immunogenomics / symphony

Efficient and precise single-cell reference atlas mapping with Symphony
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Error message:"In split.default(seq_len(N), groups) : data length is not a multiple of split variable" #26

Closed qicheng-ma closed 2 years ago

qicheng-ma commented 2 years ago

Dear Symphony Team, I got this error when I built my reference: "Finding variable genes using vst method Error in rowSDs_dgc(A@x, A@p, A@i, row_means, ncol(A), nrow(A), FALSE) : no slot of name "x" for this object of class "Seurat" Calls: ... vargenes_vst -> %>% -> lapply -> FUN -> rowVars -> rowSDs_dgc In addition: Warning message: In split.default(seq_len(N), groups) : data length is not a multiple of split variable Execution halted"

I appreciate if you could help me solve this issue. Thanks in advance!

qicheng-ma commented 2 years ago

If I used option 1, I got the similar error:

var_genes = vargenes_vst(ref_exp_full, groups = as.character(ref_metadata[['donor']]), topn = 2000) Error in rowSDs_dgc(A@x, A@p, A@i, row_means, ncol(A), nrow(A), FALSE) : trying to get slot "x" from an object of a basic class ("matrix") with no slots Calls: vargenes_vst -> %>% -> lapply -> FUN -> rowVars -> rowSDs_dgc In addition: Warning message: In split.default(seq_len(N), groups) : data length is not a multiple of split variable Execution halted

qicheng-ma commented 2 years ago


GaoChris commented 1 year ago

could you please tell me how did you solve this problem ?