We've added the recent searches functionality to the search bar.
A recent search will only be added as an actual credential that was clicked after entering a search term.
This includes being able to delete a recent search.
Clicking on a recent search will move it back to the top of the list.
In the frontend we now use .map instead of .filter to display credentials/connections.
This makes sure the actual order as conveyed by the backend is displayed.
Links to any relevant issues
How the change has been tested
Extensive integration tests located in the unime/src-tauri/tests folder.
Definition of Done checklist
Add an x to the boxes that are relevant to your changes.
[x] I have followed the contribution guidelines for this project
[x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
[x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
[ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
[x] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
[x] New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes
Description of change
We've added the recent searches functionality to the search bar. A recent search will only be added as an actual credential that was clicked after entering a search term. This includes being able to delete a recent search. Clicking on a recent search will move it back to the top of the list.
In the frontend we now use .map instead of .filter to display credentials/connections. This makes sure the actual order as conveyed by the backend is displayed.
Links to any relevant issues
How the change has been tested
Extensive integration tests located in the unime/src-tauri/tests folder.
Definition of Done checklist
Add an
to the boxes that are relevant to your changes.