immregistries / mqe

Message Quality Evaluation Tool
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Message Detail - Warning/Error detail and metadata #153

Open JoshHull opened 4 years ago

JoshHull commented 4 years ago

When reviewing the message detail on a single message, we have a very helpful section that lists out the warnings and errors detected for the message.

However, we don't have associated metadata about those detections on that page. I think it would be helpful to display a few things along with the issues:

  1. How and Why to fix
  2. The codebase metadata used to validate that issue (if it's a code)
  3. Which shot in the message this validation is for.

The user story goes something like this:

  1. A warning is issued for a message. In the message detail, we show that the warning is something like this: "vaccination administration date is after use age recommended for vaccine".

  2. A user wants to understand why that issue is presented for this patient/shot. They will need to look up:

  3. the patient age

  4. which shot in the message this pertains to

  5. what the CVX/NDC is for the shot

  6. codebase information to see the use age limits to see what was the source data for this issue.

For each of these steps, we can support the user with additional metadata on the message detail page. We should be thoughtful about how to present the data in a way that's discoverable, but doesn't distract from the bigger story we're telling on the page. We want the users to be able to ignore it if that's not their goal.