imroc / req

Simple Go HTTP client with Black Magic
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进行HTTP摘要认证出错,没有qop参数的时候会报错 #269

Open DarkiT opened 10 months ago

DarkiT commented 10 months ago

例如使用HTTP摘要认证登陆华为设备会提示:digest: qop must be specified 华为设备返回的摘要信息如下: WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Huawei",nonce="66f38e5ec6ebedc7c65c16f1c0ea3f46", algorithm=SHA-256

imroc commented 10 months ago



This parameter MUST be used by all implementations. It is a quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection. See the descriptions below for calculating the response parameter value for the application of this choice. Unrecognized options MUST be ignored.


imroc commented 10 months ago

我在想,为了提升使用的便利性,req也不必遵循规范,当响应中没有 qop 参数时,默认指定为 auth

imroc commented 10 months ago


DarkiT commented 10 months ago

试了下,不行,我提交了一个Pull请求来处理了这个问题,您看看 更新

imroc commented 10 months ago

@DarkiT 最新版做了微调,没用正则,试试看

DarkiT commented 10 months ago

@imroc 获取摘要参数没问题,validateQop() 和 resp() 方法需要修改下,不然计算出来的摘要信息过不了验证。

func (c *credentials) validateQop() error {
    if c.messageQop == "" {
        return nil
    possibleQops := strings.Split(c.messageQop, ", ")
    var authSupport bool
    for _, qop := range possibleQops {
        if qop == "auth" {
            authSupport = true
    if !authSupport {
        return errDigestQopNotSupported

    return nil

func (c *credentials) resp() (string, error) {

    b := make([]byte, 16)
    _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    c.cNonce = fmt.Sprintf("%x", b)[:32]

    ha1 := c.ha1()
    ha2 := c.ha2()

    if len(c.messageQop) == 0 {
        return c.h(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", ha1, c.nonce, ha2)), nil
    return c.kd(ha1, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s",
        c.nonce,, c.cNonce, c.messageQop, ha2)), nil
imroc commented 10 months ago

@DarkiT 默认qop已经赋值auth了,相当于默认按auth方式计算摘要,怎么会过不了验证呢

DarkiT commented 10 months ago

主要是这种不标准的摘要在摄像头及流媒体认证里面使用的很广 ,跟常见的网站摘要认证有区别,比如海康、华为的摄像头北向接口基本上都是这种摘要认证,是没有qop参数的,都是这样的: WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Huawei",nonce="66f38e5ec6ebedc7c65c16f1c0ea3f46", algorithm=SHA-256 他们计算摘要的方式略有有点区别,只传入了 HA1、NONCE、HA2进行计算。 c.h(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", ha1, c.nonce, ha2))


imroc commented 10 months ago


imroc commented 10 months ago

@DarkiT 又 release了小版本,试试