imperfectandcompany / Imperfect-Gamers-Site-Store

Our robust community site integrating Steam for enhanced user interactions and data management, powered by Remix with Tailwind CSS for optimistic, responsive UI. Features CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Docker for seamless deployment and maintenance.
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Implement Toast Notifications and Alert Dialogs for Enhanced User Interaction #54

Closed cheesea3 closed 1 month ago

cheesea3 commented 2 months ago


To enhance user interaction and proactive feedback mechanisms in our application, we need to introduce alert dialogs and toast notifications. These will provide users with real-time feedback during various actions such as linking accounts, submitting forms, or launching external integrations. The alert dialog will confirm user intentions before proceeding with critical actions, while toast notifications will inform users of the results of their actions, such as successful submissions or errors.

Proposed Enhancements

  1. Toast Notifications:

    • Introduce toast notifications for events such as successful Steam account linkage, username setup during onboarding, or when launching the Steam popup window. Toasts should appear briefly and fade away automatically, providing immediate feedback without interrupting the user flow.
    • Example scenarios:
      • Successful Steam integration: "Steam account linked successfully!"
      • Username setup: "Username set successfully!"
      • Launching Steam popup: "Launching Steam authorization..."
  2. Alert Dialogs:

    • Implement alert dialogs that require user confirmation before proceeding with certain actions. This will be particularly useful for critical actions like launching a payment window or agreeing to terms of service before proceeding.
    • Example scenarios:
      • Before launching the Tebex checkout: "Please agree to the terms of service to proceed."
      • Before form submission that leads to irreversible actions: "Please confirm your submission."
  3. Failed Submission Feedback:

    • Enhance the UI/UX by using toasts to indicate why a form submission failed after the spinner stops, improving on the current loading animations. This will help users understand the state of their actions without confusion.
    • Example components affected:
      • Button.tsx: Adapt the current loading state to include toast notifications for errors such as network issues or validation failures.

Technical Considerations

Integration with Existing Technologies

Directive for GitHub Copilot

Components to Integrate

Implementation Outline

  1. Design and implement a reusable toast component that can be triggered from various parts of the application.
  2. Create a centralized alert dialog manager that can be called to confirm user actions.
  3. Link these components to existing workflows, particularly in authentication flows and form submissions.

Future AI Considerations


This issue should be part of the Milestone 7: User Interface Polish, as it directly enhances the user interface and interaction capabilities of the application.

cheesea3 commented 1 month ago

confirmation dialogs will be taken care of after some other priorties, but most importantly after this issue is closed: