impressivewebs / HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-js

HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
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Need unrealistic micro-benchmarks #45

Open courtneycouch opened 12 years ago

courtneycouch commented 12 years ago

How can anyone take this seriously unless there are some unrealistic micro-benchmarks that in no way reflect real world use but are highly tuned to demonstrate really impressive results?

Even if the results have to be made up, they need to be there.

How about we start with:


competitor.js: 20s to complete HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-js: 1.7s to complete

Looks pretty impressive to me.

richo commented 12 years ago

I'm all for this one, on the condition that we in no way explain why or how we're faster, and more importantly why this benchmark is important.

Just two numbers, with our number better than their number.

EtiennePerot commented 12 years ago

Don't put the time unit! How else are they supposed to guess how significant the difference is?

tianshuo commented 12 years ago

We must be even faster than vaporjs:
How dare claim to be the world's fastest and smallest library.