imnotamember / Pynetstation-Plug-In

Plug-in for OpenSesame to use EGI's Netstation EEG software
MIT License
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EGI Technical manuals #1

Open VlastaKoudelka opened 5 years ago

VlastaKoudelka commented 5 years ago

Hi Nomember,

I would like to ask you a question about the EGI reference manualse. We are developing a piece of code for sending timestamps from arduino to NS. However, there is a lack of technical description of the protocol on the EGI sites and on the internet. In the pynetstation plugin, there is a reference to technical manuals: "EGI Hardware Technical Manual" of Dec 21 2006, Chapter 7 and Appendix G One can also see "EGI Systems Technical Manual", Ch. 6 and App. G, or "EGI System 200 Technical Manual" -- Ch. 6 and Appendix E, ( though the last one seems to be a little bit more incomplete than the other ones ) .

Do you have an idea where we could get the manuals?

Thank you, Vlasta

imnotamember commented 5 years ago

You should have access to the physical manuals, they are shipped with the system typically. If you don't have them available that way, you can access digital copies via the EGI website:

Most of the documents referred to in the code are old. Are you using a 300 series amp for data acquisition? Either way, the protocol doesn't seem to have changed. To access the referenced manuals, go to the "knowledge-center" website and click "Manuals", then select "Previous Editions" in the listing, and finally "Previous Edition Manuals" to access the documents you're looking for.

Here's a link to the "EGI Hardware Technical Manual (March 4, 2015)":

There's a lot of things going on, so I'll wait to hear more questions from you. Also, I have a colleague here to linked his Arduino up to the EGI system, I could pass along his code/schematics if you're interested.

VlastaKoudelka commented 5 years ago


thank you for detailed information. We are usin the 400 series amp. I can double check the manual we received from EGI. However, its typical that the newer the manual the less information. We are able to reliably send and receive NTP messages from and into arduino. Now we are thinking of, what to do with the precise timestamp, in other words, how to send it to NS.

Thanks, Vlasta