impierce / identity-wallet

A Tauri-based Identity Wallet for people to manage Decentralized Identities and Verifiable Credentials.
Apache License 2.0
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feat(a11y): Add preference option for date notation #205

Open Oran-Dan opened 2 months ago

Oran-Dan commented 2 months ago


Add a preference option to profile settings through which users can choose how they want their dates displayed. This can be done quite simply in the frontend, the backend would only have to communicate the chosen date-notation locale.

Besides different countries writing the month before the day or the other way around (month/day/year vs day/month/year) there is also the point of readability for users who might have trouble with smaller notations or number/letter based notation due to dyslexia or discalculia.

The discussion remains if we want to keep shorter notations in smaller fields and longer notations in for example the data/connection specific overviews. This would bring about the questions how this different fields would respond to the locales

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Adds to the user experience and accessibility (a11y)


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