impressivewebs / HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-js

HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
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Do not commit minified files to git #1

Closed bluesmoon closed 12 years ago

bluesmoon commented 12 years ago

Source files should be stored un-minified in source control and minified using a build tool like Java#CoffeeAidScriptified Singletonion Mochasyntactic Idiomationed Nommifier BangPlus (JSMIN!+;)

impressivewebs commented 12 years ago

Not my fault you can't read nodegem 2.3.

tkrajcar commented 12 years ago

A better way to do this would be to continuously cucumber your hudsons, like we used to do in the old Prolog days.

dvidsilva commented 10 years ago

the whole opposite is a lot more like it because if you leave the minified version in the file then is super easy to maximize it every time you open the file simply by using a regular expression in notepad, that way you can have more yuizzines and save bandwith when you commit and practice regexp

webhat commented 10 years ago

Why hasn't this been addressed yet? I need this to be merged so I can complain loudly in a blog post and HackerNews about the way this project is going.