Make the signing transactions use EIP155 method to be able to work with current blockchain networks
Update base docker image name due to the notice in where it states:
"Upcoming in Vault 1.14, we will stop publishing official Dockerhub images and publish only our Verified Publisher images. Users of Docker images should pull from hashicorp/vault instead of vault."
Motivation and Context
It makes the project to be able to run without any new changes to project code
How Has This Been Tested?
After using the makefile docker-build and run commands network is configured to use Polygon network and transactions are tested through the transfer endpoint of the account
Types of changes
[ ] Documentation enhancement
[X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
[X] My code follows the code style of this project.
[ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
Make the signing transactions use EIP155 method to be able to work with current blockchain networks
Update base docker image name due to the notice in where it states: "Upcoming in Vault 1.14, we will stop publishing official Dockerhub images and publish only our Verified Publisher images. Users of Docker images should pull from hashicorp/vault instead of vault."
Motivation and Context
It makes the project to be able to run without any new changes to project code
How Has This Been Tested?
After using the makefile docker-build and run commands network is configured to use Polygon network and transactions are tested through the transfer endpoint of the account
Types of changes