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Index Bug #160

Open poppindouble opened 4 years ago

poppindouble commented 4 years ago

Our database has some index out of sync bugs.

What is the issue

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Insert two json files with the following format
    "id": 1,
    "age": 70, 
    "name": "Josh",
    "id": 2,
    "age": 80,
    "name": "David"

Let's assume the id of these two Unit are 1 and 2.

  1. Create Index

We call execute_create_index to create index for current grouping.

Till so far, our index works as expected. We can query our db with select by age=70, or select by age=80, we will get the expected result.

  1. Now we will use the unique feature in ImmuxDB, we insert following json file:
    "id": 1,
    "age": 100, 
    "name": "Josh",

We are changing the age from 70 to 100.

  1. If we query our db with select by age=70, or select by age=100, both of the query will get the result:
    "id": 1,
    "age": 100, 
    "name": "Josh",

Which is not the expected result of select by age=70.

This bug will also lead to the problem of versioning, similar to the above example, after we call execute_create_index, if we do a revert operation, the index will have the result like above, which is out of sync.

The reason behind this bug

  1. When we call execute_create_index, we are actually only creating index for current db, let's have a look in our execute_create_index function.
        let prefix: StoreKeyFragment = grouping.marshal().into();
        let get_by_prefix = Instruction::DataAccess(DataInstruction::Read(
            DataReadInstruction::GetMany(GetManyInstruction {
                height: None,
                targets: GetManyTargetSpec::KeyPrefix(prefix),

We are using prefix here to extract all the unit in current grouping, which is the "newest" unit for each unit_id, our history data are stored in the InstructionRecord, which are not being "indexed".

  1. When we insert a new unit which has the same unit_id as the previous unit (step 3 in the above example), filed age is already being recorded in indexed_names, the updates_for_index will be called:
let reverse_index: ReverseIndex = {
        let mut index = ReverseIndex::new();
        for target in &insert.targets {
            match &target.content {
                UnitContent::JsonString(json_string) => {
                    match serde_json::from_str::<JsonValue>(json_string) {
                        Err(_error) => continue,
                        Ok(json_value) => {
                            for name in indexed_names.clone() {
                                index.index_new_json(, &json_value, &name)?;
                _ => continue,

if the new inserted unit has the same unit_id as before, which will leads to both old id_list_key and the new id_list_key will point to the same unit_id.

The versioning problem also comes out from this reason, when we do revert operation, essentialy, we just insert a new unit with some existed unit_id.

but we didn't update our index properly in the following code:

match self.get_journal(key) {
            Err(error) => Err(error),
            Ok(mut journal) => {
                match find_appropriate_height(&journal.update_heights, &target_height) {
                    None => Err(VkvError::CannotFindSuitableVersion.into()),
                    Some(height) => {
                        // didn't update index here.
                        let value = self.get_value_after_height(key, &height)?;
                        journal.value = value;
                        self.set_journal(key, &journal)

How to fix it.

The essential problem of this bug is that the index is out of sync, only the "newest" unit are indexed when we call "execute_create_index", and then when "new" unit with the same unit_id are inserted, our index system is not updated properly, this particular unit_id are existed in both id_list(corresponding id_list_key are get_store_key_of_indexed_id_list(&insert.grouping, &property_name, &old_unit_content); and get_store_key_of_indexed_id_list(&insert.grouping, &property_name, &new_unit_content);).

