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Add Patient with no doses detection #191

Open nathanbunker opened 2 years ago

nathanbunker commented 2 years ago

Copied from AART-1971 ' From Eric:

I was reading some NIS Child MMWR’s this morning and came across an interesting statistic. Only 1% of kids aged 24 months have never received a vaccine. So, I went off to qDAR to see if I could replicate that in a query. I couldn’t, but I think that’s just because we are missing an MQE detection for “patient has no doses”. I think we could also add a detection for “Patient has only 1 hepB” Or “Patient has only at birth hepB” (something like that). I’d probably lean towards the former, because it’s difficult to define what an “at birth” dose is. Is it literally day 1 or 2 of life or would a dose at 3 weeks count? It’s a philosophical discussion I’ve had with others before with no precise answer.

Secondary brainstorm (also along the lines of patient matching detection or possible under-reporting issues), we have a measure for too many doses by age, but I was trying to think of a measure for “Not enough doses by a certain age”. If NIS says 72% of the kids have met the 4313314 series by age 24 months, then surely we could back into a lower end dose count by age 24 months and set the threshold at 72% (or some logical lower number) to maybe highlight potential matching problems too. Maybe less than 15 doses by age 24 months if I did my quick 4313314 minimum dose math correctly accounting for minimum case dose skipping in Hib and PCV.

So in total, maybe three detections.

  1. No doses
  2. Only a hepB
  3. Less than 15 doses by 24 months
nathanbunker commented 2 years ago

This required adding three new MQE detections:

The 1 Hep B only check is conducted with the forecaster. There must be one and only one valid dose of Hep B given to the patient, at any age.