imperfectandcompany / Imperfect-Gamers-Site-Store

Our robust community site integrating Steam for enhanced user interactions and data management, powered by Remix with Tailwind CSS for optimistic, responsive UI. Features CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Docker for seamless deployment and maintenance.
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55 aligning animation and validation feedback for input components #60

Closed cheesea3 closed 1 month ago

cheesea3 commented 1 month ago

Pull Request: Enhanced Visual Feedback and Animations for Input Component


This pull request was originally to just reduce a series of enhancements to the Input component to improve the user experience by providing immediate and understandable feedback based on schema-driven validations. We ended up making additional changes align with the proposed task of refining animations and colors based on validation results, ensuring a more dynamic and cohesive user experience. This pull request introduces several key updates and enhancements across various components and configurations, aimed at improving functionality, user experience, and code maintainability.

Changes Made

  1. Environment Variables Update:

    • File: .env.example
    • Changes: Added GA_TRACKING_ID and MS_CLARITY_ID for Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity integration.
    • Reason: To enable analytics tracking and user behavior insights.
  2. Authentication Enhancements:

    • File: app/auth/authenticator.server.ts
    • Changes: Added statusCode to the response object in registerUser function.
    • Reason: To provide more detailed feedback on registration status.
  3. Enhanced Animation and Styling Based on Validation Status:

    • File: Input.tsx
    • Details:
      • The Input component has been refactored to dynamically reflect validation status with refined animations and colors. This was achieved by defining variant types (default, error, success) and adjusting the component's styling based on these variants.
      • Benefits: Provides users with clear, instant feedback on their inputs, improving the overall usability of forms across the application.
  4. Standardization of Input Feedback:

    • File: InputField.tsx
    • Details:
      • A new InputField component was created to ensure consistent validation feedback across various forms such as sign-up and settings.
      • The component includes dynamic features like clear icons, password visibility toggles, and tooltip messages for improved user interaction.
      • Benefits: Ensures a uniform experience for users, regardless of which form they interact with, enhancing overall usability.
  5. Creation of InputProps.tsx:

    • File: InputProps.tsx
    • Details:
      • Input properties were abstracted into a separate file to enhance modularity and reusability. This file defines all input variants and states such as error, success, and warning, with corresponding styles.
      • Benefits: Facilitates easier maintenance and updates, allowing for scalable and consistent input component management.
  6. Button Component Updates:

    • Files: app/components/atoms/Button/Button.tsx, app/components/atoms/Button/ButtonProps.tsx
    • Changes: Introduced a disabled state with visual feedback (shake effect), updated CSS classes, and modified event handling.
    • Reason: To enhance user interaction by visually indicating disabled buttons and providing feedback on invalid actions.
  7. Heading Component Styling:

    • File: app/components/atoms/Heading/Heading.tsx
    • Changes: Updated the class names and added a fragment for improved styling.
    • Reason: To align the component's appearance with the overall UI design.
  8. New Logo Components:

    • Files: app/components/atoms/ImperfectAndCompanyLogo.tsx, app/components/atoms/ImperfectGamersLogo.tsx
    • Changes: Added new logo components with specific styles and animations.
    • Reason: To visually represent the Imperfect Gamers and Imperfect and Company brands.
  9. Input Component Refactor:

    • Files: app/components/atoms/Input/Input.tsx, app/components/atoms/Input/InputBase.tsx, app/components/atoms/Input/InputContainer.tsx
    • Changes: Refactored the Input component into smaller, reusable components and updated styles.
    • Reason: To improve maintainability and reuse across the project.
  10. Lottie Animation Integration:

    • File: app/components/atoms/LottieAnimation.tsx
    • Changes: Added a new component for rendering Lottie animations with support for looping.
    • Reason: To enhance the visual appeal with animated elements.
  11. Modal Component Enhancement:

    • File: app/components/atoms/Modal/Modal.tsx
    • Changes: Added support for responsive behavior and updated event handling.
    • Reason: To improve the modal's adaptability to different screen sizes and interaction scenarios.
  12. Styling Constants:

    • Files: Various styles files under app/components/atoms/styles/
    • Changes: Introduced style constants for animations, input borders, hover effects, and more.
    • Reason: To centralize styling and ensure consistency across components.
  13. Checkout Process Components:

    • Files: app/components/molecules/CheckoutProcess/*
    • Changes: Added components for managing the checkout process, including basket creation, package addition, and initiating the checkout flow.
    • Reason: To implement a structured and efficient checkout process for users.
  14. Password Field Enhancement:

    • File: app/components/molecules/ConfirmPasswordField/ConfirmPasswordField.tsx
    • Changes: Introduced a new component for handling password confirmation with enhanced styling and error messages.
    • Reason: To improve the user experience during password input and validation.
  15. Error Message Component:

    • File: app/components/molecules/ErrorMessage/ErrorMessage.tsx
    • Changes: Added a new component to display error messages with specific styles.
    • Reason: To provide clear and consistent feedback on form errors.
  16. Enhanced Login Form:

    • Files: app/components/molecules/LoginForm.tsx, app/components/molecules/LoginForm.1.tsx
    • Changes: Refactored the login form with better state management, form validation, and visual feedback.
    • Reason: To streamline the login process and provide a better user experience.

Technical Considerations


These enhancements significantly improve the user experience by providing immediate and dynamic feedback on input fields, ensuring consistent validation feedback, and enhancing the overall usability of the application.