I have two ideas how to solve this problem:

Solution 1

When we call "execute_create_index", we create index for everything including history data. This solution requires that we need to scan all history data as well. This can be achieved by following steps:

  1. We read all the units in the specific grouping(We can achieve this by prefix).
  2. We have all the unit_id from step 1, and for each unit_id, we do inspect.
  3. For each result of inspect is the historical data regarding to that specific unit_id, at this point, we can know these informations: grouping, unit_id, unit_content, NameProperty, as well as its chain_height.
  4. Instead of saving the unit_id only, we should also pass in chain_height as well.
    pub fn add_to_index(&mut self, name: &PropertyName, property_bytes: &[u8], id: UnitId) -> () {
        let key = (name.to_owned(), property_bytes.to_owned());
        match self.inner.get(&key) {
            Some(id_list) => {
                let mut new_list = id_list.to_owned();
                // new_list.push(id); Instead of only saving the id
                // we should save the combination of (unit_id, chain_height)
                self.inner.insert(key, new_list)
            None => {
                // let new_list = IdList::new(vec![id]);
                // same as above
                self.inner.insert(key, new_list)

So, we are not only saving unit_id but also saving its corresponding chain_height together. I don't have a proper name for the combination of (unit_id, chain_height) for now, if you can help with naming, that would be great.

When we are query our DB with SelectCondition::NameProperty, what we get will be a list of the combination of (unit_id, chain_height), so, the following problem is how to get the unit when we know its unit_id and chain_height. We don't have a specific API for this kind of query yet, but we can use inspect to get it.

For this solution, we also need to remember to update our index when we do revert operation.

Solution 2

We only keep the "newest" index, for each corresponding unit_id, we don't support SelectCondition::NameProperty for its historical data. In the above example, when we query our db with select by age=70, or select by age=100, both of the query will get the result:

    "id": 1,
    "age": 100, 
    "name": "Josh",

but with solution 2, we will only get the above result if we do select by age=100. We don't get the above result if we query our db with select by age=70. At least our db is correct in this way.

To achieve this, we need to keep our index update to date, which means we can keep our create_index as it is for now, but every time when we insert a new unit, or we revert unit or units, we need to update our db's index.

To update our index, we need to do a read operation regarding to this unit_id first, find out what is the unit_contents of this unit_id in current db, then, we go through all the NameProperty, we need to do a query SelectCondition::NameProperty, and delete its unit_id in the corresponding indexed_id_list.

After we call execute_create_index, We need to do this update_index operation in several places in our codebase.

  1. Everytime when we insert a new unit or multi units.
  2. Everytime when we revert a unit or multi units.


Solution 1:


  1. Give us really nice query feature, we can query historical data by SelectCondition::NameProperty as well. the cost in insert and revert is lower then solution 2.


  1. really heavy work load at the execute_create_index period, it go through all the historical data in the whole grouping.
  2. a huge problem when we do SelectCondition::NameProperty on some "hot" data, since everytime we query by NameProperty, for each existed unit_id and chian_height, we involve one inspect operation, which is really costly.

Solution 2:


  1. not that much work load at the execute_create_index period.
  2. SelectCondition::NameProperty is not costly.


  1. We lost the feature that we can index historical data.
  2. Since we need to update our indexed_id_list, everytime when we insert a new unit or units, or revert a unit or units, before we can actually perform these operations, we need to do following steps:

(I) A read operation regarding to this unit_id. (II) Go through all the NameProperty, for each NameProperty, do a query SelectCondition::NameProperty. (III) Delete its unit_id in the corresponding indexed_id_list

insert and revert operation in solution 2 is costly then solution 1.

blaesus commented 4 years ago

Historical index ("When does id=1 every has age = 70") is an interesting feature, but the storage & speed penalty can be very severe.

Can we make this optional? By default, indices are newest-only, but if the user requires historical index, we can give them that as well. What's the implementation cost of that?


poppindouble commented 4 years ago

I think here is the solution that can achieve both historical index and newest-only.

We will adopt solution 1 in the above proposal. Let's have a look about the expensive part of this solution:

  1. really heavy work load at the execute_create_index period, it go through all the historical data in the whole grouping.

  2. a huge problem when we do SelectCondition::NameProperty on some "hot" data, since everytime we query by NameProperty, for each existed unit_id and chian_height, we involve one inspect operation, which is really costly.

For the first point, I don't think we have a better solution, since we want to support index historical data, we have to read through all the historical data, even it is optional.

