[x] detail: author names get underlined during mouseover, notebook titles not
[ ] each notebook has a coloured circle. Perhaps use colour and opacity to indicate type of collections and skill level?
[x] in the browser tab it should say "Impresso Datalab"
[x] detail: align font type and font size of the top navigation between /app and /datalab for more coherence? Impresso logo and account already are mirrored.
Notebook recommendations in notebook view
Quick links
[x] Quick links: might be just me but they dont quite fit with the cards. Move to top navigation or footer?
[x] Checkout our Rest API documentation or use our impresso-py Python package to interact with the API. -> Check out ...
[x] Visualise your data with graph networks. -> Generate and explore entity co-occurrence networks from Impresso queries
[x] Detect named entities in your text. -> Use Impresso models to detect and disambiguate named entities in your documents.
NER notebook overlay
[x] Open in Colab - button? Also a button for all Github links? Buttonsbuttonsbuttons
[] authorship: for now all notebooks are authored by "Impresso team" only, credit via Github
[ ] once a notebook is selected from a card we see the recommended ones on the right side. For now we display all other notebooks from a particular card?
Search notebook
[ ] Each notebook needs an intro sentence to explain what it does
[ ] This notebook introduces you to search and filtering operations.
[x] empty lines
Search collections
[ ] rename: Search and Edit Impresso Personal Collections
[ ] This notebook introduces you to search and filtering operations for Impresso's personal collections.
[ ] Get metadata of a colection by its ID. -> collections
Get API Token
[ ] Your API token (top) -> "Impresso Data Lab" (cant think of sth else, just to avoid the duplication)
[ ] API access is always subject to our Terms of Use [add link]. Please also check our Documentation [add link - but which?]
[ ] ..acess to the Impresso Data Lab, allowing you access depending on your respective user plan.
Browse Notebooks overaly
[ ] here also grouping by type of collection?
[ ] rename to "Access Plans" or "User Plans" to distinguish from future plans for the Data Lab
[x] detail: author names get underlined during mouseover, notebook titles not
[ ] each notebook has a coloured circle. Perhaps use colour and opacity to indicate type of collections and skill level?
[x] in the browser tab it should say "Impresso Datalab"
[x] detail: align font type and font size of the top navigation between /app and /datalab for more coherence? Impresso logo and account already are mirrored.
Notebook recommendations in notebook view
Quick links
Python package to interact with the API. -> Check out ...Notebooks
NER notebook overlay
[x] Open in Colab - button? Also a button for all Github links? Buttonsbuttonsbuttons
[] authorship: for now all notebooks are authored by "Impresso team" only, credit via Github
[ ] once a notebook is selected from a card we see the recommended ones on the right side. For now we display all other notebooks from a particular card?
Search notebook
[ ] Each notebook needs an intro sentence to explain what it does
[ ] This notebook introduces you to search and filtering operations.
[x] empty lines
Search collections
[ ] rename: Search and Edit Impresso Personal Collections
[ ] This notebook introduces you to search and filtering operations for Impresso's personal collections.
[ ] Get metadata of a colection by its ID. -> collections
Get API Token
Browse Notebooks overaly