imnotteixeira / dissertation

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[Paper] Reputation Mechanisms - Chrysanthos Dellarocas #15

Closed imnotteixeira closed 3 years ago

imnotteixeira commented 3 years ago

Reputation mechanisms harness the bi-directional communication capabilities of theInternet in order to engineer large-scale word-of-mouth networks. Best known so far asa technology for building trust and fostering cooperation in online marketplaces, suchas eBay, these mechanisms are poised to have a much wider impact on organizations.This paper surveys our progress in understanding the new possibilities and challengesthat these mechanisms represent. It discusses some important dimensions in whichInternet-based reputation mechanisms differ from traditional word-of-mouth networksand surveys the most important issues related to their design, evaluation, and use. Itprovides an overview of relevant work in game theory and economics on the topic ofreputation. It discusses how this body of work is being extended and combined withinsights from computer science, marketing, and psychology in order to take into consid-eration the special properties of online environments. Finally, it identifies opportunitiesthat this new area presents for information systems research.

imnotteixeira commented 3 years ago

Shows examples of how multiple platforms handle their user reputations.

States prevention of moral hazard as an objective of Reputation Systems:

Elaborates further on the reputation dynamics:

These dynamics have important repercussions for reputation systems (for example, eBay, under the assumption that there exist rational and honest seller types). If eBay makes the entire feedback history of a seller available to buyers and if an eBay seller stays on the system long enough, once he establishes an initial reputation for honesty will be tempted to cheat buyers every now and then. In the long term, this behavior will lead to an eventual collapse of his reputation and therefore of cooperative behavior.