impierce / identity-wallet

A Tauri-based Identity Wallet for people to manage Decentralized Identities and Verifiable Credentials.
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] Debug messages tab in Dev NavBar doesn't show anything #216

Open Oran-Dan opened 1 month ago

Oran-Dan commented 1 month ago


Although the logs in my terminal are full of debug messages, the "debug messages" tab in the Dev NavBar stays completely empty in every situation i have tried. Even when errors occur when reproducing issue #215.

Hardware Specification

Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 & iOS RAM: Cores: Device:

Steps to Reproduce the Bug

  1. Do anything with the app
  2. Switch to the debug messages tab in Dev NavBar
  3. It's empty

Expected Behaviour

Debug messages should be shown.

Actual Behaviour

It's empty

