imperialCHEPI / healthgps

Global Health Policy Simulation model (Health-GPS)
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Add time trend in risk factors #477

Closed jzhu20 closed 10 hours ago

jzhu20 commented 1 month ago

We are adding an underlying time trend in risk factors from consuming UPF (ultra-processed food). The plan is to add time (or year) as an additional variable into risk factor equations.

jzhu20 commented 1 month ago

Details on estimating time trend parameters from Jingmin:

Steps from James:

  1. update base nutrients as before
  2. compute and add a delta for the time trend, based on base nutrients and income, sector, etcetera
  3. do clipped expected value adjustment as before
  4. do clipped policy update as before

Jingmin needs to confirm:

jzhu20 commented 1 month ago

Update on applying time factor:

Everyone in the virtual population is assigned a time factor for each nutrient based on age, gender, income, sector and nutrient levels. This individual-specific time factor remains constant over life course. At each year step, nutrient intake needs to multiply the individual-specific time factor.

Time trend also needs to be added to factors mean of nutrients. Mean weight needs to be adjusted based on steady state equations, and nutrients with time trend.

jzhu20 commented 1 month ago

Estimating time factor as a function of age, sex, income, sector, and baseline nutrient intake.

In Health-GPS, individual time factor is calculated at initialisation or at birth. It remains fixed over life course until death.

Time coefficient f is a function of time factor r and years since initialisation T, i.e., f = rT.

Time-trend-adjusted nutrient intake = nutrient intake f = nutrient intake rT

jzhu20 commented 1 month ago

Factors mean is adjusted with a fixed time factor r, i.e., Adjusted mean = mean * rT.

Time factor is

Mean weight adjustment happens after nutrients intake is adjusted with time trend.

For a certain age, gender group, mean weight = 0.06256 mean time-trend-adjusted-Energy Intake - 0.6256 mean height + 0.4925 age - 16.6166 gender + 16.1161

where mean time-trend-adjusted-Energy Intake = 4 mean time-trend-adjusted-carb + 9 mean time-trend-adjusted-fat + 4 mean time-trend-adjusted-protein + 0 mean time-trend-adjusted-sodium