For the second point, we can make it optional, we will add another parameter when we do SelectCondition::NameProperty , let's say the parameter's name is include_history, it is a boolean.

If include_history is false, we just need to use unit_id part in our result list. we get all the "newest" value of for each unit_id. Which cost is exactly like before, no penalty here.

If include_history is true, here might be some penalty, in the above proposal, I mentioned that for each unit_id and chian_height, we involve one inspect operation. I mentioned inspection because we don't have a proper API for only for "index" feature, but we do have a function in revert feature,

fn get_value_after_height_recurse(
        key: &StoreKey,
        requested_height: &ChainHeight,
        recurse_time: u16,
    ) -> ImmuxResult<StoreValue> {
        if recurse_time > MAX_RECURSION {
            return Err(VkvError::TooManyRecursionInFindingValue.into());
        match self.get_journal(key) {
            Err(error) => return Err(error),
            Ok(journal) => {
                let possible_heights: Vec<_> = journal
                    .take_while(|h| h <= requested_height)
                for height in possible_heights.into_iter().rev() {
                    let record = self.load_instruction_record(&height)?;
                    let instruction = &record.instruction;
                    match instruction {
                        Instruction::DataAccess(DataInstruction::Write(write)) => match write {
                            DataWriteInstruction::SetMany(set_many) => {
                                for target in &set_many.targets {
                                    if target.key == *key {
                                        return Ok(target.value.clone());
                            DataWriteInstruction::RevertMany(revert_many) => {
                                for target in &revert_many.targets {
                                    if target.key == *key {
                                        return Ok(self.get_value_after_height_recurse(
                                            recurse_time + 1,
                                return Err(VkvError::CannotFindSuitableVersion.into());
                            DataWriteInstruction::RevertAll(revert_all) => {
                                return Ok(self.get_value_after_height_recurse(
                                    recurse_time + 1,
                        _ => return Err(VkvError::UnexpectedInstruction.into()),
                return Err(VkvError::CannotFindSuitableVersion.into());

I think one optimization is that we can reuse this function in our scenario as well, so we don't need to go through all the chain_height regarding to one unit_id, we just need to query those chain_height regarding to that unit_id which matters to the index.

I have another suggestion here, it is an implementation detail thing, when I was going through the code of get_value_after_height_recurse, for our revert_instruction, we use recursive method to get its original value, here is the definition of revert_instruction.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RevertManyInstruction {
    pub targets: Vec<RevertTargetSpec>,


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RevertTargetSpec {
    pub key: StoreKey,
    pub height: ChainHeight,

we only record down the key and height, and this height is the chain_height which we revert from, so I think a better way to do it is that we also record down the value, so it act like a buffer, then we don't need to do the recursion style until we hit the DataWriteInstruction::SetMany condition. it is like a memorize search thinking. I have this idea is because, I think this will also help in index feature. It is an optimization for query those chain_height regarding to that unit_id which matters to the index.

To achieve the above implementation detail thing, let's have a look in this part of our code base:

fn revert_one(
        &mut self,
        key: &StoreKey,
        target_height: ChainHeight,
        next_height: ChainHeight,
    ) -> ImmuxResult<()> 

// We can return the revert value here.
DataWriteInstruction::RevertMany(revert) => {
                        for target in revert.targets.iter() {
                            self.revert_one(&target.key, target.height, next_height)?;
                        let record: InstructionRecord = instruction.to_owned().into();
                        // before we save the revert instruction, we buffer its return value here.
                        if let Err(_) = self.save_instruction_record(&next_height, &record) {
                            return Err(VkvError::SaveInstructionFail.into());
                        return Ok(Answer::DataAccess(DataAnswer::Write(
                            DataWriteAnswer::RevertOk(RevertOkAnswer {}),

We can give a return value from revert_one, and save this return value into our instruction. In this way, we can get rid of the recursive way, also accelerate index feature.
