impermeable / coq-waterproof

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Wrap types (if needed) before comparing or asserting. #60

Closed DikieDick closed 2 months ago

DikieDick commented 2 months ago

The goal of this PR is to add an utility function (called 'correct_type_by_wrapping') that fixes some issues regarding the types of (namely) boolean statements when comparing or asserting.


Either (x = y) or (x != y).

Would not work before as the x != y term has type bool and needed to be wrapped in is_true.

This also causes problems when comparing the type of the statement x != y as done in Since, since the type of x != y is not 'Type', 'Set' or 'Prop'.

I have created the utility function correct_type_by_wrapping that

  1. Adds the 'is_true' wrapping to booleans.
  2. Leaves 'Prop', 'Type' and 'Set' unchanged.
  3. Throws an error if a statement with type other than 'bool', 'Prop', 'Type' or 'Set' is encountered.

Where necessary this function has been added to the tactics in the library.


DikieDick commented 2 months ago

Finally, could you please check locally if the compilation with this new branch has slowed down. I compiled twice and once was very slow, the second time was much faster.

I have not noticed any slowdowns in my development. Running hyperfine to test on 10 compilation runs (dune clean; dune build) gave the following: Branch Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
main 38.648 ± 1.035 37.676 41.229 1.01 ± 0.03
TypeCorrector 38.347 ± 0.599 37.398 39.339 1.00

Command: hyperfine --warmup 3 "git switch main; dune clean; dune build" "git switch TypeCorrector; dune clean; dune build" --export-markdown "../"