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[老饭骨] 蒸鸡翅 - #909

Closed immoonancient closed 4 years ago

immoonancient commented 4 years ago



标题(翻译主要意思即可,不要超过 100 个字符)

ps: 这期视频也是之前的存货,希望大爷二伯三叔可以再次聚在一起做饭、唠嗑、品尝美食的那天快点到来。

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago


中文 English 备注 参考
国宴大师 State Banquet Master Chef 老饭骨频道子栏目
豆豉 "Douchi" fermented soybeans
香味 aroma
豆瓣酱 doubanjiang
marinate 仅限烹饪前对食材的腌泡;不是腌腊 (cure)
cure 专指用盐腌制后放干;不是腌泡 (marinate)
入味 flavor penetration
大爷 Da Ye
二伯 Er Bai
三叔 San Shu
Koi111 commented 4 years ago


ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@Koi111 谢谢认领!请在 48 小时内完成翻译。

完成翻译后,请将完整稿件复制并回复到本 issue。 参考: 翻译及投稿步骤 翻译守则 往期翻译

Koi111 commented 4 years ago

bot, please upload

Subtitles uploaded as pull request``` # # 标题(翻译主要意思即可,不要超过 100 个字符) # 【国宴大师•蒸鸡翅】人人都能学会的豆豉辣味蒸鸡翅,快手下饭菜,简单又好吃 # State Banquet Master Chef•Steamed Chicken Wings, spicy dish with Douchi, easy and yummy # 简介 # 小友们好,前两天教了大家伙儿一个烤鸡翅,今儿咱再来做一个蒸鸡翅。 # Hey friends, we just taught you a recipe for roasted chicken wings few days ago, today we are making steamed chicken wings. # 豆豉的香味配上郫县豆瓣酱的一点点辣味,最重要的是要把鸡翅腌入味, # The wonderful aroma of "Douchi" fermented soybeans and the spiciness of Doubanjiang, the most important thing is to marinate the chicken until the flavour penetrates. # 这样蒸出来的鸡翅真是好吃得根本停不下来! # The chicken wings are so good that you cannot stop eating! # 这蒸鸡翅也是走的家常路线,简单易学又好吃,必须在家自个儿操练起来! # This dish is very family-friendly, easy to learn and very tasty, you have to try this at home. # ps: 这期视频也是之前的存货,希望大爷二伯三叔可以再次聚在一起做饭、唠嗑、品尝美食的那天快点到来。 # ps: This episode is also one of our backups, we sincerely hope that Da Ye, Er Bai and San Shu can cook meals, chit-chat and enjoy delicacies together as soon as possible. 0:00:00.140,0:00:02.240 # 今天给大家做一个什么呢 What are we making today? 0:00:02.240,0:00:05.220 # 做一个豆豉辣味鸡翅 A spicy chicken wings with Douchi 0:00:05.220,0:00:06.380 # 辣味鸡翅 Spicy chicken wings 0:00:06.380,0:00:07.400 # 蒸的 A steamed dish 0:00:07.400,0:00:09.040 # 实际上这鸡翅 Actually cooking chicken wings 0:00:09.040,0:00:11.200 # 单独用鸡翅来做菜 cooking chicken wings only 0:00:11.200,0:00:13.240 # 这个时间不会很长 It won't take too much time 0:00:13.240,0:00:16.280 # 因为什么过去我们很少有 Because in the past we don't have much resources 0:00:16.280,0:00:17.480 # 专门卖鸡翅的 A place that sells chicken wings only 0:00:17.480,0:00:19.520 # 一个鸡就俩鸡翅 There is only one pair of chicken wings froma chicken 0:00:19.520,0:00:22.520 # 把这鸡翅剞剞花刀 Make a few cuts on the meat 0:00:22.520,0:00:23.940 # 已经改好刀了 I'm done making the cuts 0:00:23.940,0:00:28.460 # 我们稍微少搁点盐 We should put just a little bit of salt 0:00:28.520,0:00:31.180 # 因为我一会还要拌料 Because I need to mix it with other ingredients too 0:00:31.180,0:00:32.500 # 所以这盐不能太多 Hence the salt cannot be too much 0:00:32.680,0:00:35.020 # 搁点酒 Put a little bit of cooking wine 0:00:35.360,0:00:36.160 # 多搁点 Put a little bit more 0:00:36.160,0:00:37.680 # 别太多了 还有呢 Don't put too much of it, we have other seasonings too 0:00:37.800,0:00:38.660 # 还有别的菜呢 We still have other ingredients 0:00:38.660,0:00:39.860 # 您搁点白酒么 Do you want some baijiu 0:00:39.860,0:00:40.600 # 别搁白酒 Don't put Baijiu 0:00:40.600,0:00:43.280 # 有的白酒 尤其那曲酒 Some Baijiu liquor, especially Qujiu (a type of Baijiu) 0:00:43.280,0:00:46.340 # 搁错了以后它臭 If you put the wrong