impierce / identity-wallet

A Tauri-based Identity Wallet for people to manage Decentralized Identities and Verifiable Credentials.
Apache License 2.0
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Dynamically use DID Method targeted by Relying Party #239

Open nanderstabel opened 1 month ago

nanderstabel commented 1 month ago


Since recently UniMe supports the JWK DID Method besides the Key DID Method. However, what is still missing is the ability to select the correct DID to use depending on a Relying Party's client_metadata. At the moment UniMe just uses the DID indicated by the preferred_did_method field in the profile settings.

This currently causes the Shenron dev mode to timeout, since we selected DID JWK to be the default preferred_did_method while the NGDIL demo only accepts DID Key as of now.


UniMe needs to be able to dynamically select the correct DID Method to use for signing messages.



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