impierce / identity-wallet

A Tauri-based Identity Wallet for people to manage Decentralized Identities and Verifiable Credentials.
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Image shows fallback slot while asset is loading #182

Open daniel-mader opened 2 months ago

daniel-mader commented 2 months ago


While an image is loaded from disk using the <Image /> component, for a brief moment the fallback slot is rendered. While this works as designed, it can confuse the user since the image is almost instantly loaded (aka "placeholder flashing").

Hardware Specification

No response

Steps to Reproduce the Bug

  1. navigate around the app and pay attention to wherever images are displayed

Expected Behaviour

Images should be preloaded before the navigation is executed to prevent flashing placeholders, but this might introduce an artificial delay and introduce bad UX

Actual Behaviour