type, the dish would have an unpleasant smell 0:00:46.340,0:00:47.020 # 这二锅头没事 Erguotou is okay 0:00:47.040,0:00:48.800 # 二锅头行 清香型的 Erguotou liquor has a delicate fragrance 0:00:48.800,0:00:50.760 # 这稍微给它腌一会儿 Marinade the chicken wings for a while 0:00:51.040,0:00:52.700 # 腌一会儿 很简单 Just a while, it would be easy 0:00:52.700,0:00:53.660 # 搁点葱姜么 Do you want to put some spring onions and ginger into it? 0:00:53.660,0:00:54.560 # 葱姜也不要 Nope 0:00:54.580,0:00:56.980 # 待会我这炒料里边有葱姜 I will stir-fry some spring onions and ginger later on 0:00:56.980,0:00:59.900 # 切点小料 Mince some spring onions,ginger and garlic 0:01:03.420,0:01:04.700 # 炒一汁儿 Let's make a sauce 0:01:04.700,0:01:07.660 # 锅里放点油 Put a little bit of oil into the wok 0:01:07.860,0:01:11.340 # 先把这个豆豉给炒炒 Stir-fry the Douchi first 0:01:11.680,0:01:13.280 # 郫县豆瓣酱 Some Doubanjiang from Pidu District,Chengdu 0:01:13.480,0:01:15.120 # 这个不能太辣 The sauce cannot be too spicy 0:01:16.100,0:01:17.640 # 弄点牛肉末麻婆豆腐出来了 Add some minced beef and this would be Mapo Tofu 0:01:17.660,0:01:20.060 # 小火慢炒烹酱油 Cook the light soy sauce with low heat 0:01:22.280,0:01:23.500 # 来点老抽也行 You can add some dark soy sauce too 0:01:23.500,0:01:25.180 # 红烧酱油颜色深没问题 With Hong Shao dishes, it's ok to have a darker-coloured sauce 0:01:25.180,0:01:27.460 # 你看红烧这颜色就起来了 Look, the colour is showing 0:01:27.680,0:01:29.620 # 少来一点点水啊 Put a little bit of water 0:01:29.620,0:01:31.900 # 您再来点水淀粉不就行了么 You can add some slurry, isn't it? 0:01:32.160,0:01:33.300 # 不要 我就要点水 Nope, I just want some water 0:01:33.300,0:01:35.100 # 要点水得熬点味 We need the water to cook and enhance the flavour 0:01:35.100,0:01:36.160 # 就不听二伯的 Just don't listen to Er Bai 0:01:37.080,0:01:38.660 # 得啦 Done 0:01:39.000,0:01:43.420 # 因为有豆瓣酱 它肯定咸 The sauce is kind of salty because of the Doubanjiang 0:01:43.420,0:01:45.800 # 咸它有点苦涩味 The saltiness might bring some bitterness 0:01:46.340,0:01:48.580 # 搁点糖它就融合了 Put some sugar and it would smooth the bitterness out 0:01:48.940,0:01:50.460 # 搁点糖 Add a little bit of sugar 0:01:50.920,0:01:52.380 # 这个呢要加点淀粉 We need to add some starch into the wings 0:01:52.640,0:01:54.740 # 你看见没有加上淀粉它就滑啦 Look, the chicken wings have became smooth and glossy 0:01:54.940,0:01:56.760 # 起嫩 起滑 The meat would be tender 0:01:57.220,0:01:58.860 # 拌点淀粉 Mix some starch into it 0:01:58.940,0:02:02.120 # 这就完活啦 看看这劲 Look at this, it's done! 0:02:02.360,0:02:04.360 # 你这一蒸就完了 You left the last step only which is to steam it 0:02:05.040,0:02:07.060 # 你弄的我们俩的菜都是复杂的 Our dishes are much more complex compared to yours 0:02:07.060,0:02:09.180 # 是啊 到你这简单啊 Yeah! Your dish is simpler 0:02:09.400,0:02:11.080 # 简单当中不简单啊 There are always some knowledge in simple things 0:02:11.160,0:02:13.200 # 这要让网友看着简单 We have to let the audiences to learn some easy dishes 0:02:13.500,0:02:15.900 # 老抽 Dark soy sauce 0:02:16.160,0:02:18.160 # 您这还得拌点香油呢吧 You have to mix some sesame oil too 0:02:18.600,0:02:19.580 # 要的 Yep 0:02:19.660,0:02:21.520 # 拿香油封面 Use some sesame oil to seal the flavour 0:02:21.780,0:02:22.880 # 再来点 A little bit more 0:02:22.880,0:02:24.340 # 别介别介一会油太大了 That's enough, or else it would be too oily 0:02:24.500,0:02:26.040 # 腌上十五分钟 Marinate it for 15 minutes 0:02:26.180,0:02:26.680 # 锅开啦 The water in the pot is boiling 0:02:26.800,0:02:27.540 # 下锅 Put it in 0:02:27.540,0:02:29.660 # 一个是豆豉单一的口感 If you have the flavour of Douchi only 0:02:29.680,0:02:31.080 # 叫豉香排骨 it can be Douchi pork ribs 0:02:31.080,0:02:32.580 # 当我搁点郫县豆瓣酱呢 What if I add some Doubanjiang? 