impossibl / pgjdbc-ng

A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the advanced features of JDBC and Postgres
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Connect timeout with pgjdbc-ng but PostgreSQL JDBC Driver work #568

Closed AaaBin closed 2 years ago

AaaBin commented 2 years ago

I have an application with one connection from pgjdbc-ng(0.8.9) for asynchronous notification and others from PostgreSQL JDBC Driver(Spring Data JPA) for other tasks. Everything was fine in developing, but the connection from pgjdbc-ng got connect timeout when in SIT environment. It confused me because other connections work totally fine. I've tried two different code:

public PGConnection getPGConnection() throws SQLException {
    var connectionString = String
        .format("jdbc:pgsql://%s/%s?ssl.mode=require", host, database);
    return DriverManager
            .getConnection(connectionString, user, password)


public PGConnection getPGConnection() throws SQLException {
    var dataSource = new PGDataSource();
    return dataSource.getConnection().unwrap(PGConnection.class);

All these two got the same result, only the connections from PostgreSQL JDBC Driver works. Here is the error message:

Cause by: Timeout starting connection
    at com.impossibl.postgres.protocol.v30.ServerConnectionFactory.startup

Other info: running on: RHEL 8 postgresql version: 13 postgresql server force client connect with ssl(tls 1.3 only)

I'm sorry for lack of information. I can't reproduce it, these codes above are work in my enviroment.

Did I do something wrong? Please give me advice. Thank you.