钟检测一次字幕发布状况,发布了就自动 close

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
