I am trying to learn redux and immutable.js in a Typescript environment. I am receiving a transpilation error in my selector when using the get method of my Map.
Property '[Symbol.toStringTag]' is missing in type 'import("/mnt/9182c1a5-20ad-4aaf-b785-996d978bf303/DevProjects/nodejs/react_application/node_modules/immutable/dist/immutable-nonambient").Set<import("/mnt/9182c1a5-20ad-4aaf-b785-996d978bf303/DevProjects/nodejs/react_application/src/app/redux/features/error/types").ErrorReport>' but required in type 'Set<import("/mnt/9182c1a5-20ad-4aaf-b785-996d978bf303/DevProjects/nodejs/react_application/src/app/redux/features/error/types").ErrorReport>
From @dcs3spp on Wed, 06 Nov 2019 14:40:28 GMT
I am trying to learn redux and immutable.js in a Typescript environment. I am receiving a transpilation error in my selector when using the get method of my Map.
The transpilation error that I receive is:
Has anyone else experienced this before?
Copied from original issue: https://github.com/immutable-js/immutable-js/issues/1748