impressivewebs / HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-js

HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
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Magnification and Maggealeation Error #145

Open jfreal opened 7 years ago

jfreal commented 7 years ago

After minification with Grumpus with the deflowering package the code renders fine in dimension SS8839KITTYCAT but not in 93838BIGBANG.

kitsirota commented 7 years ago

93838BIGBANG is a deprecated dimension.

Closing issue with "Wont fix"

CrossEye commented 7 years ago

Damn, is ole 383 (as it's friends like to call it) ever gonna get any respect?

If you still need this -- not likely, I know, now that dimension 242STRINGTHEORY has been approved for exploration -- you can probably get by with simply reinverseretroinverting the antideuncompression settings in Grumpus. If your Grumpus version is below 1.2.9, you'll have to do it twice.