imnotamember / Pynetstation-Plug-In

Plug-in for OpenSesame to use EGI's Netstation EEG software
MIT License
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Trigger from Windows 10 computer to NetStation running on Mac OSX #2

Open AntoineBellemare opened 4 years ago

AntoineBellemare commented 4 years ago

We are trying to send triggers from a stimulation computer to NetStation 4.5.1. NetStation is installed on a Mac OSX system and the stim computer is running under Windows 10. The two computers are connected with an Ethernet cable. We are able to send the trigger using this script, but a delay of around 150ms (we didn't measured it exactly) constantly occurs. The delay seems variable as well. We observed the delay by comparing the apparition of the event in the log window of NetStation with the 'print' in Python We will try to perform this test locally (with only one computer) to better tackle the problem Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

import time
import numpy as np
import copy
import egi.simple as egi

​ns = egi.Netstation()
ns.connect('', 55513)

def trigger_write(code='testev'):

for ii in range(50):