imnewtopython / pwp-capstones

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Tome Rater (PWP) SUMMARY #1

Open sangjunp4rk opened 6 years ago

sangjunp4rk commented 6 years ago

Rubric Score

Criteria 1: Valid Python Code

Criteria 2: Implementation of Project Requirements

Criteria 3: Software Architecture

Criteria 4: Uses Python Language Features

Overall Score: 16/16

Great job! You were effective in refactoring your code using functions. Next time, it would be helpful to upload the entire python script file onto Github. This way I can see how you organize your code visually as well as see how you add comments and testing into your code. There are also some extreme edge cases that could break your code, such as if you divide by zero when you get the average length of a sentence. It's good to note such edge cases if you don't handle them near the function header so that if future programmers want to use functions that you built, they aren't surprised that it fails.

imnewtopython commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! Really enjoyed the course in terms of content, ease of use and organization. It was fun to progress from almost no exposure in Python to a working knowledge in the language.