Closed n0v3xx closed 2 years ago
How did you upload it? Please show your code snippet.
Here is the code. I think my code is correct i do upload on other services which dont need a correct Content Length. But oboom need it.
func (o Oboom) Upload(filePath string) (UploadResponse, error) { _, err := o.Login() if err != nil { return nil, err }
file, _ := os.Open(filePath)
fileName := filepath.Base(file.Name())
fupload := req.FileUpload{
FileName: fileName,
FieldName: "file",
File: file, // File
params := req.QueryParam{
"token": o.Token,
"parent": "1",
//rsp, err := o.Client.Request.Post(usrsp.Result, o.Client.Header, params, fupload, req.UploadProgress(progress))
rsp, err := o.Client.Request.Post(URLUploadServer, o.Client.Header, params, fupload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ursp := &UploadResponse{}
err = rsp.ToJSON(ursp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ursp, nil
It looks like your req lib dont handle it correctly.
File upload uses Content-Type multipart/form-data
with random boundary to seperate different files, and no Content-Length will been set.
If you don't need multipart/form-data
, you could just post the os.File
file, _ := os.Open(filePath)
params := req.QueryParam{
"token": o.Token,
"parent": "1",
rsp, err := o.Client.Request.Post(URLUploadServer, o.Client.Header, params, file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ursp := &UploadResponse{}
err = rsp.ToJSON(ursp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ursp, nil
Ok thanks i will try it. Is there a way to post the file with a minimum amount of memory like the "multipart/form-data" with io.Pipe? Or is io:pipe also used when i post the file directly? Thanks for you help.
yes, both supported.
Crazy both ways dont work with that filehoster. It looks like he need a "multipart/form-data" request with full content length and posted as a normal file. I am not sure if this possbile at the moment.
Sorry, not possible at this moment. We cannot know the total Content-Length at the begining, because the content was not just the raw file, it was base64 encoded, and filling some of the other fields.
I think its possible to calculate the content length before you send the request. DumpRequest from thte httputil can print out the correct content length from a request (r *http.Request). Can you evaluate this option?
DumpRequest(req, true)
will just simply read all the request header and body in memory, it's dangerous if we read the big file
Thats realy anoying in Go. With PHP (CURLFile) i can upload huge files with a minimal amount of RAM to this hoster and with Go it is not possible. Looks like that Go is not the best option for fileuploads at all.
i want to upload an file to oboom com via API. And req dont set the correct content length header. I get the following message: "missing or invalid Content-Length header"
I debug it and content length it always 0.
Is it possible to set correct header?