0:02:32.820,0:02:34.280 # 豆豉辣排骨 Spicy Douchi pork ribs 0:02:34.360,0:02:36.060 # 我们用什么样的辣椒都可以 We can use whatever chillies we want 0:02:36.060,0:02:37.680 # 那我要是搁点泡辣椒呢 What if I add some pickled chillies? 0:02:37.680,0:02:39.140 # 豆豉泡椒排骨 Douchi and pickled chillies pork ribs 0:02:39.280,0:02:41.740 # 关键是把鸡翅腌好了入味 The key is to marinate the chicken wings until the flavour penetrates 0:02:41.740,0:02:44.660 # 爱吃烂糊的蒸一小时 If you prefer really tender meat, steam it for an hour 0:02:44.660,0:02:46.620 # 因为这鸡翅很快就烂了 Because the chicken wings can get overcooked and mushy easily 0:02:46.620,0:02:48.600 # 爱吃硬一点的蒸四十分钟 If you prefer the meaty texture, steam it for 40 minutes 0:02:48.740,0:02:50.340 # 就啃着吃 Just bite it and enjoy the meat 0:02:50.340,0:02:51.540 # 吃起来就方便 It would be a convenient dish 0:02:51.540,0:02:53.380 # 其实家常菜就是下饭菜 Actually home-style dishes are appetizing dishes 0:02:53.380,0:02:54.460 # 对就是下饭菜 Yeah, they're appetizing and make you wanna eat some more rice 0:02:54.460,0:02:55.620 # 这就是下饭菜啊 This is a dish that goes extremely well with rice 0:02:55.620,0:02:58.860 # 吃得香 吃得多 吃的猛 You can eat a lot of it and really enjoy the flavour 0:02:58.860,0:02:59.400 # 就是好吃 That's what we called "delicious" 0:02:59.400,0:03:00.840 # 吃的舒服 The food comforts you 0:03:00.840,0:03:02.360 # 吃的还健康呢 And it is a healthy dish too 0:03:02.360,0:03:03.800 # 开锅吧 一小时了 Let's opne the lid, it's been an hour 0:03:03.800,0:03:05.280 # 到点啦 It's time 0:03:05.280,0:03:06.540 # 你们要不提醒啊 If you guys did not remind me about this, 0:03:06.540,0:03:08.200 # 我还真的差点把这茬给忘了 I almost forgotten it 0:03:08.200,0:03:08.820 # 看见没有 Can you see that 0:03:08.860,0:03:10.460 # 你中间怎么偷偷换了一盘啊 Why did you change another plate in the middle? 0:03:10.460,0:03:13.300 # 不是 刚才那个碗小 太多 Nah, the bowl was too small and it's overflowing 0:03:15.320,0:03:19.100 # 嘿 王奶奶和玉奶奶就差这点儿 Hey! The little things make a big difference! 0:03:19.100,0:03:21.040 # 对 就差这一点儿 Yeah, the details matter 0:03:22.100,0:03:24.780 # 滑 不错 Smooth, not bad 0:03:24.940,0:03:28.660 # 三叔你吃一下 Try it, San Shu 0:03:29.580,0:03:31.400 # 吃的味道怎么样 How is the taste? 0:03:31.400,0:03:32.860 # 太好吃了 It's very yummy! 0:03:32.860,0:03:34.560 # 突出了豆豉的香气 You can smell the aroma of the Douchi 0:03:34.560,0:03:37.320 # 辣的正合适 and the level spiciness is just perfect 0:03:37.320,0:03:38.560 # 这叫什么 What is this called? 0:03:38.560,0:03:41.820 # 有辣 不过于辣 There is a hint of spiciness, but it's not overpowering the dish 0:03:42.020,0:03:43.960 # 辣而不燥 Spicy but not to over # 0:03:44.180,0:03:45.600 # 好吃好吃 # Awesome flavour 0:03:45.600,0:03:48.800 # 一嘬就下来 The meat comes down easily with just a bit 0:03:48.800,0:03:51.960 # 很香很香 Very aromatic 0:03:52.200,0:03:53.800 # 真的很香 It's truly aromatic # import 00:04:03.660 稿件内请原样保留此行 ```
ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

@Koi111, I've formatted and uploaded your subtitles as #913.

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

What an achievement @Koi111!

Please upload the subtitles to YouTube via

ytsubtitles-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago
