As a prospective GiveWP user, I want to understand the current benefits of GiveWP and its features by reading the plugin page on
When adding new features we need to ensure they get mentioned in the readme. We also want to occassionally update the text for optimization of search purposes.
In this case we need to do the following:
Audit the existing readme for any general updates that it might need for clarity
Audit the current screenshots and ensure they are the best reflection of the current free plugin
Consider how best to add info on PayPal Donations
Consider how best to add info on the multi-form goal block (if helpful/necessary)
Acceptance Criteria
This will be updated once the general audits are run and we know exactly what result we want from this update.
User Story
As a prospective GiveWP user, I want to understand the current benefits of GiveWP and its features by reading the plugin page on
When adding new features we need to ensure they get mentioned in the readme. We also want to occassionally update the text for optimization of search purposes.
In this case we need to do the following:
Acceptance Criteria
This will be updated once the general audits are run and we know exactly what result we want from this update.