imperfectandcompany / Imperfect-Gamers-Site-Store

Our robust community site integrating Steam for enhanced user interactions and data management, powered by Remix with Tailwind CSS for optimistic, responsive UI. Features CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Docker for seamless deployment and maintenance.
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Enhancements to Steam Linking, Premium Checkout, and UI Updates #94

Closed cheesea3 closed 3 weeks ago

cheesea3 commented 3 weeks ago

This pull request addresses several key improvements and bug fixes related to Steam account linking, checkout flows for premium users, and updates to the UI/UX as outlined in the issue discussion. Below are the changes implemented and their correlation with the outlined objectives:

Implemented Changes:

  1. Unique Steam Account Linking

    • Partially implemented. Added initial checks to prevent duplicate Steam account linking. Further testing and refinement are needed to ensure robust error handling and user feedback.
  2. Premium User Checkout Bypass

    • Implemented a preliminary check during user session initialization to identify premium members and bypass the checkout process accordingly. This implementation aims to streamline the experience for premium users.
  3. Redirect Handling Post-Purchase

    • Improved handling of redirects post-purchase to ensure users are correctly navigated based on their transaction status. The specific handling for successful purchases needs further refinement.
  4. Update Generic Temporary Names

    • This task has been scoped and initial updates have been made in some UI components to replace generic names with more meaningful identifiers. Ongoing updates are planned for the next issue/pr.
  5. Adjust Yearly Premium Pass Price

    • Updated the pricing information for the yearly premium pass to $120 while maintaining the "Coming Soon" label as required.
  6. Update Premium Perks

    • Added new perks such as tag customization, vote extension, and HUD gif options for premium users. These are now reflected in the UI.

Expected Outcome:

Further updates and enhancements will continue as we gather more feedback and perform detailed testing.