immregistries / mqe

Message Quality Evaluation Tool
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Create tool to support anonymization of production data for testing MQE #160

Open nathanbunker opened 4 years ago

nathanbunker commented 4 years ago

Take the SMM/Tester tool and adapt it so it can be run stand alone to anonymize data. This could then be used to test MQE for demonstration purposes.

nathanbunker commented 4 years ago

The HL7 Util function has been upgraded by a small migration of code from the SMM/Tester project to support transforming HL7 messages.

This includes a set of JUnit tests that demonstrate how it works. For this ticket, take a look at AnonymizeAndUpdateRecordTest which shows the following code:

public void test(String om, String fm) { TransformRequest transformRequest = new TransformRequest(om); transformRequest.setTransformText(" run procedure ANONYMIZE_AND_UPDATE_RECORD"); Transformer transformer = new Transformer(); transformer.transform(transformRequest); assertEquals(fm, transformRequest.getResultText()); }

In this example 'om' is Original Message and 'fm' is Final Message.