imranhsayed / aquila

🎨 An Advanced WordPress theme
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Problem in radio controls of heading-with-icon custom block component #67

Open marcosmanto opened 3 years ago

marcosmanto commented 3 years ago

Hi Inran, I am following your excellent tutorial on YT and the code present in: aquila-master\assets\src\js\gutenberg\blocks\heading-with-icon\edit.js

didn't work for me. When I clicked in radio buttons the option didn't change. I apply this change in edit.js and it worked for me:

      label={ __( 'Select the icon', 'aquila' ) }
      help={ __( 'Controls icon selection', 'aquila' ) }
      selected={ option }
      options={ [
          { label: 'Dos', value: 'dos' },
          { label: "Dont's", value: 'donts' },
      ] }
      onChange={ ( optionVal ) => {
          setAttributes( { option: optionVal } );
      } }

Instead of using setAttributes( { optionVal } ) I changed to setAttributes( { option: optionVal } )

Same for change the content on typing (setAttributes( { content: contentVal }):

  tagName="h4" // The tag here is the element output and editable in the admin
  className={ className }
  value={ content } // Any existing content, either from the database or an attribute default
  onChange={ ( contentVal ) => setAttributes( { content: contentVal } ) } // Store updated content as a block attribute
  placeholder={ __( 'Heading…', 'aquila' ) } // Display this text before any content has been added by the user

Thanks for your great work