improbable-eng / etcd-cluster-operator

A controller to deploy and manage etcd clusters inside of Kubernetes
MIT License
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Not able to install the operator and provision an instance by following the documentation #191

Open HariNarayananMohan opened 4 years ago

HariNarayananMohan commented 4 years ago

Versions of relevant software used Openshift 4.3 which uses Kubenetes 1.16

What happened I'm trying to get the etcd-cluster-operator run on my cluster and provision EtcdClusters. Followed these Installing instructions and Contributing documentation separately, I was not able to successfully create the EtcdCluster in both ways.

What you expected to happen Install etcd-cluster-operator in my cluster and provision etcdclusters.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Install cert manager

Option 1: Follow Installing Instructions

Step 1: Clone this github repo to your local. Step 2: From the root directory of the repo - cd config/default Step 3: export ECO_VERSION=v0.2.0 Step 4: kustomize edit set image controller=$ECO_VERSION Step 5: kustomize edit set image proxy=$ECO_VERSION Step 6: kubectl apply --kustomize .


error: rawResources failed to read Resources: Load from path ../crd failed: '../crd' must be a file (got d='/<path to repo>/etcd-cluster-operator/config/crd')

Option 2: Follow Contributing Instructions

Step 1: export DOCKER_REPO=\<registryname> Step 2: make docker-build Step 3: make docker-push Step 4: make deploy

Current status:

oc get crd | grep improbable                              2020-06-18T17:34:59Z                      2020-06-18T17:35:00Z                             2020-06-18T17:35:00Z                                2020-06-18T17:35:00Z                             2020-06-18T17:35:01Z
oc get pods 
NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
eco-controller-manager-796f74db94-jpfp7   1/1     Running            0          119m
eco-proxy-cfdb688bb-pb5rh                 0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   48         119m
oc logs eco-proxy-cfdb688bb-pb5rh -n eco-system 
2020-06-18T20:18:21.298Z    INFO    setup   Starting proxy  {"version": "v0.2.0-23-gf84abc6"}
2020-06-18T20:18:21.299Z    INFO    setup   Listening   {"grpc-address": ":8080"}

Step 5: kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml

I tried creating this CR in both hari namespace and eco-system namespace

 oc get 
NAME         AGE
my-cluster   149m
 oc logs
error: no kind "EtcdCluster" is registered for version "" in scheme ""

Output Full logs to relevant components eco-controller-manager.log

Anything else we need to know

cheahjs commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

Will investigate if the installation instructions are still up to date. Note to self: CI uses standalone kustomize v3, kubectl ships with kustomize v2. make deploy uses kustomize build <config> | kubectl apply -f.

With the cluster deployment error, the manager is logging

2020-06-18T17:54:30.724Z    ERROR   controller-runtime.controller   Reconciler error    {"controller": "etcdcluster", "request": "hari/my-cluster", "error": "Failed to reconcile: unable to create service: services \"my-cluster\" is forbidden: cannot set blockOwnerDeletion if an ownerReference refers to a resource you can't set finalizers on: , <nil>"}

A quick search suggests that OpenShift requires an additional RBAC permission for <resource>/finalizer to set finalizers. Our tests and deployments are currently on Kind/GKE, so would have missed this. Will investigate what is needed for a fix.

HariNarayananMohan commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

Will investigate if the installation instructions are still up to date. Note to self: CI uses standalone kustomize v3, kubectl ships with kustomize v2. make deploy uses kustomize build <config> | kubectl apply -f.

With the cluster deployment error, the manager is logging

2020-06-18T17:54:30.724Z  ERROR   controller-runtime.controller   Reconciler error    {"controller": "etcdcluster", "request": "hari/my-cluster", "error": "Failed to reconcile: unable to create service: services \"my-cluster\" is forbidden: cannot set blockOwnerDeletion if an ownerReference refers to a resource you can't set finalizers on: , <nil>"}

A quick search suggests that OpenShift requires an additional RBAC permission for <resource>/finalizer to set finalizers. Our tests and deployments are currently on Kind/GKE, so would have missed this. Will investigate what is needed for a fix.

jaegertracing/jaeger-operator#461 spotahome/redis-operator#98

Thank you! I followed it and was able to make it work few days before. Thought of sharing it back.

jimmy-scott commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I followed it and was able to make it work few days before. Thought of sharing it back.

Hi! Could you share how? :) It's unclear which resource needs this exactly.

In the meantime I've read the sources to see which ownerReferences were created.. and found this works:

- apiGroups:
  - etcdbackupschedules/finalizers
  - update
- apiGroups:
  - etcdclusters/finalizers
  - update
- apiGroups:
  - etcdpeers/finalizers
  - update
- apiGroups:
  - etcdrestores/finalizers
  - update