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Message Quality Evaluation Tool
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Add Concepts for "How to Fix" and "Why to fix" to Detection documentation #139

Open JoshHull opened 5 years ago

JoshHull commented 5 years ago

In the Validation Project, add concepts for storing "how" and "why" to fix for each rule's detections.

In the Message Hub, create a page to override, and a table/object to store the overrides, and a way to display the overrides instead of the defaults.

This message hub modification should also handle overriding the "Severity" levels, which may also need to be included in the same place as the "how" and "why"

nathanbunker commented 5 years ago

I have been working through and writing comments that indicate the why and how. These are not final, but rather just placeholders that are better than having no text. I started out with about 700 to write and I'm now at about 350 left. I've finished all the patient and next-of-kin ones and have the vaccination ones left to do.

As I go along I am creating tickets for any areas that I think need more review.

Once I'm done writing the comments I also need to export all of them out into a format that I can pull into word and check the spelling and grammar. I'm sure I've made a lot of spelling mistakes and these should be fixed before I'm done.

nathanbunker commented 4 years ago

Added a new method for testing the will output all of the text in HTML format. Then I can convert this to a Word document and send to review. Iris is now reviewing what I've written so far.

nathanbunker commented 4 years ago

The print out is on a main method of this class: ValidationEntityRuleEntityListsPrint It is in the test section and so will not be distributed with project.

nathanbunker commented 4 years ago

MQE Text for Editing 2019-12-11.docx

I added the concepts and filled out all of the ones I could find with some basic text. It's good enough for the next few months, but will need to be reviewed and updated. Attached is the text in word format. If it is reviewed and updated I can go through and copy it in.